Cheetah Bot - Go F#%* Yourself

in #bots7 years ago (edited)

Ruined another morning having a bot come tell lies on me.

I will be flagging cheetahbot EVERY DAY for the rest of my life until they STOP letting bots do this. HAVE A HUMAN LOOK before you make your damn list!!!

I hope others will flag them too.

UPDATE: My portion of the payout for this post will be donated to @originalworks, a bot that tries to ENCOURAGE people rather than imply they are cheaters.


I have to be honest all this bot business is a little discouraging. I spent hours last night just looking at all the crap posts and the bots commenting. Little wars between people who flag each other out of spite. BUT freedom is a two-way street. I would rather be here, despite the frustration, than spend my time on something centrally controlled and censored.

Yep, I agree that is why I am here. And I will concede that the CONCEPT of cheetahbot is pretty good, but it is VERY poorly executed. The originalworks bot does the same thing without insulting people, and it only comes when called. Do you think something is plagiarized? Well check into it! It is what I like to call "due diligence." Whenever I suspect something, I right click it and hit that little option to "search google for" whatever I am in doubt about. I do NOT need a bot to tell me what is original. If a bot is going to take that role, it ought to be as a POSITIVE, like originalworks, not running around calling people "cheaters" by implication just by showing up on their comments.
And as you have seen, these bots are just scratching the surface of the larger bot issues. Yet, for all the hassle with the bots, they won't censor me... so I like them better than politicians!

Haha! Got a good chuckle out of this post! Almost spit a bit of coffee out :) I know it's not a laughing matter but damn funny anyways.........

Thank you! I have my panties mostly unwadded now and will have a good laugh with you!

Hey by the way have you been over to steem supply lately? It looks to have changed from when you first told me about it? Less info provided but still very useful. I suppose it became busier?

LOL! I forgot about it! I use steemnow these days, it has some nice detail.

I still don't understand about bots. What happened?

The cheetahbot comes and "upvotes" people that it thinks might have plagiarized. Then they provide the link to what they think you have plagiarized from. People come along, see cheetahbot has commented and assume the damn bot is right but it is OFTEN wrong. The account needs SHUT DOWN unless and until a HUMAN checks the situation before making the accusation. Any human could see what we are doing and know it is not "plagiarized" but now tomorrow we will all appear on the bot's list of cheaters, with no recourse as far as I know.

Oh! I am so sorry! Which post was it?

I am sure you are not the last and I am sorry that it happened to you.

Thank you! It was our "Shoot Out At The Chicken Ranch" where there is a 3-way challenge, ongoing, so a LOT of text is repeated, but EVERYONE doing repeat challenges does that and cheetah does not hassle them! I am (mostly!) over it now, but I am too sensitive for name calling bots lol! It is like a knife in the gut, just immediately, then I have to get myself all untwisted over what really is nothing in the big picture. But what started off as fun - I was quite proud of my picture and we are having fun with our challenge - got ugly when a bot peed in my wheaties!

LOL I am going to go look at it! :)

Hilarious!! The second time today a fine lady F bombed and for good reason! I’ve said the same thing over and over about Cheetah. Hugs. xx🦅

Thank you! Hugs back at ya'!

Who doesn't love an F bomb and a big middle finger! LOL

If you'll notice, cheetah was actually upvoting you and referring people to more of your work. It didn't flag you. Cheetah has a bad wrap, but it does a good service here that people aren't fully aware of. @anyx has tweeked the code several times and it still flags true plagiarism, but votes on people and gives references too. The name of the bot is the misleading part. If it was say, @referencebot or something, people wouldn't think twice about it.

Well the name is what people see, think the post was made by a "cheater" and the post then dies.
Where is cheetah bot on all the "placeholder" comments that upvote themselves for hundreds of dollars. Nothing more important than a post that made less than a buck by a human who ADMITS she is too sensitive. That does not change the fact that when I see that, it makes me cry. I feel like I have been called a cheater. And then people show up to tell me how great the bot is that ruined my morning. And OMG I have more important problems today. Am I kicked out now that I spoke badly of a beloved bot or something? That would be about typical for how this day has rolled.

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