How Steem is “Building a New Internet”, One of Two Main Reasons Why I’m Bullish About Steem’s Potential and Future

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

There are two main reasons why I think that Steem is one of the most exciting things online since the Internet (the www) itself. Both combined result in a very positive outlook for the chain. One of both reasons may be less obvious to many though.

The first reason is how the social aspect of Steem can change lives, empower people and change the future of many, especially of the early adopters and those living in less privileged societies.


The Steem blockchain will most definitely improve the vertical mobility of those now at the bottom of the ladder and those with access to cheap mobile phones and plans, but without actual tech know-how or opportunities.

Steem is one of the potentially most disruptive social networks ever.


The second reason why I am bullish about Steem’s futures is because of the infrastructure offered to the community and the upcoming SMTs.

Steem is one of the potentially most disruptive social networks ever

When I say infrastructure I do not necessarily mean the speed of the blockchain but, obviously, it is an important element in everything else. As important as the no fee transactions and the witness confirmations within 20 seconds.

The technological excellence of the blockchain is a vital pillar of Steem’s futures even, an infrastructure which allows Steem to possibly become one of the main Web 3.0, decentralised Web 3.0 platforms.

What is Web 3.0

Web 3.0, nowadays often referred to as the Semantic Web, was first coined by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 2006.

I have a dream for the Web [in which computers] become capable of analyzing all the data on the Web – the content, links, and transactions between people and computers. A "Semantic Web", which makes this possible, has yet to emerge, but when it does, the day-to-day mechanisms of trade, bureaucracy and our daily lives will be handled by machines talking to machines. The "intelligent agents" people have touted for ages will finally materialize.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, “Weaving the Web” (1999)

Sir Tim Berners-Lee though thinks the semantic web itself is a component of Web 3.0 in which the semantic web serves as an integrator, easily (machine) readable data which can be parsed.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee via Paul Clarke on Wikimedia

In more recent years, the term Web 3.0 has slightly steered away from the original expression as coined by Berners-Lee and more and more become the name used to determine an Internet with less centralisation.

Just like blockchains, a decentralised Web. A web powered also by semantic standards.

In the world of blockchain, and crypto currencies, there are several players in the emerging Web 3.0, the Infrastructure Internet. The most known is undoubtedly the Ethereum network, the network which was brought to its knees with cryptokitties recently.

Another emerging blockchain network, and thriving community already, is Blockstack. Blockstack is a decentralised network which allows apps to run in a browser, completely decentralised and without any specific need for hosting as such. Blockstack recently raised $52m from its ICO. You may know the Blockstack network from the popular OpenBazaar marketplace.

When SMTs will be introduced to the Steem blockchain, the network, powered by witnesses, will provide the optimal platform for entrepreneurs to build verticals on top of the excellent technological prowess of the currently fastest blockchain available.

Complete with Steem’s rewards mechanism and an internal market for new tokens launched on the Steem blockchain.


The Steem Community is Already Building This “New Internet”

One of the things I don’t see mentioned often enough in the meta echo chamber, that is the current Steem(it) community, is how the Steem ecosystem is already building this new Internet, even before the launch of SMTs.

The most interesting aspect is that the Steem community is actively replicating the Internet we know completely in line with everyone’s own technological capabilities.

We have seen many communities emerge around #tags, communities reminiscent of earlier Internet platforms, some of which have gone on to become Giants of the Web.

A perfect example of this is the recently introduced #SteemFleaMarket, an obvious attempt at bringing an eBay-alike auction platform to the Steem community.

Steemians are already replicating the Internet we know

Important to remember is that Steemians have build this attempt at an eBay replica on top of the Steem network already, without having access to the SMT technology. Another community revolving around a tag is #steemgigs, a Steem-based microjobs community. Also built without access to the SMT tech.

The Steem ecosystem currently also already hosts its own YouTube alternative, dTube, a SoundCloud alternative, a decentralised 9GAG alternative. The Steem blockchain is also the proud host of the only platform rewarding open-source contributions,

A ProductHunt alternative is also in the works, as is an Etsy alternative marketplace for creative sellers and DIY products.

Image via @steemhunt

While these, as well as content creation and even an adult entertainment network, seem obvious verticals to build directly on the Steem blockchain it is entirely possible that some day there may be a Steem SMT for the #runforsteem running community which rewards achievements with upvotes. Steem may even see cryptodoggies, aso aso aso.

Steem has already seen its own pixel site, a nostalgic throw back to the MySpace era and Alex Tew’s Million Dollar Homepage.

While many may laugh at these efforts, they are the evidence that Steemians are creating, and replicating, the Internet as we know it.

Contrarily to older blockchains, Steem’s speed and DPOS organisation have been battle tested already, without even breaking a sweat.


Thanks to the community and the technological prowess of the blockchain, as well as the Steem’s guardians, both he witnesses and Steem Inc. the future is bright for the Steem ecosystem.

While many may at times argue, with Steem Inc the community benefits and excellent parent who are fully focused on making the blockchain the best available platform, all while learning from history and the (social media) giants which have preceded Steem and Steemit.

At SteemFest², Steem Inc’s CTO @sneak was very prolific in emphasizing the company’s focus on learning from the best and focusing on building a platform not for one site but for thousands of sites.

On goal:

If stays the only gateway to the steem blockchain, we failed at our job.

On using Steemit themselves:

We disencourage [our] people to use it, we are building a protocol, a decentralized platform. We need to make sure that the Steem blockchain is powering thousands of websites, not just 5.

On learning from failure:

Standing on the shoulders of giants, we can learn from 500 failed networks.

@sneak's SteemFest² talk


More than 25 years after the first website went online, with excellent guardians, a community which has already shown and proven its entrepreneurial spirit and one of the technological best and fastest blockchains operational right now, the future for Steem is bright and it is difficult not to be bullish about it.

Add to that that currently no other blockchain ecosystem can claim to be as anthropologically sound, and solid, or capable to revolutionise the online media’s revenue model, as Steem’s rewards structure, which is most definitely Steem’s second most important asset.

Its most important weapon being its entrepreneurial community.


Well prepared great article.
Steemit would be a blockbuster and employer of labour in 2018.
I forsee people leaving their jobs for steemit soon.
It's a great time too for early adopters.

Thanks for your comment, @mickyscofield. Steem already is a great employer. Many content creators, much of which in a lower quality level and not fully appreciated by the Steem elite make a living from the chain already.

But 2018, and even more so 2019, will take Steem in the mainstream. Every here already in 2017 stands to benefit from the years to come.

I agree wholeheartedly. I also believe that steem has a chance to be something very amazing!

I loved watching @sneak's presentation. His energy toward this is just great!

Sneak's energy in his talk is IMHO a massive asset for the future of the Steem ecosystem.

Steem Inc. could go so many different ways yet their entire focus is on creating, and improving, this infrastructure, playing the long game rather than the company game. As a Steemian I couldn’t wish for better Guardians.

The #SMT's will be huge no doubt in the coming year and I think they have the potential to change the game considerably. However I think that thne fundamentals of Steemit are just now starting to shine through. We're seeing the massive distribution of wealth unencumbered by government bureaucracy and going right into the creators hands. This is perhaps the first time anything like this has ever ocurred.

For our company, Live Rehab, we make online courses through Udemy for addiciton and recovery purposes. What we'd love to see is a course type platform for folks that rivals that of Udemy.

On a side note, you put a lot of effort into this post and earned an upvote and new follower.

Thanks for your comment, and the follow, @liverehab.

I am absolutely sure that the Steem blockchain will host multiple MOOC platforms and if they manage to nail their business model right (the steem mechanics do not work 100% for every content possible platform) they will undoubtedly rival Udemy. One of the factors could also just be the fast blockchain and its secure wallet, a wallet which can be funded by operations on other SMTs.

I would love to see such courses on Steem btw. That also in light of my recent post about the addictive triggers designed in social networks.

I didn't know this about steemit before now, thanks for sharing @fknmayhem

I LOVE STEEMIT and all it has to offer! Your post gave great insight as to the future of Steem and I completely agree with you. As of late I’ve been spreading the word to try and get others to join. This is a great platform that has an unimaginable forecast of success. I believe it will transform the internet as we know it!

Thank you for your post!

I wish everyone sees the same way you look upon steemit and hopes for better outcome in the end. Steemit for me is truly a game changer for a social media platform. Nonetheless, the technology itself is a great achievement in the blockchain scene.

Nearly everything you do is of no importance, but it is important that you do it.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Your unrelated spammy comment is of no importance and you better hath not.

I'm-a flag that biotch

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