A Couple of Great Videos which Breakdown the Details and Effects of this Cataclysmic New " Link Tax" Being Brought in by the E.U in just 20 Days!

in #news6 years ago


They sold us the Internet and the Information Age as being the greatest human relovlution ever ! Well this was true until the " Cat got Out of Their Bag ! " and now they feel they are losing the control of the information feed they have used to keep us " sheeple slaves " quiet and placated on their farm ! Now the Sheep are getting mighty angry, voting in people that will not play game with them in America, telling the EU Superstate to go to Hell now all over Europe, in Britain, Austria and now Italy !

They so desperately need to get that " Cat back in thier bag " so now they have come up with a plan to remove all citezen rights and fair use of information on the internet with a law called " ART13" which will in short hand back all information distribution back to their paid for and backed players of mainstream media who will be the only ones with enough cash to play in the information game! As all the rest are forced to close shop and disappear into the state run Ghoulags where there rebellious outspoken minds will be erased and reprogrammed to feel happy while having a loaded gun firmly pressed to the back of the skull !

If you feel like me, then you too are sick of this shit and it needs to stop ! You and indeed I myself need to contact our MEP,s and bring hell to bear on these Usurpers and enslavers of our thoughts and ideas !! Enough is Enough



Reloaded Insight
Published on 31 May 2018

We must stand up to this if we don’t we are handling the alternative media over on a platter. You won’t be able to reload articles remix tracks repost other peoples work without having to pay a link tax, this is further more proof of the EU trying to regain control and handover the Internet to the mainstream media and major corporations leaving the little man like us and women of course without a platform to speak.

Please check out this link and make your voice heard.-------------https://saveyourinternet.eu/

Update on EU’s Copyright Reform Proposal #DeleteArt13

(Go to 8min 50 for the meat of this video info ! )

Computing Forever
Published on 1 Jun 2018

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Your thoughts and reactions to my post, as ever much appreciated in the comment section below !




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