Summary of my work as a CryptoAcademy Promoter - Week ended today 29/11/2021



Goodevening team and welcome to my report for the past week as a crypto academy promoter. Our work is to recruit new users and guie them through the achievement posts until they qualify to write in the Academy. Last week, I focused fully on my Facebook sponsored promotions and I have recorded some success. Read on as I share with you the result of my promotional campaign for the academy.


My Strategy for the week that ended

Running Facebook ads Like I planned last week, I added more money to the Facebook job Ad and extended the period of broadcast to cover last week, till Saturday. So more persons got to see the add and joined our classes. I hold classes every 2 days for new people that joined. So as seen below, the link to the Facebook job ad did not change. What did change is the number of applicants. We now have a total of 33 persons that have applied.

Facebook ad link:


When you compare this number to the number shown below from last weeks report, you will see that instead of 16 persons, we now had a total of 33 persons that applied for the job.

Chart from last week report

Our Whatsapp class as shown below is also advancing. Some of the older participants have written several posts and a few of the newer ones are also fast. For example, @afrimate has completed achievement 3 in a matter of days since he joined

Whatsapp class

  • Ongoing Mentorship: I basically keep the classes open always. This means that anyone from the group can ask questions at any time of the day and get answers, This has made the mentorship and progress of the students faster than usual.

On Saturday, I also ran a brief class for a different Whatsapp group of 8 people that are interested to go into crypto review writing. This is a class of final year students. They were all interested to start up next weekend once their last exam finishes on Friday, 3rd December, 2021. For them, I designed a banner which I used to announce and invite them to join the class. Below is the banner image.

Edited from Source

Summary of my Recruits

These are the people that have responded to my efforts

S/NUsernameDone Achievement 1 Post?
1@afrimate[Yes] Achievements 1 - 3 Completed


My target and Strategy this week

I will change the Facebook Ad for this week. I also have solid plans to join the Roadshow for Friday, the 3rd day of December 2021.


I appreciate the opportunity to work as a promoter. I will continue to improve my efforts as I aim to get more new people to qualify and join the academy.


You are doing very great my fellow Promoter, running Facebook add requires time and effort and you are doing very well on that keep it up

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 67441.24
ETH 3492.03
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81