Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Some conclusions

in #religion7 years ago

Last week we took a deeper look into the structure of the creation account paying attention to the order and sequence that repetitive elements are repeated in.

If you missed the previous posts in this series I have linked them at the bottom of this post.

Below is the structure laid out graphically with some emphasis on the connected elements.

Such intricate structure is clearly intentional and cannot be seen as coincidental.

In fact the use of triads or three's in a series is extremely common in both the old and new testament as is the use of the third day for emphasis.

Below I quote from a detailed web page giving many examples where three and the third day are used.

This interested by this will find great benefit in reading that as well.

The Third Day as a Literary Motif
As with the use of the number three in a series, which conveys implications and expectations beyond the normal conventional meaning, so the third day often carries with it an additional sense or nuance. It seems apparent from the scriptural record that the third day was selected for a given activity or matter at hand for some distinct purpose and attendant emphasis, which those who were involved in the situation understood. Likewise those who later heard or read of the incident would be familiar with the various possible emphases in the choice. The abundant use of the third day argues for viewing the third day as a literary motif that could be employed for several reasons.

The use of the three part literary devices still exists today because it’s a good way to structure an idea or concept.

There is a beginning, a middle and an end or as we are taught when first learning to write:

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion

It is then highly likely that the days here are used not only as a three sequence parallel but also as a third day emphasis.

Then there is a seventh day.

Seven is also another heavily utilized number and sequence in the bible precisely because it consists of 2 groups of three and then a final element, which is also specially emphasized to convey implications and expectations beyond the normal conventional meaning.

In this case, the emphasis, implication and special meaning is heavily weighted around the contrasting lack of creative activity so prevalent on the previous days.

The creation account brings special emphasis to the seventh day as a day of rest, a Sabbath, later THE Sabbath, one of the most defining covenants of the relationship between the Lord and the house of Israel.

In fact, often when the commandment is given and repeated thereafter, the creation account and days are brought up to illustrate the matter. Basically what scriptural writers are stipulating is that if its good for the Lord, its good for us, and the creation account is written in such a way that the Lord originally set the example to be followed.

The teaching and emphasis by Moses in his writings of this defining covenant is so strong that it still survives today among followers of the Mosaic law when nations and empires have come and gone and the nations concerned have been scattered across the globe.

Next week I will look at expanding on the seventh day and also other examples of these types of structures in some of Moses's other books.

As a teaser take a look at the account of the plagues of Egypt and see if you can discover a similar structure. Don't be lazy and google it, try to find it for yourself, there is a lot to be discovered in the process.

Previous parts of this Series

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Where do these notions originate?

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Delving a little deeper

Were the seven days of creation in Genesis seven twenty four hour periods? - Into the detail


Yes, they were 24 hour periods. I don't believe in numerology. I believe the bible. No disrespect intended.

The discussion of a non-literal interpretation of Genesis 1 doesn't need to bring in numbers. What we have to realize is who the audience was for this text and what they might have understood it to mean. Genesis 1 is not primarily about science or some evolution debate. Genesis 1 is about God.

Genesis 1 is a proclamation to the pagan nations. It is an apologetic text combating the competing creation myths. Instead of the world forming out of chaos and accident, it is formed by God's definite plan. Instead of the sun and the moon being gods themselves, they are creations of the ultimate God.

Genesis 1 is about two things, glorifying God and establishing the Sabbath. Trying to read our modern scientific debates into it isn't its purpose.

It is about the Word.
God said, ... God said... God said...
It is about the Logos, and the Logos, when He speaks, creates Order from the Chaos.
This is why John 1:1 is another creation account, which brings us back to Genesis. PRE-Genesis, in fact.

I second that, The Almighty God is a the most Accurate one, the 3s and 7s might or may not mean anything significant to the Most high.

But grouping concepts into groups of three, seven etc. is very significant to the Hebrew writer and reader, God was not the intended reading audience, the children of Israel were.

Great point. And the court of King James also.

I agree 100% in God's word.

Job 38:4 Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand.

Isaiah 55:
8For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

If what you found in this post was numerology then perhaps you need to read it again and read the provided link.



24 of God's hours or 24 human hours?

24 human hours!

This is when the can of worms begins to open.

When man and science can fill in the missing gaps I might be persuaded to believe otherwise - but the scales tip significantly towards a literal meaning based on the research that I have done.

Why are you so emphatic about that? Does it really matter?
Check out my links elsewhere in this post to the Jordan Peterson Bible Lecture Series. He uses evolutionary biology to bring atheists out of their intellectual morass. They CAN find meaning in the bible, and the DON'T have to abandon evolution. They can start to see biological evolution as a creative instrument, instead of as what they always thought it was - an unbridgeable chasm between science and religion.

It does matter - if not for us then certainly for future generations. They will have to live through the reign of the antichrist while we will most likely be dead. Most christians are setting their kids up for a future fall.

I will go back and look at your other comments but I am busy for a little bit and the comments are flowing thick and fast (which is good) - but now is not the right time for me to carefully consider and reply to your comments.

I'll be back a little later.

Good stuff, bro! See you after I've mowed my lawn :)

Take some time on Sunday to listen to Dr. David Jeremiah. He knows exactly what the Bible says.

And you need to listen to Dr. Scott Hahn. I would say the same thing about him. I'll listen to some Jeremiah if you listen to some Hahn.

You do not understand the meaning of the Bible. I suggest you read it over and over and over until you get it. You are "all over the map" as they say and it is taking you nowhere fast.

Finding "meaning" in the Bible means NOTHING unless you understand it and LIVE it.

You sure are able to read a lot into what I know and don't know about the Bible. What is your Bible tradition? Everyone has one. Tradition is not a bad thing. It is the democracy of the dead. I respect those who came before me, and I am under no illusion that I can just pick up an ENGLISH translation of the bible and interpret everything for myself. It is not a magic book.
It is a book (collection of books) which has been preserved and lovingly handed down to us by the Church. Why should I not care what others in the tradition of the Church have said about the books?

Like I said, you are "all over the map."

It's called discernment.

What is the main point of the Bible?

2 Peter 3:8 - But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

It doesn't make any difference. It isn't important.

Believing the bible includes some numerology. Different numbers mean different things throughout the bible texts. Specific numbers occur in nature/creation over and over again across species so it does come into play to some degree.


They we're not 24 hour periods.... it is numerology just how Adam and Eve is a story of desire and how noah's ark is a story of evolution. I hope you don't idolize Jesus as the son when the trinity is a work and Jesus came out of a 40 day fast and destroyed a church because they were idolizing. The very first thing he did! and then you cult religious people disgrace him by worshipping him as a god.

its obviously an allegory. if god is all powerful and omnipotent it wouldnt take 1 second of time. think about it. "on the 7th day he rested." why would god need rest? was the creation of all this such a task to something so allegedly powerful that he had to take a break after working for 6 days? none of it makes sense because none of it is truth in a literal sense. Also, to add to that, the concept of a full week with 7 days came waaaaaay after. We went by moon cycles up until babylon when they added the 7 day week plan. babylon is post the genesis story.

Exactly, its a simple narrative in a simple way that non scientific peoples would identify with, the details are fuzzy because its not intended to be a scientific paper on the matter but is intended to convey a far more important and deeper message. At least one of those is that of the Sabbath day.

Yup, some cultures had 4 day week other 5 etc. the Babylonians likely picked up the 7 day week, if they took it seriously, via Daniel which would put that at around 600BC. They had the eclipse or Saros cycle figured out before that.

I do think that the Bible indeed uses much numerology and symbolisms. Also I find it interesting that the days are name after heavenly bodies or gods.

1st day = Sunday = Domingo = Day of Sun
2nd day = Monday = Lunes = Day of Moon
3rd day = Tuesday = Marte = Day of Mars
4th day = Wednesday = Miércoles = Day of Mercury
5th day = Thursday = Jueves = Day of Jupiter
6th day = Friday = Viernes = Day of Venus
7th day = Saturday = Sábado= Day of Saturn

Month = Moon cycle.

Months are out of order in my opinion.

September = Septiembre = Siete = Seven = 7
October = Octubre = Ocho = Eight = 8
November = Noviembre = Nueve = Nine = 9
December = Diciembre = Decimal = Diez = Ten = 10 image

The names we have these days came to us via the Romans, July comes to us thanks to Julius Caesar and August thanks to Augustus Cesar. There was the Julian calendar etc. and a semblance of standardization only set in with the Gregorian calendar.

Since days, weeks, months etc. are measurements of time it is only natural for them to be named after the heavenly bodies and cycles by which we measure time.

Genesis one stipulates they were provided to mankind not only for light but also for "signs and for seasons"

Despite the fact that I do not have a view on the specific issue, I consider the analysis to be very thorough and interesting.

Just came across this post so will have to go back and read previous posts. But since you're examining the creation topic, maybe you could examine why, if the earth really rotates around the sun, why the sun wasn't crated until the 4th day.

What was the earth doing those 4 days, or does the sun actually rotate around the earth?

Your interpretation of the creation is interesting espacially as today is the seventh day and we are suppose to rest from steemith, but the kick and fun in steeming will never allow us to have a day rest even if we are on holiday: Great post as usual from you and keep steeming...powering up too. Upvoted. Glad that am following you and thus sending in my support to your posts..keep it up

Yup, steemit is crazy stuff, but actually today is the first day of the week, the seventh is Saturday and begins Friday at sundown according to Hebrew reckoning.

Ok, according to the Hebrew however I am Catholic haha and today is the seventh day in my Christian Doctrine..Ie Sunday, day of rest in the new testament. However your post is based on the old testament ie the story of creation and you are correct according to it. Will stay in touch with you buddy in order to read more...very interesting.

Actually even to Catholics and other Christians, Sunday is the first day of the week. Christians switched the Sabbath from Saturday, the seventh day, to Sunday the first day, to commemorate the resurrection of Christ.

You are correct...however currently we practice our Sabbath on Sunday instead of Saturday hence why most christians dont work on sunday and monday is termed first day of the week. Depends on where you look at it

"On this day the first of days..."

The biggest joke here is the argument of switching the sabath day which in no way latters as everything is relative, even time! The thing, is non of this is constant meurement and could hve changed throught history. Saturday? Sunday? Does it matter at all.

Really interesting interpretation indeed. Great read for a lazy Sunday! :)

Excellent analysis @gavvet, I've often pondered this myself. In addition to the significance of the numbers, it seems that explaining creation broken down into days would have been the best way to convey it to a society that did not have an understanding of some of the more complex concepts that a deeper explanation would have involved. In the same way, I don't think that creation excludes the possibility of evolution (within certain boundaries) and the world being millions (rather than thousands) of years old.

good to see you're still producing good stuff, hope the family's doing well!

Jack Bauer could have created the world in one 24 hour period.

Jack Bauer can create a world for breakfast, before he is briefed for the day.

Father, Son & Holy Spirit...
Past, Present & Future...
The Son bears witness of the Father, and the Holy Spirit shall make all things clear...
The Present bears witness of the Past, and the Future shall make all things clear...

Some more groupings of three's

I guess my reply wasn't worthy of an upvote...

nope just absent minded ;)

its an interesting way to look at it. The real question is what it means to you?

From his series, the few ones i have followed he is shedding more light on the accounts of creation rather than just reading as fairy tales, so what does it mean to you? Feel free to answer this Outrightly!

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