in GEMS4 years ago
In our life everyone says that you should never be having excessive of anything. Excess of anything due to some places where you should not be going and they are very harmful in your life as they are the ones which leaves you to the places which you do not have visited and are the reasons why you feel and our home at the end of the day because excess of anything is crossing the limit of uses of that particular thing and each and everything each and every aspect each and every decision is having a limit of till and if we surpass that then we reach a place which is pretty harmful.


You have surely listened to a lot of people was saying that always stay in Linux to each and everything meaning in the limit of if and there is the basic things that we need to keep in mind because each and everything we do is having a limit and that is not caused if we want to be staying in the same lines on that particular task that 202 and crossing the line what happens to them is that they have to do certain to get back on track.

But have you ever thought that there can be certain things which are having no limits are better been doing excessive in limits there are certain things which you should not think about the limits of there's but always keep on doing them and surfacing every limit they are having. Where I know this really sounds very interesting what it is a factor as well there are certain things in life which are very good if we do them on a really expensive basis.

Just ask the opposite to those things which we do excessive and harm our own selves but in this case we do them we do good to our own self and the things and talking about skills and qualities that we are having.

To Start with the first one which is really good if we surpass every limit of it is gaining knowledge. Knowledge is having no foundations it is countless and endless one cannot figure out that how much knowledge he or she can gain in his entire life it is completely countless and that is why people can gain knowledge as began or B12 and the things that excessive of knowledge is not a bad thing it is eventually growing your thinking skills Your mental ability and a lot of things all at once knowledge is one of those things which is going to help you in a number of aspects all at once and there is one of the biggest positive about gaining knowledge and if you can't do it excessively without thinking about its limit then no one can surpass you.

Another thing which is really very amazing and is having the similar qualities as very good if you do it and can excessive level which is that you treat everyone in A Gentleman's manner and deserve one of those things which are really very amazing and is going to help you lifelong because behaviour of a person is what makes him or her special in the eyes of other people and if you can do that at an excessive level you are going at newer Heights than other people. Is one of those things which is a personality of hours in front of other people and if we can make it flawless which is by completely practicing on it and doing it not acceptable levels it is going to surely be helping to move ahead of other people in a much competitive aspect.


Thanks Everyone For Stopping by and spending some time on my works and I hope you liked it :)

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I am Alisha, a resident of India who loves to create and interact. I am known by @iamalisha in the blockchain world and in real life I do graviate towards creating videos, listening songs and hunt for ways to bring my dreams to reality. Please Drop below your valuable feedback and help me grow and march ahead :)


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