Saturday is Snack Day -- The Joy of Eating 4,000+ Calories in a Day

in #food7 years ago

Saturday is the day to eat all of the unhealthy food. Donuts, cookies, pizza, and so much more. I eat like a saint six days a week, and then the reward is that I get to go crazy on the seventh day.

This is a tricky game for me because I have to walk 1.5 miles to get to the nearby grocery and convenience stores, so I have to buy the whole day's treats at once. It is very difficult to guess just how hungry I will be.

I started out with a small salad, just to give my body some vegetables before the day of gluttony.

After that, the fun begins. I bought two donuts from Dunkin Donuts, you cannot avoid these places in northeast USA. They are every two blocks, like McDonalds or Starbucks. The limited edition Smores Donut was in stock, so I got some of those and also a chocolate glazed.

Smores donut was SO GOOD

After that, with a nice sugar high going, I went to Stop n Shop. This is probably the best grocery store in town, and it's a reasonable walk from my house. Awesome!

It's so hard to decide how much food to buy. When I am at the store, I always feel like I'm not even going to eat half of it. But by the time I am home, I wish I had twice as much.

This ended up being my haul from the morning:

See, that's not even so bad! I could have bought more. I might walk back to the convenience store later if I eat through these too quickly. Glancing at this, including the morning food, it's probably only 3,000-4,000 calories total. I try to eat at least 5k on my cheat day because I'm a skinny boy and need to get my calories up.

Oh yeah, I also ate one of these tasty clif nut bars on the way home:

And I got my dogs some huge treats, but I forgot to photograph that.

That's it for this week's snack day! This one was actually not too extreme, although it is certainly a lot of food by most people's standards. Maybe next week I will try to kick it up a notch and do a 6k+ calorie cheat day...


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Delicious but don't overdo it LOL.

Loving your work. I used to train and eat well 6 days a week and have a cheat day. I never went all in and aimed for 6k calories though. I do remember eating entire tubs of cookie dough ice cream so could have come close!! I have read Michael Phelp's autobiography and during the Olympics (not sure which one as he has been in so many) I think he said he was consuming 8k calories a day!! And he is the best Olympian of all time, so maybe there is something in this high calorie diet??

With enough exercise you can definitely require a lot of calories to maintain strength. When I'm drumming 4+ hours a day in preparation for studio recording or touring, I notice a huge uptick in hunger and needing more food.

Having a cheat day is a good idea! :)

LOL you didn't do too bad. I have done a lot more uncivilized debauchery with food in my hay day. Oh god, the thoughts make me nauseous now. So glad those days are behind me and my stomach seems to have shrunk a ton lol.

The scary thing is that a big unhealthy food day for me is a normal food day for others o_o

I know, that is insane. We are on such a broken system. They need to make nutrition part of academics in all schools imo. People have no idea. I have owned a health food store for the last 10 years and licensed as a nutritionist for close to 20 years and I have seen and heard it all. I really feel bad for the general public. No amount of health care will hold the coming generations unless we see massive change happen.

Yeah it's tough since everybody has different opinions on what is healthy. I agree with you that focusing on nutrition is a great way to reduce the impact of health care funding / costs.

The easiest way to put it in a nutshell is a sentence I heard in a recent documentary, and it resinated with me and everything I have studied and researched in close to a 30 year period. " Eat food like your ancestors ate, mostly plants, not too much". That sentence right there covers all your bases. I could right endless books on that sentence. Because vegans say that animal fats cause insulin resistance by blocking the insulin receptors, people that are deep into intermittent fasting like Dr Jason Fung say that constant secretion of insulin by the pancreas causes resistance. In the same way that we build resistance to caffeine, to alcohol, or to antibiotics or drugs. Basically your receptors becoming desensitized to the comunication with insulin. Then lowcarb people say that elevated sugar in the blood damages the receptors. All 3 have 1 thing they agree on: more food= more oxidative stress, which in turn = death. Do this really i teresting test, how many 90+ year old fat men can you remember. Before you tell me the answer I will tell you 0. Insulin Resistance was just getting started back then. We are living in some exciting times grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

Great post and lots of goodies there😊
Great reading so thx for sharing. Followed

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