Winners Writing course-Lesson 1

in #wewrite0114 days ago (edited)

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Dear Reader,

Lesson 1 of We-Write is behind us. The interest was overwhelming and we enjoyed reading all the entries. Although Task 1 was sometimes difficult to explain, we did our best to answer and give examples of what was meant between reviewing the entries (we had a total of 156 entries). In Task 2, more points were given, which was reflected in all the good entries. The participants made us think, dream, wish and laugh with the good stories we readduring the days and nights.

What did we do in lesson 1?

  • Task 1: We described in simple words (without feelings, assumptions) what we saw and next what we felt (two pictures were provided).
    Note: describing what you see means: I see a sky, a sun, flying birds, and so on. This is used in scriptwriting.
    Describing feelings are for example, anger, happy, lonely, satisfied, sad
  • Task 2: was 1 step further. We joined the #pic1000 contest hosted by @freewritehouse. First we described what we saw, next what we felt and after that we wrote a story of 100 words.
  • Task 3 We joined the "Art & Writing" hosted by @solperez. Here we had to choose a painting to write about and again we describes what we saw, felt and wrote a story of 100 words.

A good read it's not about markdowns but about catching the attention and trying to hold it to the end.

To do so you need:

  • A catchy title
  • A flashy start
  • No disturbance like "greetings, personal thoughts, "made with Canva" or pictures attracting the attention or disturbing your smooth writing.
  • Text (long or short) evoking feelings (empathy, sadness, joy, envt, anger) is a pre.
    Ratings and points were given according to the above.

#wewrite - Information entries - Lesson 1

Total entries156
Task 1 completed70
Task 2 completed44
Task 3 completed34
All tasks completed31

The Winners

Those who take a closer look at the #wewrite reports left in the comments section will find that the points given can still be high if the writing is inferior or if the assignment is misunderstood. In this case, it may be the out-of-the-box thinking, demonstrated creativity that is rewarded.
Those with the most points won. If there were several entrants with the same number of points, we again checked the titles, flashy starts and hashtag. Below, we present the final entry of each winner.

#1 @anailuj1992- 29 points - Relojes de soledad
A great story with a flashy start in which puns related to time have been creatively crafted into the text.

In the tower of an abandoned castle, Julián had found his refuge, where he began to develop his passion for clocks. He dedicated years of his life to repairing hands and gears.
He never had friends, he never knew love, he only lived for clocks. Ironically, time seemed to stand still in his confinement.
One night, breezes came through the window, the hands began to turn endlessly, strong winds knocked down the clocks and they all fell on him, thus becoming a great legend.
‘The man who devoted his whole life to clocks and never understood the true value of time.’

#2 @cruzamilcar63 - 28 points - Dónde está la magia
A little magic, it sounds so easy, but when it comes down to it, it eats up is time consuming. Selene was focused on composing the most beautiful melody to spread happiness, but in doing so, she forgot that nature already offers it.

Where is the magic
At last I've done it, thought Selene as she was about to place the last element on her magical pentagram, I've composed the most beautiful melody in the world. When these notes are incorporated into a rhythmic cadence, the listener will feel in the depths of his soul that he has found the answers to all the questions of the universe. The charms of their sounds will relieve the sorrows that have kept us from being happy for so long. Before she had finished her work, she heard the little bird singing behind her and was certain that she had wasted her time.

#3 @abnerpantoja - 27 points - La dualidad del ser femenino
No matter who and where you are if you plan it right, anything is possible if you start a new life elsewhere, The story is promissing.

In the underworld Aria focuses on weaving the destiny of her life; in the earthly world. And she does so by driving the beauty and harmony of her strength, from an inner and outer sense of her being.
Her effort pays off. There, in the real world, she projects a mysterious personality. She turns out to be a genuinely intelligent and beautiful woman. She is a halo of intellectual attraction.
She has in her inner self, here; in the underworld of her consciousness, the desire to be revered. She succeeds with flying colours. She has become the muse of a political, social, artistic and cultural movement.

#4 @blessedlife - 27 points - La de oídos sordos
What to say about this painting or better Elia spending her life in a boring room like the generations before her? She has found a way to express her feelings and remain deaf to the voice inside speaking to her. Is it to preserve her sanity?

There are no major distractions in the chore room. Elia usually sits in the queen's chair that has been passed down from generation to generation. It is the only one that survives in this space, next to the tall four-legged piece of furniture and a small board in front of her, which she uses as a support to express with her hands what is inside her.
Occasionally, a voice that comes from inside her speaks to her of despondency and creates ghosts in her mind. At first she hears them, she believes them to be true, but after a while clarity returns to her mind to turn a deaf ear.

#5 @mvchacin - 26 points - Detrás de la clave perfecta
Who needs a conservatory? Pagesliny is creative and spends all his time finding what is important to him. He sacrifices everything, doesn't care if they call him a madman and found what he was looking for. Some will call it an obsession, for others it is a stated goal.

This is the workshop of the great violinist Pagesliny, in that table he spent years creating the perfect clef, he lost his family, his youth, and even his life, his health deteriorated while he defied the laws to find the perfect clef, who knew him, tells that this man violated many of the paradigms of music, his interpretations were out of the established, the teachers of the time who were very orthodox did not agree with his way of playing, they even considered him a madman, he was expelled from the conservatory. And he only left his workshop until he found the perfect clef.

We like to thank everyone for joining we-write. It was a great learning experience
@inspiracion & @wakeupkitty


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Felicidades a los ganadores, sin duda se puede ver qué ellos estaba muy preparados y que sin duda dedicaron un gran tiempo w ésto.

Espero tener suerte en la próxima, felíz noche para todo ustedes, abrazos.😉

Seguro que tienes una oportunidad como todos. Lee atentamente cuáles son las normas y los hashtags. La tarea 1 no es demasiado difícil y las tareas 2 + 3 son de escritura libre. ¡Feliz escritura!

🥳🥳 Me siento muy feliz con estos resultados. Jejeje felicidades a todos mis compañeros quienes también quedaron en este top.

Seguro que eres muy feliz 🤣🤣 ¡Felicidades! 🍸🍾

Muchas gracias por tomar en cuenta mi publicación. Es un honor figurar en este grupo de ganadores. Felicitaciones para todos los que se encuentran allí, a los participantes en general y a las conductoras de esta iniciativa. Saludos...

Enhorabuena. Nos alegramos de que escriba con nosotros.

Guao, qué emoción. Leí entradas muy creativas y muchos usuarios dando lo mejor de sí para cumplir las tareas, por ello es un honor ser incluida en este grupo de ganadores.

Agradezco a las organizadoras por retarnos a prestar atención, ver, leer y conectar con nuestros sentidos.

¡Enhorabuena a todos los compañeros!

De hecho, hubo muchas entradas muy creativas y me lo pasé muy bien leyéndolas, especialmente durante la noche (sin molestias). Si todos los puntos se basaran en el texto, el resultado podría haber sido diferente. Gracias por unirte a nosotros, me ha encantado leerte y me alegra saber que estás entusiasmado. Un gran día para ti.
P.d. Como puedes ver se ha añadido un punto extra.

Un abrazote...cuanto me alegro..por ti y contigo

Felicidades a los ganadores.🎉🎉🎉

Muchas Bendiciones..🙏🏻

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