our dystopian future has begun, say hello to your robot overlords!

in #informationwar6 years ago


So today in the grocery store I found my path obstructed by this large grey phallic object with googly eyes. A fucking robot getting in the way, and it was looking at me and shit. The sign said something about it being there to look for spills and shoplifters, I didn't want to be anywhere near the thing so I didn't stick around to read it. That creeps me out, it was very conspicuous, we are used to being watched all the time on surveillance cameras but this was obtrusive and right in your face, not a camera high on the wall or ceiling. The self check is another robot that has replace people but that is optional and not actively targeting humans. A while back I heard about a similar security bot being employed out west to try to monitor the homeless but the homeless kept attacking it and throwing feces on it, I can't say that I don't understand their impulse anymore, I wanted to run my cart right into that monstrosity. Looks like the time is now to pick up a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.

So what the hell are we supposed to do about the rise of the machines? Has anyone else encountered this things?

this photo and rant are @funbobby51 exclusives for @steemit and @informationwar, please resteem and upvote and comment


i am surprised we still have supermarkets with isles.

You know how all the expensive stuff is locked up? Well, i foresee the market being a counter that you come up to and ask for the items you want.
(of course you could do this online) and then wait as someone picks the items and bags them for you to pay.

All of these things are because it is economically no longer viable to hire people. And when you don't hire people, more people fall into thief mode. Its a downward spiral.

Fortunately for supermarkets, the stuff that is shop lifted has a very high mark up, so the store really isn't losing much. But it is only a matter of time.

in the future what physical stores remain will just charge you automatically when you pick up a product and put it in your cart. That's how the amazon stores work now, you just grab what you want and it charges you when you walk out, everything has rfid tags.

There's a major retailer here that is coming out with or maybe by now already initiated their plan to let their customers download an app that will allow you to scan your items as you shop for them. To me allowing people to shop and bag would seem to be a invite for more shoplifting but I guess they can then just pass that cost off to customers.

I was in McDonalds over by my sons house this past weekend, haven't been in there since they upgraded the place. I didn't even notice they put in kiosk to self order until I went out of the play area for kids to refill my pop. They weren't located up by where you order but more over by the play area. When I went back into the play area I said to my son they have kiosk now, don't use them they'll put people out of work. He looked at me and said if I had used them my order would have been right the first time. I couldn't argue that point because the kid who took his order did screw it up pretty bad.

They have had a thing at this same store for a while where you can scan your own groceries while you shop, maybe that's why they need the robot security guard now. I hate the reusable bags and people scanning their own shit, it's like they want to work at the grocery store, I bet they push their carts back to the cart return as well.

The BK in Acton, Ma had an ordering kiosk in the early 90s but it wasn't there that long.

I thought it rather odd they put them where people can see them when they enter but I ignored them as advertising boards....lol, I didn't realize that was what they were there for. I wasn't looking for any advertised specials because I already had coupons and knew what I wanted. So either people thought the same as I when entering or just plain are opting not to use them, after I noticed what they were for only one person used one out of the people who entered after I took notice. Maybe people are like yeah I help put someone out of work and karma will come back to bite me when the same happens to me.

I'll use the self check if I just have a few items and it's open and there is a line at the other registers but I would never scan as I go.

A couple of weeks ago I was in the same store and they were busting a guy trying to shoplift a bunch of Tide pods so maybe that prompted them to go for robots, that and their workers are planning to strike.

Tell the workers to not strike... it will only speed their replacement.

I wonder what the amazon store would do to me?
Alert! No phone detected! No tracking device detected! Notify SWAT team...

that robot would pop out of nowhere!

what's funny also is that on the radio there was a story yesterday that the employees of this grocery chain are going on strike soon, I am not sure if there is any relationship.

He doesn’t seem so scary, in fact he could... wait... wait!!! Aaahhhhh

Posted using Partiko iOS

Easy and dirty robot inactivation, should you ever find yourself up against one intent to terminate you. Great Stuff expanding polyurethane foam, it will gum up their sensors and servos etc. Removing it will require a mechanical method or solvents (that will work poorly at removal) that will damage many of their plastic components. Great Stuff, its cheap and readily available. Just burst some cans around some droids and run!

Having the robots deliver me a case now.

🤣 I wont tell them what it's for. See ya at the front line. lol

Posted using Partiko Android

That's an excellent idea, I had always just planned on a super soaker full of seawater.

Robots are the future - and good riddance they can break away and start their own society on the sun or whatever. I'll always have my home grown tomatoes far from the 5G.

It's a nightmare, I might do a follow up post on this because I had another run in with the motherfucker and now I am not going to shop there anymore. And I have come up with some tactics to combat them in case you encounter one.

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