(ENG/中文) Japan Yokohama Gourmet Travel Guide #047 爆食日本美食横浜篇<丸和>:绝对是神奈川炸猪排顶点/The Toppest Pork Tokatsu Cutlet in Kanagawa (好孩子Goodboy Philip食レポグルメガイド)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn7 years ago


🎌 (ENG/中文) Japan Yokohama Gourmet Travel Guide #047 🎌




The Toppest Pork Tokatsu Cutlet in Kanagawa

(好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philip食レポ グルメ ガイド)

上回 / Last Episode #046 Japan Gourmet Travel Guide :

For Episode #045, I have introduced you one of the Top 5 Pork Cutlet by Tabelog in Tokyo. This time I would like to recommend you that one of the Top 5 Pork Cutlet in my list! Although it is not in Tokyo, it is in Yokohama of Kanagawa Ken which takes 45 minutes train from Tokyo. I strongly recommended it.

前天介紹了一間東京網民投選的 Top Five 炸豬扒。今次要寫的雖然不是東京範圍內的食店,但是她是絕對我心中的 Top Five 炸豬扒!食店是距離東京45分鐘車程的神奈川橫濱市內馬車道附近的一間著名炸豬扒店。

前天介绍了一间东京网民投选的 Top Five 炸猪扒。今次要写的虽然不是东京范围内的食店,但是她是绝对我心中的 Top Five 炸猪扒!食店是距离东京45分钟车程的神奈川横滨市内马车道附近的一间著名炸猪扒店。

I arrived after the restaurant opened. The first log of guests already entered the restaurant and around six to seven Japanese waiting in front of the entrance. And more guests came afterwards. ”Taste good or not? Let’s explode your stomach with Goodboy Philip!”

開店後才到達食店的時候,第一輪的乘客已經進入店內,外面有六七人排隊中,等待期間越來越多人加入排隊,可見食店的人氣。「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

开店后才到达食店的时候,第一轮的乘客已经进入店内,外面有六七人排队中,等待期间越来越多人加入排队,可见食店的人气。 「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

The restaurant was divided into bar seats and table seats. Since the bar seats were full, I went by myself that had to sit with strangers on table seats. I didn’t mind at all because I mainly wanted to eat delicious food! Haha…

食店廚房被 L 形 bar 枱式圍繞著,另有五至六張四人枱,全店滿員,因為今天我是單人吃,你有單人位的情況下,需要與陌生人搭枱,但是沒有問題,最重要是好吃!

食店厨房被L 形bar 台式围绕着,另有五至六张四人台,全店满员,因为今天我是单人吃,你有单人位的情况下,需要与陌生人搭台,但是没有问题,最重要是好吃!

The lunch sets have three choices: pork loin cutlet, pork fillet cutlet and pork cutlet. My choice was pork loin cutlet. It is because loin is fatter than fillet that I like fat!

午餐有三款選擇:ロースかつ定食 1900円,ヒレかつ定食 1300円,とんかつ定食 1200円。這次點的是:ロースかつ定食。因為ロース比ヒレ更肥,我喜歡肥美!

午餐有三款选择:ロースかつ定食 1900円,ヒレかつ定食 1300円,とんかつ定食 1200円。这次点的是:ロースかつ定食。因为ロース比ヒレ更肥,我喜欢肥美!

The Tokatsu was fried as orange color. The surface was crispy and sharp. I looked around the pork cutlet that it was pretty big and thick compare with others pork cutlet restaurant. The staff recommended to add sea salt as flavor. For first bite, I have an habit to eat without using sauce and feel the original taste.



I could only say: “Wow!!!” This was the taste I love! Firstly, the cutlet was crispy that the sound “Cha lok” was made!



The just in time cooked pork cutlet was hot and juicy! The meat was soft and fat. I ate from left piece to right piece and the texture was changed all over the big piece of pork. For first half, I didn’t eat the cabbage at all! It was because I wanted to eat th fresh hot pork cutlet which kept juicy. Moreover, I agree the staff that adding sea salt even made it more delicious!

剛剛炸好的豬扒咬下油脂澎湃,肉質柔嫩,從左至右吃,肥瘦兼備。前段決定已經完全放棄不吃卷心菜,因為我要趁豬扒還是熱力十足的情況下, 吃最新鮮的豬扒,熱食非常好吃!加點店員推介的海塩,更加好吃!

刚刚炸好的猪扒咬下油脂澎湃,肉质柔嫩,从左至右吃,肥瘦兼备。前段决定已经完全放弃不吃卷心菜,因为我要趁猪扒还是热力十足的情况下, 吃最新鲜的猪扒,热食非常好吃!加点店员推介的海塩,更加好吃!

Overall, the loin pork of “Marugo” was fat and juicy! In my ranking of Tokatsu, it is definitely ranked around third to fifth. The first bite of pork exploded the meat juice impressed me a lot! Moreover, it was relatively inexpensive compare with other toppest pork cutlet in my ranking list. Strongly recommended!



After eating the pork cutlet, time to start the “Fans Idol Life”. It was the hand-shake event in Yokohama! Hehe…

吃完炸豬扒後,又開始追星粉絲生活,在橫濱參加 AKB48 握手會呢。嘻嘻⋯

  • Recommended Dish/推介/おすすめ
    ロースかつ定食 1900円

  • Overall Rating/綜合評分:
    GREAT DEAL 性價比度 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
    POPULARITY 人氣指數 🌟🌟🌟🌟
    DECORATION 店內裝潢 🌟🌟🌟
    SERVICES 服務質素 🌟🌟🌟

  • Name/店名:

  • Category/類型/ジャンル/Cuisine Style:
    Tonkatsu/Pork Cutlet/とんかつ/炸豬排/炸豬扒

  • Address/地址/住所:
    5-61 Sumiyoshicho Naka-ku Yokohama Kanagawa

  • Traffic/交通/斴近車站:

  • Working Hours/營業時間:
    Monday-Friday 星期一-五 11:30~14:00
    Saturday 星期六 11:30~14:00

  • Day Off/休息日:
    Sunday and Public Holiday 星期日 公眾假期 /日曜日・祝日

So let's have fun for next tour guide! If you like this page, please feel free to add me as friend, upvote and resteem! Thank you!

这次写到这里,希望大家喜欢!好孩子 Philip 的日本游记和食店报告,喜欢的话,欢迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,谢谢!下篇再见!

今次先寫到這裡,希望大家喜歡!好孩子 Philip 的日本遊記和食店報告,喜歡的話,歡迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,謝謝! 下篇再見!😋

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@miho さんはヒレ派ですか?じゃあ...来月美味しいヒレのお店を紹介します!🌈🌈🌈





肉看起來好嫩!! 不過那些半透明的該不會是肥肉!!!! 冏


肥脂還好,我是怕口感, 你看我一直吃吃吃的 XD


沒有耶, 我很能吃, 但也必須要很能動才行!




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