Lord of the Craft - Minecraft: The Undead Attack

in #gaming7 years ago

What is 'Lord of the Craft?'

Lord of the Craft, or LoTC for short, is a Minecraft RP-PvP server where players create a character and join a persistent fantasy world full of hundreds of other players, as they play their character out writing their own story with endless possibilities at every turn. I always tend to lean towards making more combat-oriented characters, which lead towards tons of action, conflict, political tension, and war. An example of this is a massive 150v150 player battle I took part in fighting a few months back on the server, and it's just one of many.

17th of Malin's Welcome, 1598

The General alongside his dwarven comrades made quick work of the remaining Imperial soldiers, the rest routing off into the forest's outskirts in a hasty retreat.

"Yeh got sum f'iote in yeh, Jahque deh Felshen." Chuckled one of the blue-paint adorned dwarves as he clipped his war-axe to his side.

"Hah. . ." Laughed the young Jacque whilst panting heavily, he'd fall to a crouch afterwards continuing on; "Damn. . . How do you Frostbeards do this all day without breaking a sweat?"

Another dwarf walked over smacking the adolescent on the back sending him from his crouch and face-first into the dirt. "IT'S IN TEH FROSTBEARDZ BLOOD BOOOOY!" Bellowed out the warrior, the rest of the dwarves raising their fists and weapons up in victory, cheering aloud.

1st of the Deep Cold, 1623

The Imperials slowly stumbled back as their ranking officer muttered out;

"It's. . . Jacque de Felsen. . . Retreat if you value your life, and the Empire's! Get behind the wall's safety!"

And with that the Imperial soldiers fell back behind their cities' gates!

"YEH FOOKIN' COWARDZ, C'OMERE 'EHN F'IOTE!" Barked out one of the Frostbeards, the Imperials begging their allies into the city once more to no avail before crashing down the gates.

"Fook'em, weh can take ehm!" The dwarves drew their weapons raising them high in pride as they charged forth towards the group of undead.

No mortal survived the skirmish. The dwarves were mauled down without mercy as the ranks of ghouls fought without tire or hesitation. The Imperials would do nothing, watching from atop their walls in horrors as dwarves no matter dead or alive were devoured and fresh corpses dragged off into the forests never to be seen again-- alive at least. Amongst all the chaos, a single Morghoul simply starred up at the humans before snarling under his breath;

"Yooouu, diiiiddd, thiiissss. . . Yooooouuu, areee. . . The monsstterrss."

He'd look down towards a fresh dwed corpse beside him, a hint of humanity sparking in the ghoul's eyes as he'd slowly recognize the face of an old friend. . . But he had to feed.

An off-topic video taken from some Orenian war-games from my perspective!

I hope you guys enjoyed!

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