How to focus on your subject with camera at night.

in #ntopaz5 years ago (edited)

2019_06_26_Focus-Tutorial-Cover-1080p.jpgMost cameras can not use the AF - automatic focus during the night or in very dark areas. This tutorial shows you a simple way or trick to get long exposures photos that are actually in focus, even at night.
Here is the link to the YouTube Video - on nTopaz you can also see it.

This video was made because some people ask me how i did it. This is not exactly my invention, but i seen many people around me doing it this way and i guess somewhere along the way i adapted that technique as well. Its so simple but for some reason not to everyone.
I really gonna show in a very simple and easy relaxed way.

This should work for everyone who has a camera and lens that has a manual focus and does not change the lens setting after you turned your camera on and off. Some Sony camera's seem to do that.

During the video i use a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV to show you how i do it. The video was recorded with a Sony Alpha7r III by my friend Frank Blum. Thank you for that.

Anyhow if you love it as much as i do leave a comment or an upvote - Any sign is appreciated and motivates me to keep my work going.

If you have more questions how its done ask me please.
for more of this kind of art look for my pages:
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To give us an approach to your way of working was a great idea, to see you there, doing magic, it was quite pleasant <3

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Thank you so much. Hope lots of people are enjoying it. 🙏

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome video, Gunnar ;-)
I believe it will be interesting for many people that will start taking photos at night.

Btw. Skoda, the photographers most favorite car :-D

Hahaaaa... It's a pleasure.. Hope to see some results of yours coming out of a Skoda 😎😁

Posted using Partiko Android

I will do my best, but with my big equipment, I'm a little home shooter :-D

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nice one. i need to go out and do some lightpainting, it was always fun.
ok i need to buy a flashlight first as my last one died.
do you have some cheap ideas for it?

Some of my light painting I did with the phone as light source... Or headlamp... Anything goes! Just bump up the ISO if you need. Try and share and tag me so I see what comes up.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much for having given birth to my passion on light-painting :)
Yesterday and some night ago I went on to the hill to make some photos to the stars and to make some light-painting!!
The problem I had with the stars was on the focus, because you can't see anything from the camera when you watch the sky. But I solved it pointing some city lights far away and focusing them manually :) Yeah the problem is that the camera can't focus by itself in the dark.
Thanks for sharing your tips!!

WOW thats so cool if i can trigger that it feels really cool - share with us what you come up with. You can also ask me anytime if you need help. Iam happy to share my knowledge. Cheers to that

This is amazing technique to capture photograph with camera at night. thanks for share with us my friend. i will try this..

It all makes sense once you tried it once. Thats why i never made the video in the first place. then some people asked - so i thought i may should do it. Glad it helps.

We loved your tutorial, we're not photographers, but we saw the whole video and it was very interesting. We hope you share more content like this, it's warm and exciting to see how you work your art, we really think you're an awesome artist ✨

Thank you so much @cafeconleche - this is very encuaraging. I will do more of that no worries. ;-)

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