Straight Outta Compton (film): incredible

in #getyerlearnon6 years ago

I don't remember how I acquired it, perhaps they hadn't yet started making people show ID to get music - i don't think they did, but I kept the album hidden because my parents almost certainly would have grounded me and taken it off me back in the late 80's. However, i gotta tell you, this was a real turning point in the world of music and is deserving of a biopic.

This movie is exceptional to people who weren't alive when this album came out as well. It isn't important that were a fan back when what what this film describes actually happened. I think it is eazy to appreciate the story even if you don't have any point of reference from actual life. Plus, back in the 80's we had no internet, so I didn't even know about most of the story behind the making of NWA's first album.


The film is obviously about the real-life group NWA and the difficulties they experienced as being one of the first major gangster rap groups. It follows the lives of the creators while they are still in high-school and the early stages of their careers. While all of their stories are compelling, the most interesting one (in my mind) is Eazy-E's as he actually was a gangster, whereas the rest of them were gangsters only in a studio sense.


Consequently this would later be reflected in Eazy's solo albums where he calls out the rest of the group (Dre, in particular) about how they were faking being hard.

The pacing of the film is perfect as it always keeps moving and I really liked how they showed us the reality behind the rap game. How just like i would imagine it is in any mucisal genre, filled with a bunch of B.S. and corporate executives constantly trying to steal money from the artists. This in turn created problems inside the group and eventually in them breaking up - which lead to 2.5 incredible solo careers in the form of Dre and Ice-Cube (the .5 goes to Eazy, who, on his own, was not near as good as when with the group - which was surprising since he was generally regarded as the best rapper in N.W.A..)

These guys were at the forefront of the censorship movement that happened in the 80's as it seems around every turn they were facing difficulties getting their music heard and successfully distributed - this came to a pinnacle with their track "F**K the Police" which resulted in actual police rushing the stage during a performance in Detroit and arresting the band members.


Even if you were not alive during the time this legendary album was released, or even if you are not a fan of rap, this film appeals on so many other levels because like it or not, this was a very relevant point in time in the music world.

The movie made tons of money and was (as is deserved) nominated for many awards. Like i said: I might be a bit biased because I can still remember all the words of the title track from start to finish, as I think i probably broke the cassette (that's right! a cassette!) at least 2 times from constant play. This is the all time highest grossing music biopic. That special enough for ya?

9 / 10


Straight out of Compton is a very positive spin on the NWA story. It depicts how five guys from the vicinity, who only wanted to make music for the kids on their block, ended up taking over the world. It's has this "this could be you" vibe and overall is an uplifting tale about living your dreams on your terms. It's no different than any other rock star's story and that's one of the reasons it's amazing.

Also like how the story gave equal time to members DJ Yella and MC Ren. I was expecting the Big three players in the band to overshadow them, but the film treated these two with respect.

What a great story. It was totally worthy of the 2 hours and 42 mins spent in the theater. Every minute counted.

While trying not to spoil the movie for anyone, I just want to say this was one of THE BEST movies I have seen in a long time. It took me back, but also reminded me of how little has changed. It was raw, gritty, witty and creative. I loved every second of this movie and for those that criticize it as racist, how ignorant can you be to go see a movie about a group called N.W.A. and not expect it to call out racial imbalance? That's like going to a tea party and complaining they served tea!

For those who are true lovers of Hip Hop, Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Snoop, etc., this is one to see! This movie is about their life, how they lived and created history. For those who are just curious or go to see it so they can spew their hate; do us a favor and save your money. Your feedback will not do anything but reinforce how much things have not changed.

OMG! I never go into movies with high expectations, but this one I did, and I'm glad I did because it completely MATCHED my high expectations! The story was beautifully told, casting and portrayals on POINT! The actors made me feel laughter, sadness and anger! I left out of that theater proud.

I will be taking my parents to go see this with me so they can know the people I was born into listening to. They only watch them now on commercials and love watching them in movies, but never knew their background on where they came from and how they got started. They always took me to go see history so I figure I will return the favor and take them to see some of mine. The crazy part is, the story that's told is STILL relevant to what is going on today.

Amazing job. I have nothing bad to say about this story at all. Simply incredible. 10 points!

Great movie, even if you're not into hip-hop or rap (and I generally am not).

The true story of the hip-hop / rap band NWA who emerged from the mean streets of Compton in Los Angeles to be the voice of African- Americans living on the wrong side of the tracks.

Much more than just a movie about a hip-hop / rap, but a movie about social injustice and police brutality. At the very least it can be taken as an example of the rise, fall and aftermath of a band, and the pluses and minuses of the music industry, especially its seedy side.

Good performances from O'Shea Jackson Jr, playing Ice Cube, his father, Corey Hawkins as Dr Dre, Jason Mitchell as Eazy-E and Paul Giamatti as Jerry Heller, NWA's manager. Solid supporting cast.

Not perfect though: the movie does drift in the latter third or so. It's as if the writers and director didn't know when to end it, or at least know how to compress the post-breakup era into something succinct and engaging. I realise that the story of Eazy-E had to be told, but there surely must have been a quicker and/or more engaging way to tell that part of the story.

Straight outta compton was an epic album. I loved the movie, the guy who play Tupac looked just like him, maybe it was him! I like the guy who played Snoop too. I am not sure who I believe Jelly or Dr Dre, money always ruins everything. There has never been another hip hop group with so many guys who went on to solo stardom. Eazy is the best though

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This was an excellent film. I too remember the days that the story came from...back when I used to have to get my mom to buy me the tapes on the weekend when I visited her, only to have my dad find them and pull all the tape out days later. I somehow managed to keep a copy of this one (Straight Outta Compton) even after he busted three or four copies (I got smart after a while and started dubbing copies)...It was a struggle to be a fan in those days. Normally I don't like movies like this one (biopics) but was pleasantly surprised this time around. Wish they could have shared some of the magic with the directors of the Tupac movie...'cause that was garbage. Great review! 👍

A great movie, it actually meets my expectations.

great great

..I had to watch the movie since I actually liked at the time some of the music of NWA, especially the title track of the movie. Yet what happened after-wards, after their success, is just a sell out to make a bunch of money with no more attitude than all the others. And now the movie and it would deserve just one star, yet the music brings back some memories when things could have been changed in a different way than Look at them now, nowadays...thats all that there is to say about the characters of the movie. If that was meant to change things, well Sirs, screw you! The story itself, well I do not know what is true and what is not, but like stated above, in the end it came to make more money than others. What they have changed is just that violence and negativity can bring success, that youths of today look up to them what they could do and want to do as well...THAT is what they have changed and just because Compton is nowadays almost everywhere, does not make this a success in changes, but a success in stupidity. funny movies, like Ice Cube.... So what remains is the music...there was once a dream of a few guys who wanted to change something, what they have changed is to attitude and the real change they created, a no show!