Importance of Lent season

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Lent came from the English word "Lengthen", which is a 40-day period commemorating events before the death of Jesus Christ, including His own death. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Day Ash is important because it teaches us how much privilege people can have and how we can use that privilege to help others in prayer.

So why do Christians celebrate Lent?

What is the most important lesson we can learn from celebrating such an occasion?

Lent is a Christian festival that preceded the Epiphany Season. A day set aside each year to commemorate God's love. Christians who accept Lent often make a concerted effort to give up or give up a particular practice or practice. On Friday, passionate Lent fans do not eat meat, preferring to eat fish. These religious practices are intended to deepen the spiritual vision of the observer and to strengthen the relationship with God.

Lent is a symbol of sacrifice. In Christianity, we are taught how Jesus Christ gave his life for us. When Jesus was outside the New Testament, Satan begged him to leave the Faith and glorify him instead, but Jesus resisted, which is why people would give up anything to put their own burdens on themselves. Satan used all his power to entice Jesus to worship him but failed. During that 40-day period of testing, Jesus did not give up on his disciples, even when he was given so many “magnificent things” to them.

We often make sacrifices. It may be big or small but at the end of the day, there is a difference between how the impact will change our lives.

I have always admired that Jesus gave his whole life. I mean, at those times, he can easily choose or choose something that will benefit him such as getting used to fishing or hanging out with friends, but no, he chooses the best for everyone. Until His last breath, He chose for mankind.

I actually have a story about donation but it is not that big.

One thing I always regret is that I follow what society says rather than my happiness. When I was in high school, I had a lot of options in my sleeves. We took a test to see what lessons we could learn based on how we answered the simple questions. I have a lot of things that come to my mind at the time. At one point, I wanted to take the law. However, I did not want to bring the burden of shame and humiliation on my own, so I did not do that. Although I have a lot of dreams I want to achieve when I think about becoming a lawyer, I was not as confident as I should be. So my next choice was Making Films. I love video editing and I love making stories whenever a group project is about making a short film. But I will never forget what my mother told me when I said I wanted to be a director. He said I should choose something that by the end of the college year, I would be sure I would make money from it. Perhaps his view of directors is not so great because, somehow, the directors of the entertainment industry do not make much money. I felt sad when I heard that but at the time, I did not let it all make me sad. Maybe now, as I look back, I should have been in a much happier place if I had followed that dream.

Yes, I love my study, but sometimes I do not enjoy it. I feel like I do these things because they have to be done. I am not the same person when I go to college, hoping that one day I will find food at the table and more at another day. It is an insult to me because the one thing I should never have a problem with is the right I have to be in school. As if not everyone can go to school, I should always be grateful for what I have been given.

Right now, even though I’m already in the last leg of college, I find it hard to try to figure out what to expect. I do not give up hope, however, we will not find happiness in something we are already compelled to do.

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