The Notre Dame SJW social media nonsense is maddening

in #rant5 years ago

A lot of what goes on in social media is dumb, Facebook is the biggest offender of this because anyone regardless of how idiotic they are can get a soapbox to preach from and their equally dumb friends give them kudos for their insight even though the thing they are talking about is rooted in complete ignorance and hypocrisy.

The latest thing that is grinding my gears is the amount of people in my feed that are complaining about the fact that rich people have been donating their own money to repair the Notre Dame cathedral fire damage.


This is one of many of these things and I am sure all of you out there have at least one friend that is posting pictures of something similar and "hey look how virtuous I am!" people are always the ones trying to lecture the rest of us on how to live our lives and also spend our own money.


"No good deed goes unpunished" as they say and it takes a special type of virtue signalling idiot to try to make the conclusion that a billionaire that is pledging his own money to rebuild, quite possibly the most famous cathedral in the world, somehow doesn't care about the environment. Have we really stooped to levels of sanctimoniousness that we actively search out things to be upset about? It is kind of like those people that think that McDonald's having straws available is somehow responsible for the demise of ocean life.

I would be willing to bet that the people who are the most vocal about all of this "the money should be spent on nature" not only don't contribute their time to saving an orangutan's habitat, but their money stays nicely tucked away in their own bank account as well.

In the end, they don't want to spend their money on fixing this, they want to spend YOUR money on it. In my own personal "friends list" the same people who are crying about this are the same ones that jump on any virtue-signalling opportunity to point the finger at how bad other people are. I bet if we were to look into their own lives that it is just as damaging to the environment as anyone else's are and they are probably posting these things from an overpriced Macbook while drinking a $10 frappe of sorts at Starbucks.

Two of the people in my list were at one point in my life people that I hung out with on a regular basis and their was absolutely nothing about their lives that would indicate they were ever trying to make any sort of positive change in the world. These keyboard warriors are the bane of the social media world. You want to make a difference? Make one! Stop trying to tell other people how they can / should spend their own money and if you want to change something, change it! Use your own time or money to get it done and stop with the pointless internet preaching because I can assure you, it accomplishes nothing other than make you look like a horses patoot.

The crazy thing about these posts, is that they don't even offer an alternative. There is no link to a foundation or charity where someone who truly wanted to put their money where their keyboard fingers are could possibly contribute. It is just "hey! look at me!" garbage.


In the meantime, I would imagine that Francois-Henri Pinault (the main billionaire in question) is going to sleep just dandy at night. It just depends on which one of his mansions he is going to do so in.


I feel the same way bud

Me think maybe as much has been donated to clean the ocean garbage. Also old enough to know that weather for churches, children, whales or ocean garbage, no matter how much is given, more is needed.

Something that has never happened in recorded history is a charity issuing a public notice that they have enough money....

Posted using Partiko Android

the really sad thing about most charities is that a great deal of the donations go to "administrative fees." Sadly, a friend of mine runs a non-profit charity that about 80% of the donations go to her living expenses and travel and the other 20 makes it to the people it was meant to be helping in the first place. I think this is why charities always need more money, because they money was only heading the the intended recipients in a ceremonial fashion.

Lucky me, I don't use Facebook any more, or other similar social media sites but unfortunately I saw this type of reaction here on Steemit right after the event, the second day.

The crazy thing about these posts, is that they don't even offer an alternative. There is no link to a foundation or charity where someone who truly wanted to put their money where their keyboard fingers are could possibly contribute. It is just "hey! look at me!" garbage.

It's always easier to point the finger and complain then to do something, and usually the most vocal people are the ones not doing anything except for being vocal and criticizing others.
Excellent point!

Isn't it funny how so many people seem to think they know how everyone else should be living their lives or managing their affairs? I personally think social media is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to the division of people. It was one thing when you would go down to the bar and spout your crazy opinion and people would just think "oh that's just crazy Jerry and keep drinking.". It is another thing today when someone spouts their crazy opinion and then you have people liking and commenting your post and next thing you know it is a movement of like minded morons who are actually gaining recognition and credibility...

i too blame mostly Facebook for a lot of the problems in the world today. So many people think they know so many facts when in fact it was just a troll meme that they would really like to be true.

you are right @gooddream

You're right, friend ... social media is always full of falsehood. Many donated because they wanted to be photographed and the photos were vital. . and people will call it the most generous person.

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Thats a big problem. The money not goes to the people who really need it.

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