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RE: Architecture of Creation

in #art6 years ago

.. had to pause at the point where I have been told:

"The following is an alchemically coded ceremonial experience embedded in film as a visual audible interactive event ...
.....these codes reconnect the energetic delivery system that downloads a holistic virus of source consciousness. this divine directive enters the human bio computational field and initiates the collapse of programs reliant upon synthetic mutant matrix activating a disassociation from the predominant dualistic ideologies of prejudice and separation initiating an altered brain chemistry that informs us that unity is the supremative human state..."

take time to understand what will I allow to have done to myself :D
say bye ?

What a trip.. gonna smoke a little bit and lie down listening to this..

I imagine in combination with halloucinogens one can fly reaeeeeal far and deep on this resonant harmony wave.. I feel I have had my circuits melted in this way around year 2010 through researching numbers and experimenting with cymatics and more :D

Thanks for sharing, may report later on results :D


;p yes, it's very potent material for a little fine tuning and reprogramming!;) I have been working with it some years ago, and it was wonderful to return to it at this time!=)
ouch! I know what you mean by having your circuits melted, this happened to me at some point too, but I am getting better with being able to handle high energies moving through me, I got better with grounding;) it seems like a major lesson over the years

The melt happened to desintegrate my walls and defences.. i had to build up new ones :D
After all it is all good but they were some hard times i put myself through
hmmm.. what methods of grounding did you find the most effective?

if you dont mind sharing :D

no need to build new walls, keep shedding these layers, uncovering who you truly are;)
grounding techniques - practicing journeying down through the darkness into the heart of Gaia, facing your shadow first, releasing to Her anything that does not serve you anymore, so the energy can rise up and eventually you can connect with the source above... standing barefoot on the Earth! working with the spirit of the land.. being present in the Now, grounding in your body...

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