The Perfect Time To Wear A Jacket Saying "I Really Don't Care, Do U?"

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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A Never Ending Nightmare

If you know me and I mean really know me then you'll know that I usually give people the benefit of the doubt. But then there's this whole immigration disaster. This is in the midst of the most tense times in America and a human being decided to make a seemingly unempathetic fashion statement just because. At least that's what it looks like. I'm done. This is getting ironically ridiculous and the America you think you know is now morphing into exactly what it wants to become. A nation where hiding behind piles of money, promoting white supremacy, and endulging in the many flavors of Nazism is championed. Sometimes I leave yall by saying peace. Well the harsh truth is that tons of people simply do not want peace at all. Instead chaos and division is their preferred meal. Enough is enough already. 

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I read that the jacket cost $49. I also read that it's by far the cheapest jacket she has worn in public during her time in office and her time as a model. I think that this makes it even more interesting, since it shows how intentional it was.

Wearing the jacket, for me, seems not only to be a show of disrespect and lack of interest but one of a hypocritical and half-assed fulfilment of duty. She went there not because she cared but because she was supposed to, but she decided that she would "show the world" what she thought about this "supposed duty" that was set upon her.

We can conclude that she somehow believes that protecting people of other nationalities is not her problem, and that the problems that the people in the USA believe are her problems are not really so. Her problems, we can conclude from the contents of her jacket, are her own interests, what she cares about, and if this can be extended as a message from the Trump administration, it is simply saying "well serve our own interests and do whatever we want; tell me what to do, I'll pretend to do it, but now you know how it will end up".

There are always going to be people who don't want to pursue peace. We shouldn't let that negate our pursuit of peace. It's difficult sometimes (most of the time), but we have to continue believing that peace is worth it. Thanks for being a force for good in the world, brother!

And I'm just here, wondering when this will finally end, will it? And awaiting that day when the world finally comes together in acceptance, appreciation and celebration of the only race in existence - The Human Race, will it?
Sad... ☹️

awesome writing…

What part did you like best?

Its really a great quote

You thought the quote, "I really don't care. Do U?" was great?

That is amazing!!............

Enough is enough really....... Like what is happening in my country side now,where some set of people are just in here looking for chaos eachday without a rest going around troubling people with a lot of threats and I can't say maybe there is another special rewards for them in causing much trouble....

It is time we spoke some senses to those lovers of trouble and chaos that it really has no gain at all.

It was clearly an insensitive choice. The Trump administration claims the jacket is statement about the fake news. I personally think this was a brilliant and manipulative move by the Trump administration. They have shifted the focus away from the real issue, how do we fix our broken immigration system.

I personally believe that politicians don't want to fix the system, because it will alienate some voters. They only want to slap a bandaid on it and leave it for future politician to figure out. This has been going on for forty or fifty years.

It is time to stop kicking the can down the road and address the issue head on. We need a fair and balanced immigration policy, that address the root cause of the problem. The way I see it is the root cause is dangerous and corrupt environments of the countries, the immigrants are fleeing. No one should have to live in a place that cause them to believe that their families lives and safety requires them to leave their home!

I will wear jacket my capable needed time . I don't care that people said anything.

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