Where I'm going there are no roads

in #life7 years ago (edited)
How our mind tricks us to go the easy way and how to understand that your path sometimes is not there.

(Photo Credit: wallpaper-gallery.net)

Almost all of us have felt the need at some point that there must be an easier way to do something (better tech for some tasks, better routes to a destination, etc.) and with that thought in mind we then move forward trying to cut some corners and get it done the easy way, some of us have felt the frustration of wasting time finding such way (sometimes more than it would have taken to do the task in the first place) but there is always the search.

The problem resides when we chose the wrong things to want the easy way, like a career or self-discovery or finding your passion or even relationships and many other human things for which we don't have a manual nor we have a surface level understanding of our particular road with them.

That leads to the questions where do you want to go? in your particular topic or interest which roads have other people taken? and more important which one will be yours?

After debating such questions there is a quote that according to me shine some light on what could be a path (in this case talking about career but if you change the word it applies to almost every human desire).

"No life worthy of the name consists of anything more than the continual series of struggles to develop one's character through the medium of whatever one has chosen as a career." ~ Juan Belmonte

After having that reflexion we can then safely assume that the mere search for what you want can take you to struggles where the easy way is not the right way, or sometimes there is no way at all because what you want have not been achieved or even defined before, that's why I say

"Where I'm going there are no roads" ~Flemming

Because wanting a prescripted path is wanting to live according to somebody else expectations and points of view, wanting a road is like desiring that your choices were made for you and that your destination already picked by the one that made the road before.

But I know is hard, is hard to want something like that, is hard to discover your real self, but is even harder to live in denial and with regret or discontent with the way your life is unfolding, that's when the questions above become a mantra for your path.

Make no mistakes if you decide to go where there are no roads or signals, no manual or direction, it will probably not be safe, but it will be very rewarding, to have the feeling that whatever we are doing is our own making and not somebody else's because if it's wrong you made it, and you can turn it the right way.

So until our next time, make sure to choose and much more important make sure to jump on your journey.

Let me know your thoughts on the matter and if you find it valuable remember to comment, upvote, reestem or just shout it out.

Have a great day


This post reminds me of the saying " one should learn to be comfortable even in the most uncomfortable of situations". Not an exact quote but the message is generally the same.
Good post @flemingspace and thanks for the follow cheers.

That's kind of the spirit of the post I hope it was of value to you, thanks for the upvote and comment.

Robert Frost wrote:
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

Life is a funny thing. Some people live their lives as if it were fate that has gotten them there and no matter what choices were made, it didn't matter since the results have already been determined.

Others live their lives with the faith that they are making the right choices. That the things they choose to do or not do have them on the right path to where they feel they need to arrive.

I am of the school of thought that it is my fault that I am where I am due to the choices I have made in the past. Some choices have been monumental while most have been the little ones. You know the ones, they seem insignificant, but when you string a bunch of these minor choices they shape your entire world.

I was fortunate to have several mentors who made the attempt to teach me the importance of goals and affirmations. It wasn't until I accepted the fact that I could control my destiny that I was able to witness the magic.

The important thing is that you find your sense of purpose, live passionately and enjoy this life to the fullest.

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