Another Time Forward

Seems like a crucial time, almost don't know what to say. Going to help the fam on the job today, it's been awhile. Been spending lots of time healing up, it's been great. Reading again, practicing more music, it's great this year should be good!! My fam member working in the weed industry is having a hard time lately, many people are getting laid off, the company may be going under!! It's forcing me to maybe look for a job here, to help make life easier for us. My family helped me pay one segment of a deemed tax debt this year. Having that help gave me some progress where I feel ya I can get a job and what not.

My dad hurt himself, his shoulder, on the job. Partly why I will be helping out today. Shouldn't be too long of a day, will still have some time to practice some guitar for open mic. A waitress there I want to give a ticket to that The Original Wailers concert coming up. So yea I look forward getting through today to get to the night. Feeling a surge lately, feeling real, maybe it's why I'm typing out something today. I like to write as though it a journal, even if not many people read it.

I was able to get out yesterday! Yay I didn't spend all my time online! I met with my friend and she has a new baby. I got to hold the baby! We met at the coffee shop, it was good and quiet so we could talk awhile. That was perfect and it was a nice day out. Finally a break from the cold! That helps give me enough energy to get on with the days here too. Been eating more home meals. We gotta save money plus it's better for you.

Ok well should sign out, just want to post some thought reflections, setting up my mind.

Posted via | The City of Neoxian


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