sooo this is where it starts..

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Hello.... I don't particularly like the idea of hey world look at me.. but it would seem that everyone starts out with a
"introduceyourself" post to prove that they are in fact peoples.. not just funny bot’s hell bent on world domination. spamming everyone and everything they come in contact with. side note.. don't worry I will do this a lot.. ok back to the side note.. with all the talks of "Bot protection" and such it always gives me a funny mental picture of some misshapen robotic device hunting and pecking on a keyboard trying to post but getting shut down every other time. In frustration I imagine this bot smashing a keyboard with his robot face. keyboard keys flying about bouncing off the table and floor.. :)

*** one more disclaimer *** Spelling and Grammar are not my strong suits. never have been, never will be. Soooo I'm sure there will be a lot of folks that will get offended or otherwise have their eyeballs pop out of their skulls and or drowned in a DictoThesaurous fueled rage and quite possible die due the exposure.. strap yourself in and enjoy it if you can... but if run on sentences make your blood pressure boil.. its best you just stop right now.. However, I will do my best to use the magic of the F7 Key.. but I will miss stuff.. and flat out not care as much as some and just move on. Lol

Beyond all that I suppose we should get started. My name is IACO.. well it’s not really but I have used in as a screen name for over a decade. It’s my Xbox live Gamer tag so in a part it is my name. If we must get one step closer to the real world my true first name is Ian. I’m 35 years old and live in the united states. I have three beautifully wonderful sometimes destructive children. I have lived a lot in my 35 years. Married and divorced.. while that process was painful and brought me beyond my core foundations. It helped me realize what’s truly important in life and in realizing that I Found a beautiful woman whom I can honestly say completes me in every way and have been happily married for a few years now.

I haven’t traveled much in my adult years, but knowing that It’s not really something I need to do.. sure it would be fun to travel all over the world, meeting new people and places, it’s just not something that I need to do. I am happy being me, in the place that I am. Where ever that may be. I love to have fun, and have always said that for as long as I am alive I will never truly grow up. There is to much magic around us that most people walk past and don’t notice. I live in my own world. It’s different that everyone else’s. I know that for a good portion of my day I will be forced to visit the real world for a time. Doing real world stuff.. but any moment I can find to sneak back into my own world and make up a story, have a laugh or smile at something others have overlooked I will take it. Thinking about this reminds me that there are lessons we can all learn from children. Somewhere along the way, we as adults forget to look, or overlook every situation. In that process we truly do miss out on some amazing things. Our minds are to focused on what has happened, or what we want to happen. We walk blindly past what is happening. Not stopping long enough to live in the moments as they are being born. Life is what is right now. Not what happened yesterday and not what will or will not happen tomorrow. How much time do we truly loose not even realizing it has slipped away? How much emotion have we misused stressing, worrying and lingering on the past? In the same breath how much of right now have we let evaporate due to thoughts of tomorrow. That is just a few reasons why I choose to do my best to live in the moment. If something funny catches my eye.. or as I approach a small cluster of steps and wonder what it would be like to walk up them backwards.. I do it. people will look at me strange. but it doesn’t matter. there is no guarantee that I will be here tomorrow, and in a lesser sense I might not ever find that stairway again.. so I might as well take the time to do what my imagination or sense of wonder suggests I do. as long as it’s not hurting anyone or myself. I say Let life happen and stop worrying about the things we can’t control. I know that I am not like most people. I love to make up stories about otherwise plan experiences to make them more exciting. If not for my own selfish desire to laugh but for my children and friends around me. Even something as simple as “where did my keys go?” turns into a life or death fight between gnomes and leprechauns riding my little pony’s around my house at night fighting for control of the fabled land of coffee table.. my keys must have been collateral damage. Hence the reason I can’t find them. not because I simple just placed them somewhere odd and will now spend the next 20 min looking over and under everything before falling down on one knee asking for guidance from the keeper of knowledge “ my wife” who knows just about where everything is… not because she pays attention to such things.. it’s because she has been blessed with the sight beyond sight (ThunderCats reference) and can use the “The Sword of Omens” see beyond things I can’t. more truth to that is I have been know on occasion to not really lock behind things or under things very well.. be it a male trait I don’t know.. but she would say if she where here “found it.. did you even look behind the insert bland object” to which I proclaim. yes, I totally looked there. then I point at her and say.. “ you must have just put them there to make me look like I don’t know where things are..” lol.. it’s all in good fun.. but I am my own Arch nemesis. I love movies, videogames, beer and rum are constant side kicks into most of my adventures.

I love to tinker, burn and blow up things.... take things apart just to figure out how they work. I am proud to admit I have a 75% success rate at putting them back together again. I always have extra screws left over and they might not work anymore. but I needed to see its naughty bits to understand how or why it works or worked lol. I have a curiosity that is to blame for most of it. Once something catches my eye I need to figure out how it works. once I see the man behind the curtain and learn the how’s and the whys.. it’s time to move on to something else. As far as my life in the “real world goes” I work in health care. Right out of high school I needed to find a job, As my half semester run at an engineering degree left me tasting the strong realization that my drive and curiosity often eclipsed my knowledge of mathematics .. money doesn’t grow on trees so I bowed out. Vowing to return again at a later date. Unless I found my self kidnaped by migrant penguins being forced to live the rest of my days in the cold confines of their human slave camps.. I have been successful at keeping my distance from the penguin exhibit at the zoo and that funny shaved ICE truck that has a giant penguin wearing a Hawaiian shirt.. of which I am rather sure that is the penguin’s version of google street view. hidden cameras are mounted. mounted everywhere and its surveying us. Keeping tabs, and hiding right under our noses in plain sight under the guise of high fructose syrup colored liquids. OK back to the point.. My mom for as long as I can remember was a nurse at a local hospital. she recommend I get a job there until I could figure things out. I was the summer after all, why not. I started working in the inpatient Pharmacy as a technician and what started out as a summer job has lasted 16 years so far.. hahaha I do truly love my job. I make IV medications, TPN’s, chemo’s and pain management drugs. I know that while people receiving these medications don’t often think of the people that have made them. I know that I have helped hundreds of thousands of people recover from infections or leave this earth with less pain or anxiety. My favorites memories where working at the hospital on third shift. There was a Code team and I was lucky enough to get to go on hundreds of runs. Patients would go into cardiac arrest and they would call a “Code Blue” and a location. A pharmacist and myself would grab our tool box full of medications and rush to their bedside. Sometimes the patient wouldn’t make it. But sometimes they would. Either way it was rewarding to know that in that moment I was helping. We might not all realize it.. but people are the world’s most valuable resource. People are what make this life great. Interactions, conversations, smiles and cries are what make this whole crazy thing worth it. That’s one of the reasons why I enjoy Steem so much. It’s a giant bowl of people. Mixing around sharing things, learning from others or discovering themselves. In a hope for something new. Something not like the book of faces.. so as long as this post was. and inherently non liner I welcome you to my world. I will do my best when the mood strikes me to post more. I hope you all have a wonderful day, remember to smile at yourself and never grow up..


Strong intro. I added my 2 cents, literally.

Hahaha well you haven't reached whale status just yet ;)

hello Iako, welcome to the community!!!
Hello from St.Petersburg!

Hello right back at you :) hope your Friday is treating you well:)

What kind of horses go out after dusk? -Nightmares!

Ciao! Ciao!

Enjoy your stay!

Welcome to Steemit @iaco!

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