Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W5: "Seeing is believing" versus "Knowing is believingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFElast year (edited)

Hello Everyone! I Am delighted to Participate in This contest that revolves Around the Topic Of "Seeing Is believing" Versus "Knowing is believing ." So lets begin !

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My understanding:

As an engagement participant I would like to express My understanding of the two adages "seeing is believing" and "knowing is believing ." These expressions capture different aspects of How individuals Form their beliefs.

"Seeing is believing" Suggests that our beliefs are primarily shaped by what we directly perceive through our senses. When we witness Something with our own eyes or experience it firsthand we tend to Place a higher degree of trust in its Existence or truthfulness. This perspective aligns with the notion that tangible evidence and concrete Experiences hold significant weight in shaping our beliefs . For example if we see a rainbow in the sky we Believe in Its Existence because we Directly perceive it .

On the other hand "knowing is believing" emphasizes the role of knowledge and understanding in the formation of beliefs. It suggests that belief can arise from reasoning logical thinking education OR acquiring information from reliable Sources. This perspective acknowledges that beliefs can be based on abstract concepts principles or the interpretation of facts. We don't always need to see Something physically to believe in its existence or truth . for instance we may believe in scientific theories like gravity or evolution based on the accumulation of Knowledge and the explanatory power they provide.

Both adages have their merits in different contexts . "Seeing is believing" highlights the importance of direct perception and empirical evidence particularly in the scientific realm. It reminds us that personal experiences can be influential in shaping our beliefs. On the other hand "knowing is Believing" recognizes that beliefs can also stem from intangible factors such as reason education and the interpretation of abstract ideas. It underscores the role of knowledge & Understanding in shaping our beliefs .

Personal Experience:

Seeing is Believing":
I had always been skeptical about the existence of ghosts until one night when I encountered a paranormal event . I saw a translucent figure moving across the room with my own eyes. The experience Was so Vivid & chilling that I became a firm Believer in the supernatural . For me Seeing that ghostly figure was the undeniable Proof I needed to believe in Their existence .

"Knowing is Believing" :
On the other hand even though I have never personally seen a UFO my knowledge of astronomy & the vastness of the universe leads me to believe that extraterrestrial life is possible . I have read Scientific studies and theories that suggest The existence of habitable Planets beyond our solar system . This knowledge combined with my understanding of the probability of Life in such a vast cosmos Convinces Me that there could be intelligent beings elsewhere in the Universe Even though out I have Not seen them myself .

Nomoral message

The moral message Encourages us to embrace a holistic approach to belief formation , combining direct perception with knowledge & understanding . It reminds us to seek balance between personal experiences and information derived from reliable sources , encouraging intellectual curiosity , critical thinking , & a willingness to explore different perspectives.

I am inviting: @qasim78 @drbehram @hooriarehman @chefdanie @ahmadkhan27


Your personal experience is not far from my. I was just curious if the translucent object you saw moving towards you was the ghost🤩🤩.

I had a similar experience and i could not come out in the night for some days. I am glad you found your way through.

Thank you.

 last year 

Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience with me! It's comforting to know that I m not alone in encountering such unexplained phenomena . While I cant say for certain if the translucent object I saw was a ghost it certainly left me with A sense of wonder and curiosity .

I completely understand how such experiences can leave a lasting impact making it difficult to venture out at night . It takes time to process & overcome the fear Associated with the unknown. I'm glad to hear that you eventually found Your way through it as well .

Thank you again for reaching out & sharing your thoughts . It s always reassuring to Connect with others who have gone through similar situations . If you ever feel like discussing More OR sharing any other experiences I'm here to listen .

That is great and it is fine to assume so. It is also good to be curious about your environment and things that happens without understanding.

Yes it took time for me to absolutely deal away with that fear.

Sure i will link up if there is the need for us to share more experiences but for now it is a no.

Greetings from Ghana.

Hello @hamzayousafzai you share very information post I really like it most I need the work you told that I seen directly through our eyes so thank you so much for share amazing post.

 last year 

Thank you for your kind words! I m glad you found the post informative and enjoyable . If you have any more questions or if there's anything Else you d like To discuss feel free to let me know . I m here to help.

 last year 

Ambas expresiones aunque con distintas bases para su fundamentación, tienen un propósito particular; la veracidad de la creencia en cuestión; creo que la primera tiene mayor uso que la segunda, pero ambas son de suma importancia. Saludos y éxito en tu participación

 last year 

thank you so much for you feedback

 last year 

Hola amigo, has hecho un gran análisis de estos 2 adágios "Ver para creer" Vs "Saber para creer".

Lo sobrenatural existe, así como viviste la experiencia del fantasma en la habitación, hay tantas cosas que aunque no la vemos, están allí. Yo he tendio la oportunidad de ver cosas sobrenaturales y por eso creo que Dios es un Dios vivo.

Has ehecho una gran demostarción de tuentendimiento de estos adagios y fue un placer leer tu publicación.

Saludos y bendiciones

 last year 

thank you so much for your comment. i am not understanding the language but still appreciate you comment me

 last year 

My comment goes like this: Hello friend, you have made a great analysis of these 2 agages "Seeing is believing" Vs "Knowing is believing".

The supernatural exists, just as you lived the experience of the ghost in the room, there are so many things that although we don't see it, they are there. I have had the opportunity to see supernatural things and that is why I believe that God is a living God.

You have made a great demonstration of your understanding of these adages and it was a pleasure to read your post.

Greetings and blessings

 last year 

Now i understand thank you so motivating ots means a lot to me..


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