Mother Of Four Sons"

in #chainbb7 years ago

this is a fictional story but a reality of our modern society

The story is about a very lower middle-class family in kolkata, India. Gopal is a grocer , a 22 years young boy and he marriage with kalayani, 14 years old girl. Gopal and Kalayani living a very happy life after marriage in their father house. One year after marriage Kalayani delivered a boy. They called him Raju. Suddenly Hindu and Muslim riots broke out in Kolkata. In this riots Mr Gopal losses many things including his parents and the shop. Gopal's family suffered a lot after the riots. Kalayani have to sold all her jewellery due to reopen her husband's shop.

Gopal some how manage to run his shop again. Time is passing by god's grace. Kalayani delivered three more boys in next couple of year because during that time both of them don't aware of the proper family planning programme. So now they have four sons, Raju, Vinoy, Sujay, and Sumanta.
Gopal is not well educated but he managed to teach all of his son's in government school. One by one all of them are graduated from Kolkata University except Raju ,Gopal's eldest son because Raju have to help his father from very early stage. Raju sacrifice her education to teach his others brothers . Very soon Sujay managed a government job in Kolkata. Vinoy and Sumanta have to go Mumbai for their job in shipping industries.

Every thing going on smoothly in Gopal's family. Gopal's and Kalayani are happy now as all of their sons are settled in their life and all of them have a lovely family bonding.
Very soon Gopal gave Raju's marriage with Parvati. After Raju's marriage Gopal's family changed completely because Parvati is very much quarrelsome woman. She don't want to stay with Raju's others brother in the family. So Sujay left the house and start living in a rented house. Vinoy and Sumanta also stops to come their own house. Gopal and Kalayani was very helpless at that time because none of their sons think about them. They just managed their older age in their house. Gopal never takes any rest, he open his grocery shop every day.

One day Sujay got married to Sabita without his parents concern, because he loved her. After marriage he forget his parents totally. Then one by one Vinoy and Sumanta also marriage their own in Mumbai and start living in Mumbai completely.

When Gopal's age was at 65 years, he was attacked by throat cancer because of too much smoking.
Kalayani informed all his son about their father's cancer. All of them come to see their father and give some money to mother's hand for their father's treatment and go back to their own destination to manage their own family.

Raju admitted his father in government hospital for treatment but he was also not properly active to cure his father and finnaly Gopal was died in cancer after some days.
All of them loose their father but nobody care as their own life was going on smoothly. Only her mother loose everything. She was completely helpless. Raju takeover his father's grocery shop and house and refused to handle his own mother's expenses alone after father's death during father's death ceremony.

Then all of kalyani's son take a decesion that her mother will stay four months in each of his son's house alternately. Kalyani is helpless. She left her one son's house after every four month's. All of them don't respect their mother. So Kalayani was doing all of them household activities at her older age. Finnaly kalayni was attacked by severe nerve desease and she can't sleep without sleeping pills.

After one year when Kalyani returns to her own house that is Raju's house now, Raju's was telling her mother to transfer her own part of that house to Raju's name but Kalayni was refused to do that. Kalayni was speaking him that he already taken everything but the house was belongs to all of her sons, so she can't transfer this to Raju only. Raju and her wife was very much angry with her mother and start hitting her mother at night and provide no food for her at that night.
Kalayani closed the door and she was so sad with his son's behaviour that she don't want to live any more and try to suicide. She takes 30 sleeping pills at that night.
In the morning when Raju open the door and find that her mother lying in the bed and completely out of sense. He called the doctor's for check up but doctor's declared that she already died two hours before because of taking too much sleeping pills.
Raju was informed all of his brothers about her mother's death and everybody come to see h
their mother for last time.

Everybody contribute equally to complete their mother's final ceremony . Then after completing the ceremony , they are going to busy their own life without knowing that in their future same things going to happen.

This was not only the story of Kalayani, there are lots of mothers like Kalayni all over world who don't get proper respect from their own son's at older age. We forget our parents completely after getting marriage and abandoned them abused them. But we forget that when we grew old same thing will happend with us.

Our parents sacrifice their whole life to take care of us , educate us properly so that we can get proper job and help us in each and every step of our life. But many of us forget humanity and we behave very brutally in their older aged.

I want to share a poetry about my parents.

For me my parents are no one
but omnipotent almighty of heaven.
My parents brings me in this beautiful world
and slogged day and night for me
to provide me foods, cloths and education.
I cannot pay your debt
But I always try my best
to prove that I am your son.
I always want you as my parents
in each and every birth of mine.

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