in #macrophoto-contest5 years ago (edited)

Hello to all photography lovers!

First of all, I would like to thank all the participants of this amazing 🐜 7 DAYS MACRO-PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST 3 🐜!

Here is the winner of this Day #6 who will be selected for the final and also the other participants whose work was great! I voted all your blogs and I invite you to participate in the LAST DAYYYYYYY!!!!! 🙌

I can't wait to see your work! The competition is difficult because the quality of your photos exceeds my expectations! I think that it will not be the last contest of this kind that I will organize ... ^^


  • Each user has 1 entry per day that will be valid for the challenge. So those who posted several photos, I do not disqualify you but I select the first photo automatically =).

  • It's possible to join the contest at any time. Let's play guys!

THE DAILY WINNER IS: @deltasteem

I crept a little toward the glass wall to take a picture of a moth's macrophotography or better known as night butterflies and most of us know moth is a butterfly that is active at night and I took the macrophotography of this moth at night Using a smartphone camera macro lenses and artificial light.
Thank you for visiting my macrophotography page.
This is the smartphone macrophotography of @Deltasteem work today.

Smartphone xiomi note 4 + Macro lens 45mm.
Speed of shooting 1 / 1 . f / 2.0 3.57mm.

ISO auto + Artificial light.

Use the Snapseed application.


2: @borjan

Today, I have to show this larvae to cicada transformation.

And this was my today's entry for the contest ...hope you find it interesting ...and hope I understood the rules correctly and did everything ok ... have a good day...or night...wherever you are...

Here I used a 100 mm macro lens and two external flashlights, above and kind of half lateral half behind ...wasn't very difficult this is a calm scene that takes time to get from start till the end so the photographer can do his job without stress or frenzy :)

3: @sounddam

Saludos comunidad de Steemit!!!
Aquí estoy una noche más para publicar mi sexta entrada para 7 DAYS MACRO-PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST 3 organizado por @flamingirl...
En el Foto-Post de hoy, tenemos como protagonista a una pequeña araña que vive en una flor...
Yo no entiendo mucho acerca de aracnidos, de modo que no sabría decir de que tipo es este insecto en concreto, pero la fotografía ha quedado bastante aceptable. Espero que les guste...

Tomé esta imagen con la siguiente configuración:

CÁMARA: Nikon D7000
OBJETIVO: Af Micro Nikkor 55 mm 1:2.8
DISPARO: 1/160s @ f 4.8

Hasta aquí el Foto-Post de hoy querid@s Steemians. Espero que les haya gustado, como siempre muchas gracias por visitar mi blog y por el apoyo que recibo diariamente de esta maravillosa comunidad.
Tambien gracias a @flamingirl por la organización de este concurso...
Nos vemos en la siguiente publicación!!!😎

4: @boddhisattva

I made this photo almost three years ago. These were the very first days after I met Steemit.
Then I decided to try myself in photography. And it fascinated me for a long time.
It was a very warm summer in my region. A lot of insects flew to the flower garden in the parents' summer home. Including a lot of butterflies flew. They were not easy to photograph, but I got some good shots. And this photo is one of them.

Nikon D5000 + Nikkor 18-55 VR

5: @rosatravels

Here is my entry for day 6 of the 7 Days Marco-Photography Contest 3 hosted by @flamingirl.

In this photo, I am capturing the spider catching an insect on his web.
I want you to look at three things here:
the spider
the insect that the spider caught
the spider web
I never knew spider is so beautifully designed:

look at the sharp legs
look at those yellow orange segments on the legs
look at the body and the circular design
look at the head

I can't tell what kind of insect the spider caught, but the insect is certainly very beautiful also.

The spider web is fascinating. I wonder how long it took for the spider in creating his web. Nature is so wonderful isn't it?

This photo is taken with a HX400V Sony Camera

Hope you enjoy the photo as much as I took the time to take this picture.


Congratulations @deltasteem, @borjan, @sounddam, @boddhisattva, @rosatravels, and Thanks to all participants!!!

See you soon for the DAY # of the 7 DAYS MACRO-PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST 3 !!!


If you liked reading this article, feel free to FOLLOW ME, UPVOTE and RESTEEM! It's always appreciated =D. Thank you all for your support and see you soon for the news flamingirl's adventures!


Thank you for the mention! 8)

Gracias por la mención... Saludos 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Gracias por la mención, saludos 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @flamingirl I am happy to be in a macrophotography and congratulated other friends on photography lovers :)

Congratulations, that picture is the best I've seen this week. My respects

Great work, also because shoot by a smartphone and a basic macro lens added.

the entries coming in from day to day are stronger and stronger! all today shots are killers. congrats all participants. @borjan thanks for joining -- your works are mega impressive. absolute pro level!

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