Healing Meditation Makes Us Strong

in #busy6 years ago (edited)



The true power comes from the continuity and the connection between the mind, the body, and the soul, creating an inner power that will make you feel, know and live, your design and express and share your essence with certainty, clarity, and love allow. Work on dancing and healing through the emotions in the body, exploring how to connect the mind, body, and soul through the creative visualization of the ideal body and how this can affect the change in your real body.

The nature of human body and soul is to work with concepts and beliefs about your body and its being. We live with a concept of our body or mental structure and beliefs about our body or an emotional structure. You can influence the real change in your real body by looking and meditating with your ideal body. The ideal body is a construction that I use in meditation and dance therapy. It is a combination of your mental images loaded with the emotional beliefs that entitle you. The use of an emotional image of your ideal body is to be able to access the energy of your soul and of your being, of the loads, of the energy and of the influences of all your choices of life and experiences.

The concept of an ideal body with the power of visualization, movement meditation and guided imagery and even imagination, reverie and delusional thoughts, works to go beyond its perceived limits and what you see in the mirror.

Playing and visualizing your ideal body is a way to listen to your real body, to understand your body from a place of heart and then express your feelings, desires, and dreams. The truth is you're not just a physical body. His body and essence are created through his life experiences of parenthood, environment, socialization, education, beliefs and spiritual relations and his soul experiences. The soul has positive and negative memories. What you feel as limitations in your life or body can actually come from your soul. When we play with the concept of an ideal body, we move beyond the boundaries of body, mind, and emotion and beyond the limits of your soul.

The ideal body is the place where your emotions, your physical body and your mind work together to gain access to your true self, your inner power, your life and your soul's messages about how it should really be. When you connect to your true self, that you are from the level of your soul, you are empowered with a clarity that allows your body, mind, and emotion to work in synergy.

Your emotions are essential keys to what your physical body has created the way it is. The key is not to see the emotions as who you are, but simply an aspect of who you are, which is open to changes and that will change every day, even at any moment. Emotions must be felt and moved in the body. That's why you feel different from a good reputation.

The body you have is not good or mauvais-c ' est exactly what you have right now in time. Your ideal body is the one that can move your emotions as you move beyond the limits of time and conditioning, allowing your expression to flow from yourself in a way that does not harm you or others. You can always insult or confuse people, but this does not hurt you!

The emotions that are bottled are filled like toxins stored in your body. They accumulate around fat cells, enter trigger points and meridians, sore muscles, lymphatic swelling, poor digestion, extra weight, obsessive or fuzzy thoughts and inability to Focus, do things or just get. You can also lose the vitality of life, libido, appetite and lose weight or mental health problems by withdrawing from life that is really destined to live simply because you don't feel that you are at the level of your body, his emotions or even his soul.

The movement helps the body to move stored energy and stored emotions. Dance is a movement with an emotional intent. You must feel the movement to really sink with the dance. Dancing is like exercising the muscle of emotion. When you dance, you practice what it is to feel and you can release feelings that are bottled or simply not expressed.

When you dance or practice in meditation or in a body consciousness, ask yourself what you feel comfortable or what you feel wrong. Just ask your body to show what it is that needs more attention or what it feels, allows your superficial emotions and begins to be released and expressed. If you have danced or meditated on this question, write about your feelings and you will have another great opportunity to understand, express and release your feelings.

Sometimes you can get a sense of physical release without feeling deeply rooted emotions. To reach the deepest chronic or problematic emotions, they work with intent in their dance of access to their true self. This type of dance is a form of authentic movement where you encourage your body to move easily without thinking about how to dance. You can just use the idea and plan to access your real me in any form of movement and your body will automatically flow according to that desire. Let all expectations what you should be, look and feel like and just let your body explore.

Releasing emotions in a healthy way recognizes that there is no right in the wrong way to feel or recognize your emotions. Their emotions become different every day and they change through life. Dancing can be fun and only laughing and free and sometimes dancing can access negative blocks or feelings that need to be understood. Simply because you are moving, you have the opportunity to even allow your emotional body to move, which is the joy that allows your mind, body, and soul to be and feel synergistic with one.

Dance is an external expression of an internal heartbeat. The two elements of inner feeling and outward movement are always in dialogue. The dialogue from the inside and from the outside is how the dance acts as a mirror of what is actually happening in your body, your feelings, and your life. Empowerment for you will come when you connect this dialogue between your ideal body and your emotions and access to what you really want and how it feels, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

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