#103 Let's Play with Food 🥐☕️🇦🇺 来点黑暗料理 + 聊点澳洲咖啡

in #foodboasting6 years ago (edited)


What's up fellow Steemians! Today I'm going to ramble a bit about food. As a Chinese having lived in Asia, Europe, South America, the Caribbeans and Australia, my food experience is pretty extensive, and I enjoy a wide variety of food. I don't want to say "East or West, home food is the best", too narrow-minded, isn't it? ;) There are so many delicacies all over the world. But still, Asian food is something I cook and eat the most often, not because it's the best, but because I'm more familiar with its cooking.

By Asian food, I don't mean Chinese food or Cantonese food, but food I tried in Asian countries. 🍛🍲🍜 And I have to point out that Cantonese food is always mistaken as typical Chinese food, just because there is a large number of Cantonese immigrants overseas. Look at the strange mushy meat wrapped in dark soy sauce, sometimes even with broccoli, yuuucky...😆 no it's not Chinese food, not even genuine Cantonese one. In fact, there are so many different cuisines in China besides the Cantonese one. 😃

So when I occasionally miss Asian food in a Western kind of country, what do I do? Aha~ I play with the food:

And I burn the bread (look at the head picture)! Too much bread in the Western diet! 😅
Haha, just kidding! So what's the black stuff? No worries, it's black garlic bread, and what next to it are brown butter and burnt vanilla. You see there's really something burnt! 😜 They look a bit like a devil, but taste divine. The multi-seed bagel with pastrami and fried egg is also delectable. 😋



This place - Gauge was recommended by a local friend from Brisbane. Located just across the street from the South Bank’s art precinct, it is café by day and restaurant by night. According to the AU Review:

It is a small and unassuming cafe/restaurant that produces a Michelin-star quality food at reasonable prices. Jerome Batten is the man behind Gauge, a role he juggles while also helming Sourced Grocer, a cafe and grocer in Newstead. For both, the focus is on local, quality produce – with each kitchen’s own flair for originality.

From their menu, you can see lots of creative options with Australian ingredients, such as kangroo consommé and quandong (one of the best known bushfoods - a native peach widely dispersed throughout the central deserts and southern areas of Australia).

当地朋友推荐的这家食肆还是挺赞的~ 新鲜的季节性原料,创新的烹饪手法,浓郁的本土特色,有袋鼠肉汤、澳洲特有的丛林食材 -- 框档果(曾是土著居民的主要食物,被文玩商引入中国时炒作为佛螺菩提太会掰了)等很多选择。点的几个小盘不说色香味俱佳,起码口感不错,尤其黑色蒜香土司抹上黄油、配上烤焦的香草,吃起来唇齿留香,意犹未尽。旁边的改良贝果面包搭着五香酱牛肉末和鸡蛋,味道也很独特。有专业评论称这家是“米其林的品质,平民的价格”。

Their dinner menu(it's seasonal, so it can be different):

A great cuppa coffee afterwards:

The quality of coffee and the barista culture is a big thing in Australia. Aussies love their coffee. So when a place takes coffee seriously like this one, plenty of locals are willing to wait from its opening time. Some Aussies love to laugh at Starbucks that can't live up to the high-quality coffee standards they hold, like the same brand didn't stand a chance to break into the Italian market (It's said the first Starbucks shop is finally due to open later this year in downtown Milano).

澳大利亚,尤其是墨尔本这样的地方是以注重咖啡品质而闻名的,个中原因又可以另写一篇。你可能要问,澳洲早先是英国佬的地盘,这帮人不是喝茶的主儿吗?长话短说,就是1928年,墨尔本的一家咖啡厅率先配备了意式浓缩咖啡机,从此,曾经沧海难为水,除却espresso不是咖,☕ 一切都不一样了。接着咖啡机又传到悉尼,喝浓咖啡的习惯渐渐在澳洲社会流传开来。



除了对咖啡很讲究的意大利法国葡萄牙等欧洲国家,我还有幸访问过巴西、越南、哥伦比亚这世界前三大咖啡出口国,也在加勒比、埃塞俄比亚等有名的咖啡产区尝过不少咖啡,希望遥远不久的将来也可以和大家分享这些经历。不知不觉竟然又扯了这么多,吃货的真爱啊~ ❤



The head picture also serves as an entry to Foodboasting Photo Contest by @karenmckersie. Check out her page and join the fun! Actually she only asks for one food photo, so apparently there’s too much ramble in my post this time. =)

Like what I said in my intro post:

I do, like many of you foodies there, take great pleasure in eating and cooking. And I try to learn cooking from different cultures during my travels, to spice up my own experiments on food fusion. I’d love to share these experiences in my future posts too, such as the fun culinary workshops in Mexico, Peru, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, etc..

Check out my food posts and follow me for more:

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多

Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)

感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)

Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !

!steemitworldmap -27.473492 lat 153.017678 long 77 Grey Street, South Brisbane d3scr


HAHAHA I LOVE your food face!!!! Black bread made me hungry!

Where's your favorite place to live? You've lived so many places! Have you figured out where you want to be forever? Or will you move around always?

I'm so curious about other travelers. I haven't decided what I want yet. But since I AM in Asia, I can go eat some Asian food right now. Probably some fake Cantonese stuff if I can find it haha :)

I haven't decided what I want either. South America impressed me the most since it's so exotic or different I guess. But you probably have the most choices of cheap food in Asia! :D I just read that you are in Vietnam - great place to try looooots of fresh delicious stuff! What did you eat today? haha... Do you have your own blog site? You know that @steempress-io plugin right?

Omg! I didn't know about that plugin but that's a game changer!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!

My heart and soul is Hispanic. I love Central and South America so freaking much for some reason.

But I'm loving being in Asia!!!! Today I had bun no hue and then also the Vietnamese version of pizza...I forget what it's called. I wrote it down somewhere though so I'll get back to you.

It's 1 am and now I'm craving pho just because you mentioned how good Vietnamese food is, haha! I also really love mi xao Bo and bun xeo and banh mi sandwiches!

It's nice to know someone else also doesn't know where they want to be! Haha maybe this is why we keep moving!

Hahaha, you've already mentioned so much Vietnamese food! I know that Vietnamese version of pizza you are talking about - it's a popular street food right? I love it, so tasty! And beautiful pho! I had it every day when in Vietnam, but the locals mostly eat it only for breakfast! :D
If you go to the end of my post here, there's a Vietnamese mini-pancake post I did. I plan to show so much more food but haven't got my hands on it yet... And I can feel your Hispanic soul, haha, you even look more Hispanic than an Indian princess, lol

OO I love those pancake things too I can't wait to see your post!

YES it's street food. You know :)! Haha YAY! I'm so happy to look sort of hispanic!!



哈哈 难道水瓶的喜欢用水汽压煮咖啡?☕️♒️


有点破产姐妹的势头啊 哈哈 俩大美女开店肯定会🔥 来暖暖~



It's nice and looks so delicious, what are those pls? 😍

You mean the black garlic bread or?

Hi, we have voted on your post because you have posted your article to either food, recipe, recipes, cooking or steemkitchen #tag. Steemkitchen is a brand new initiative where we want to build a community/guild focused purely on the foodie followers and lovers of the steem blockchain. Steemkitchen is out of the conceptual phase and growing each day. We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.

We are almost ready to Launch the first Decentralized Recipe and Food Blog Website that will utilize the Steem BlockChain and its community to reward contributions by its members.

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Flat white 哈哈 是不是很澳?听说你们Kiwi也claim它的出处?你呢?


没有啦 只是住西方到处都是 :) 还有去过一些产地大国看到不少 绕地球有一条带状产区

小姐姐这次美照大放送⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄呼叫某美女收割机赶紧来看📢

是啊 超市饭店里各种袋鼠肉 可能太多了他们觉得应该吃掉一些 😂

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hahaha 好有创意 👍 我对你的喜爱又多了2分 ( ̄▽ ̄)"


不止 还有海豹+1 猫狗雕塑+1 Sands内景+1 frangipani+1 等等等等 😄

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