To A Familiar Unknown Land: Pre-Travel Thoughts

in #life8 years ago

People say the best time to travel is after graduation; right after you escape the waves of exam stress but right before you take on work responsibilities and obligations.

I don’t know who “people” is… but People IS RIGHT!

In a few days, I will be traveling to my country of origin: Viet Nam. I’ve HEARD so much about it, SEEN so much about it, TASTED so much (food) from it… So, I’m really excited and lucky to have the opportunity to experience it first hand in the MOTHERLAND!

I was born in Canada and I grew up under an Asian roof and well.. that makes me question my identity sometimes [Am I Canadian or Am I Vietnamese?]. Some might compare first generation immigrants like myself to a banana… yellow on the outside, but white on the inside [Hahaaa]… But, I mean, I grew up in such a diverse setting! It had to affect my core in some way.

  • My upstairs neighbor used to be Africans and my downstairs neighbor was of some Caucasian decent…
  • Half of my high school spoke Arabic.
  • I did not have close Asian friends (let alone Vietnamese) until I reached college.
  • My co-workers ranged from Chinese, to Persian, to Armenian…origins
  • I binge watch Friends with a side of Japanese animes and a sprinkle of Korean dramas.
  • My favorite dish to cook is Fettuccine Alfredo with extra cheese with a side of bread and hummus.
  • Etc... etc. ... Other Canadians can testify

Yet, even in all that beautiful diversity, my parents managed to stuff in some Vietnamese culture in me. All the home cooked meals, the Saturday Vietnamese classes, the Sunday Christian Scouts squad, the constant Vietnamese karaoke soundtracks, the different Vietnamese dubbed dramas… I guess my core is not simply white...

So, if I were to be compared to a fruit, that fruit better be the most COLOURFUL fruit in existence!

I am extremely grateful for the Canadian diversity I live in! I am also extremely thankful that my parents worked so hard to preserve their culture in this new world! As there is a little bit of VIETNAM in me, soon, there will be a little bit of ME in Vietnam [HEEHEEE].

I must confess though, being around too many Asian people makes me really anxious especially after growing up in such a diverse crowd (…college was a shock to me). I heard that many share this same feeling though!

… I wonder why!

I’m sure that I will fit in the crowd of 89.7 MILLION VIETNAMESE fine though! (and stick out like a sore thumb at the same time because apparently being 5'6" is tall in Vietnam).

Fun fact: The average Vietnamese woman is 4'9" and the average male is 5'3". (AYYYAAAAH!)

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Picture in a Saree instead of Vietnamese dress [Ao Dai]. Maybe I'll get a picture in one there!

Well... I warned you that I grew up in a diverse setting.

Wish me luck on this new adventure!
Write to you soon STEEMIANS!



Goodluck in Vietnam. Bless

You're not a fruit, you're a fruit PLATTER XD

I'm similar, I was born an Australian citizen, and grew up on an Australian territory...the population of which is mostly Chinese with a sprinkling of Malay and then "the rest of us" (including the Caucasians, I'm a terribly mixed bag of nuts myself).

If you feel like sharing photos from your trip we (or at least I XD) would love to see them :) I think my parents and possibly my sister have been to Viet Nam but I haven't. People are absolutely right by the way, taking that year or two off to travel is an awesome idea. I wish I'd done that instead of listening to my anxious uncle who ordered his kids and me (I was living with them at the time) to just finish our education (ie go straight into uni after high school) and there would be "plenty of time" for us to travel and party and enjoy ourselves afterwards. Well I think only one of my cousins has travelled and partied since and he was a cause for exasperation because he wouldn't "settle down and get a real job" for ages -_-

Have fun :D


I'm actually only going for less than a month... hahaha but better than nothing! Will definitely make the most of it.
Also, I graduated from Uni with 2 degrees already.. so yes, you do still have the time to travel ;)
Hope you decide to when you're done on your side!

Thank you for the chat :D

We had kids "young" (early 20s) so travelling is a bit pricey for us now XD But it's okay, we haven't seen most of our own country yet and it's a decent size ;)

I don't know whether you are talking about Australia or China, but both are definitely on my bucket list too!
Hope you get to travel with your wonderful children soon! :D

Australia :)

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