SHORT STORY - Lena and the Band of Assassins - Part 03

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Part 01, Part 02

Heads turned as Lena, her mama, and the four foreign traders, moved through the street. They really were different from anything Lena had ever seen. Sure, she had sat on meetings where mama was talking to other foreign interests. But she had never heard of, or seen, this people before. Regardless, Lena felt like her heart could leap out of her chest in excitement. It was always so thrilling to meet new cultures. She wondered if they knew about painting…

She shook those thoughts away. Mama had invited these men to their Estate, which meant that she was intent on having a serious business discussion.

Lena had seen mama perform her duties all over the island. Granted the island was rather small, and it could be said that everyone knew everyone else. But, if mama suggested the Estate as a meeting place, then she at least wanted to please these men. Which got Lena curious about that glowing sphere the brute showed. What was it?

They entered the Estate. The men took off their sandals at the polite request of the maids. Lena caught the scarred one’s eye as they were entering the parlor, and gave him a subtle wink. He was rather handsome. Lena thought that that scar made it even more obvious that this man would prove a great deal of fun.

Perhaps later. Once mama has gotten what she wants: It is only proper that I receive something as well.

Mama clicked her fingers to the nearest maid. The maid quickly bustled out of the parlor towards the kitchens. “I trust you gentlemen are fine with coconut water?” Mama asked as she sat on her big red chair. Lena was standing to the side of the chair, hands clasped behind her back. The men were sitting on the big fluffy cushion couch, a long glass table separating them from Lena and her mama.

“In our land,” the brute said “we conduct business on stronger liquids. They make the blood boil, and the mind relax. Makes for much less hostile negotiating.”

“Well, you will soon realize that hostility is not even a part of this island’s vocabulary.” Mama said. “As for the refreshments; I find a clear mind is best suited when negotiating. Alcohol tends to lead people to rash decisions.”

Of course, mama had already partaken in her morning wine. Which made Lena wonder why her mama didn’t allow these men a more desirable beverage. Oh, she had still so much to learn!

“Indeed. We have noticed a stark lack of soldiers on the island.” The fourth man said. This was the first time Lena heard him speak. He had short cropped black hair, and was shorter and more lean than the others.

Mama gave the man a polite smile. “We frown upon violence on this island. As I have already said, we are a peaceful people. We stay out of the way of the big fish; and as a result we are allowed to float on the waves that they create.”

“You must surely have guards of your own?” The lean man asked.

“I do not.” Mama said. “I have no use for them.”

The four men sat perfectly still on their couch. Lena caught the white haired one staring at her. He’s been getting more and more daring… She stared back with what she thought was her most enticing face. The man smiled a toothy smile. Lena could see a sparkle in his eyes as his attention was focused solely on her. Daring indeed…

It seemed to Lena that negotiations were going smoothly. The men and mama were still discussing unimportant things. They were still getting settled into the minutia of the negotiation back-and-forth. Mama liked when she sat in on these meetings. But how often was she presented with an opportunity like this? Mama would surely understand.

Lena leaned in, whispering in the High Mistress’s ear. “Mind if I take that one upstairs? I want to know all about them. In a more private setting.”

“That is not a bad idea, sweetling.” Her mama whispered back. “Do make sure he is well and truly incapacitated. These men don’t seem to have any inkling of the type of place this is. Be certain that he experiences it firsthand.”

“Is something awry?” The brute asked. A curious look on his face.

“My daughter wishes to speak with one of you privately.” Mama said. “I’m sure you wouldn’t mind. She is very interested in where you’re from and what you do.”

Her white haired champion and the others shared a puzzled look. Before he turned. “It would be an honor, my lady.”

“Who said anything about talking to you?” Lena asked sheepishly. The man started, obviously not used to being played with. Oh, the poor sot. “Come on friend, I was merely jesting.”

Lena turned and walked out of the meeting place. The man bowed to mama before joining her. Lena walked up the stairs with all the grace she could muster, not looking or talking to the man. He followed diligently. As he should.

They reached her quarters. Lena opened the door and turned to the exotic stranger. “Wait inside. I’ll go and get us something to drink.” She moved before the man had a chance to respond.

Lena entered the washroom. Looking in the mirror she noticed that her freckled face looked divine. She smiled at her own beauty as she stroked her curly brown hair. She sighed at not having it prepared this morning, the day had gone so fast, she didn’t have time to make herself presentable at all. Oh but what did it matter? It didn’t!

“Narcissism is a curse on our family, sweetling.” Lena puffed her face at the remembrance of her mama’s scolding. “Try not to let it shape your mind.”

Lena sighed, opening the wooden drawer and immediately finding what she was looking for. A small green vile. She looked in the mirror a final time. There’s nothing wrong with thinking you’re pretty. I have to be if I am to be revered like mama.

In the hallway she told a maid to bring up two glasses of water to her quarters.

Inside her room she found the dark skinned trader looking over her paintings. “You are very talented, my lady.” His voice was rough. Strong.

“Thank you…” She paused. “Forgive me, but I do not recall your name.”

“We will be gone soon enough,” he said, “there is no need to bother you with pleasantries.”

“Pardon? Pleasantries are not a bother - my exotic friend - they are a part of the very air we breathe.”

“I see…”

The door opened and a maid entered with the water she requested, before bowing her head and exiting the room on quiet feet. Lena took the vile and deposited its contents equally between the two glasses. She took one and brought it over to her newest friend.

“What is this?” He asked, accepting the glass.

“You didn’t tell me your name.” Lena looked at him with a predator’s stare, as she downed the glass in one gulp. “Why would I answer your question when you have yet to answer mine?”

He stared with that same sparkle as before. “Very well.” He downed the glass’s contents as well. “It seems the stories of your lax nature were not unfounded, princess.”

“Princess?” She chuckled. “I am no such thing. Come. Let’s talk for a while before we…get acquainted.”

He returned her chuckle as they exited onto the balcony. “I thought people talked to get acquainted.”

She gave him a pointed look as they settled down on the balcony’s bamboo chairs and table. Lena noted that the man’s movements were becoming strange. He didn’t seem to be all that aware of where he was. The vial’s contents tended to do that to first timers. She leaned over the table, the man whipping his head towards her as if something crashed right next to him.

“How do you feel?” Lena asked. Her own head becoming cloudy.

“Amazing.” He said. He leaned his head back on his chair, looking up. “This place really is paradise.”

She laughed out loud at that. The man slowly looked at her with one of the dumbest expressions. This made Lena laugh even more. The man merely stared at her, a stupid grin on his face.

“So why did you call me a princess?” She asked him between breaths.

“Isn’t that what you are?” The man asked, still grinning. “You and your mother must be very powerful. Owning this island and all.”

“We may be.” She said, leaning back into her chair. “But we are not royalty. This island is too small to be considered a principality, let alone a kingdom.” The corner of Lena’s vision started to blur.

“I see.” The man said. “We were told otherwise. We were told that the High Mistress has tremendous wealth. That is why we arrived, actually.” He finished the sentence quickly.

“Of course, of course.” Lena said, tongue working exceptionally fast. “You are traders after all. And yes, mama does have a lot of gold. I am sure she will get to an agreement with your friends.”

That reminded her that she didn’t have all day with this gentleman. And she was starting to get excited.

She suddenly stood up. The vile was meant for five people, and she started to feel why. She had taken bigger doses before, but not in the morning and not so much all at once. Her vision was not as blurry as it was unfocussed. She needed to get between some sheets and settle down with her friend.

The man stood up as well, motions uncertain. He looked at her, face longing.

“Wait for me there!” Lena said, pointing at the bed inside, a tad louder than she intended. “I’m gonna go downstairs for just a moment.”

As she passed him, he suddenly jerked and grabbed her arm. So strong… She then looked up and saw him make an expression she hadn’t seen before. It looked - she didn’t know how to describe it actually. I shouldn’t have given him so much. What was I thinking?

He let her go. “Of course princess. Sorry for my forwardness.”

“No, no, no. That’s why I am fond of you silly!”

She rushed through the room, pace brisk, and exited into the hallway. Why was she so excited? Her palms were sweating. She had to have this man, now. Why was she walking down the stairs then? And why were the railings sticky? She didn’t care –

Lena suddenly stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Not noticing the puddle, she stood in. Maybe coming down here in her current state wasn’t the smartest idea. What would the other traders think? Her thoughts were starting to betray her. She needed to go back up and have some fun - not interrupt her mama’s dealings.

She stood there for a couple seconds, embellishing the slightly reddened world. Why was everything so red all of a sudden? And why were the maids not doing their jobs? She noticed some were just laying limply on the dining room table. When there were puddles all over the floor! Why aren’t they cleaning?!

Lena knew she wasn’t in a state to talk to the maids right now. Although, even the downstairs washroom’s door handle was sticky. She entered and splashed some water before hastily exiting. Maybe she should just enter the parlor and give mama a quick kiss before she got back up? No, that was stupid, she –

She noticed mama lying on the floor then, red all around her. Was she drunk? Lena started to chuckle as she knelt over inspecting her. She drank so much that wine was all over her. Maybe Lena had it all wrong, maybe mama wanted to love as she did when she was younger. And she was right to do it with these exotic specimens of –

Something yanked her up. The red haired trader! Why was he holding her like that? Why was he –

A slap on her cheek. Pain in her side. Her vision…getting…darker…darker…


Part 04


Nice one. That slap must have been a serious one. Anyways ,lets the suspense continue. Feeling you on this story. thank you for writing this.
Follow you and upvote you.

Thank you kindly. And ye the slap was administrated with care. :P

Very funny (lol).You are good. Keep it up

This post has received a 0.45 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

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