An Ideal World

in #life8 years ago

What would be an ideal world?

I remember when I learned one of the harsher truths of life: the fact that life isn't fair. There's no sugarcoating it. It is the natural phenomenon of the universe that has persisted through the ages and it will persist until the end of mankind. It cannot be stopped, it cannot be changed, it cannot be altered. It is the unstoppable force - much like time - that never comes to rest.

Life is riddled with harsh realities. And there is nothing that humans or anyone else really can do about it. What we can do is try to make the best of what we have, even if what we have is nothing. Mankind has become helpless to such an extent that we have developed methods and devices that help us to take our mind off of our real life. Such methods and devices that immerse us into a digital, virtual world which is much closer to the one we can only fantasize about: An ideal world. This sketches an incredible picture of the human helplessness. It is our way of assuring ourselves that everything is alright and/or it will turn out alright.

Pessimistic? Maybe, but this doesn't make the above text invalid.

Religion helps to ease this uncomfortable feeling of helplessness but it can only do so much. I deem it all to be based on one thing: Imagination.

Imagination doesn't hurt, the best it can do is give us hope. It gives us a chance to combine to play an alternate version of the world we inhabit in our minds. A world of which we are the masters, we are the creators and the destroyers. A world of which the laws of nature we dictate. Imagination is just that and nothing more. It is a sketchbook on which we draw our concepts. In the end, it just another of our ways of escaping from the realities and the responsibilities. A way to enter the world we've built for ourselves. The ideal world.

What Would Be An Ideal World?

A world which is free of crime. A world which is free of hatred. A world which is free of jealousy. A world where you CAN have the best of both worlds. A world where you get to make your dreams come true. A world where you get what you expected. A world where there is no despair, no restrictions and limitations enforced by time, no wither-ment, no geographical borders, no racism, no sexism, no ideological or religious segregation. I can go on and on and expand on my ideal world but I'll stop here since I hope I've got my point across. For me, that is the ideal world: a world in which I would like to live in.

I accepted this long ago that the path of nature and it's phenomenons cannot be changed. No matter how much we'd like to have a Save & Load option in our lives, it isn't possible. The laws of nature and physics impose several restrictions on how the universe works. Living beings can only work so much against these laws. It is not possible to fully realize the concept of one's ideal world. The best that can be done is to try and realize even a small portion of it. Brick by brick it can be done. But for even that to happen, we need to clearly define an ideal world. We have to stop 95% of the things we do every day for this to happen. Although, I know that this is just me having an episode of optimism, there is an ember deep inside of me that says There is a chance... That ember is my fuel, that ember keeps me going, that ember, that ember gives me hope, that infinitesimally small ember is the foundation of my existence.



my humble opinion, I believe that not everyone realizes that life is unfair, I think we are the people we want to improve ourselves every day, better, always better level of demand striving for perfection. I am a person who was born in a very poor neighborhood low and there are not things are perceived, happiness and justice is in the simple things, when you want the simple things algomas there is present injustice. Excuse me, it's just an opinion, his work is excellent congratulations

Never stop dreaming. I have the same dream. I have the same ember inside of me too. I blog about how I feel and my opinions just like you are... and that's how this can begin.

If I could have it my way, this statement:

Mankind has become helpless to such an extent that we have developed methods and devices that help us to take our mind off of our real life

...would make me a virtual world gamer full time, just to escape this life. Unfortunately for every hour I play a game, I'm wasting valuable time I need to keep the bills paid, so I can't.

One day, I wish I could be financially stable enough, to play the games I want, when I want, and not feel guilty about it.
When like minded people know they are around other like minded people, all of a sudden we feel like we're not alone in how we feel.

That's the first step in getting something done. It doesn't sound like much, but it is a step.

I agree with you. We would all be immersed into virtual worlds if we hadn't the need to care for our physical selves. The responsibilities that have been put onto us are so heavy that we cannot even fathom them. To fulfill them we have to work tirelessly and endlessly at the cost of our rest and time. Our life passes in an attempt to fulfill these responsibilities.

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