Schweinehaxe comedy, hello Steemit

Hello Steemit community and honorable Facebook haters,

we want take you with us in a different world called the weißwurstequator. The land where the beer flows in golden rivers from the top of the mountain to the valleys where the strange dressed people life. 

 We maybe drunken all the time but our scientists give a few nice gifts to the world, our cows are purple and taste like chocolate, we have a special kind of bear, only living in this area called the goldbären they shine in every color and it tastes like a rainbow.

Or our great inventions, the car, the PC, the Autobahn ( a lot of beer and no Speedlimit, what a great idea ), but our development of Boom-Boom robotic are light years behind the Japanese, but we are hard in coming.

Don't take our words so seriously, we only want to entertain people with a pinch of ironic and sarcasm. On this Chanel we will bring all kinds of comedy. We're two German guys living in the middle of Germany. We sure we'll have a great time, and we are happy to be a part of this community.

See ya 


The rather strong #deutsch community is always open for some fun! Check out @leroy.linientreu guys, he is the most serious german writer I know around here! Greets

It´s great to be a part of community. Thanks for the tip, we will check out @leroy.linientreu. The more the better :)

Autobahn ( a lot of beer and no Speedlimit, what a great idea )

Don't drink and drive! I've traveled around the autobahn and i must say, 200km/h feels safe while on the autobahn, it actually feels a little slow when i see a BMW speeding past me.

Welcome aboard my European brothers , you might run into some bandwidth problems when posting, if you want some tips how to work around this problem watch my latest post since i talked about it
I'm waiting anxiously for your posts

Let´s be serious for a monemt, never drink and drive.
Yeah, that´s crazy, you think you driving fast with 200 km/h and someone comes and hit you like that

Yup, i would definitely need a new pair of pants after that

Thank you my friend :)

Hallo @huwaldinho, herzlich willkommen auf Steemit.

Wenn Du Fragen zu Steemit hast, oder Dich mit anderen deutschen „Steemians“ austauschen magst, schau einfach mal auf unserem Discord-Server vorbei.

Unter dem folgenden Link findest Du einige Anleitungen, die Dir den Einstieg in das Steem-Universum deutlich erleichtern werden: Deutschsprachige Tutorials für Steemit-Neulinge: Ein Überblick

Viel Erfolg hier auf der Plattform und einen guten Start! Freue mich immer wenn die deutsche Community wächst. Bin nur etwas verwirrt: Schreibt ihr über Bayern oder über Deutschland im Generellen? Der Weißwurstäquator trennt ja Bayern vom Rest Deutschlands :D

Erstmal dankeschön für die netten Worte. Wir hoffen auch das die deutsche Community weiter wächst, umso voller umso toller. Dann versuchen wir dich mal zu entwirren :D Wir machen alles quer durch die Bank, der Mist ist uns gerade nur in den Kopf gekommen xD
Mal schauen wie sich das ganze hier entwickelt :)

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