“I'm good enough; I'm smart enough; and doggone it, people like me .”steemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)


"I'm good enough..."

The title is a quote from a funny Saturday Night Live skit in the early 1990s - Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley. Even though the skit was meant to be humorous, there is an underlying truth. Trust in yourself and be your own expert, because only you have your best interest in mind (spouse included).

Inspired by this post by @dumb-news, I wanted to remind everybody to give yourself more credit when making decisions and don't depend on others so much, because you often know more than the collective.

@dumb-news’s post is in the context of corporate media, but this concept applies everywhere. People or institutions want something from you; your attention, your action, or your money; so they tell you things that may not be in your own best interest so you do the things they want you to do or believe.

  • Like a bank asking you to participate in a seminar on, “How to save money,” where a 1/3 of the seminar is how to save money and 2/3 of the seminar is about you taking out more debt with their bank.
  • Or your mother guilting you into paying 1/3 the cost of a swing-set your sister wants to get for her kids.
  • Or your corporate news channel saying you should be scared of something, so you watch them more often, so they can pull in more ad revenue.

All of these things are not in your best interest. This may seem obvious, but when someone gets us emotionally charged, we sometimes succumb to those emotions and make decisions based on other's interests, not our own. I am guilty of this. And in a world of specialization of labor, its easy to trust in others to solve our problems. Knowing where to apply this requires you to trust in yourself more often.

So this is a reminder, trust in yourself, be your own expert, because you're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it people like you!

Stay frosty people. Thanks for reading.

30% allocated to ph-fund.


what an awesome post an I appreciate the mention. I like how you are able to get your point across with such a small amount of words. Nice job!

"I like how you are able to get your point across with such a small amount of words."

Thanks, that means a lot. I've been trying to decrease the amount of "froth" in my posts. People lead busy lives. So if I can convey more substance with less words so it takes less time for people to read, then I'm doing something right.

I think present days are the best to confuse people and the ones who shout aloud and build up their theories can really gain a big auditory. Recently while watching one of the documentary prior to US election I was shocked when some people say that they look for news in social media in their influencer channels. That gave me a fright to realize how easy to manipulate people nowadays. Therefore, I agree, people have to make their own decision while collecting the information from various sources and also to be open to different opinions.

Thanks @stef1.

“and the ones who shout aloud and build up their theories can really gain a big auditory.”

Wow! This is a profound statement. I say to my wife sometimes, “the loudest person in the room is the dumbest person in the room.” But it's sometimes hard not to listen to very loud people.

I think you're correct, people can be easily manipulated when they are offered something they desire; like money, attention, or confirming a belief (like with social media).

But you know what they say, "Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes" Latin for "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts." When someone offers something you like and you feel a little weird about it, it’s probably best not to accept it 😁

**Anybody who is Greek reading this, no offense intended, hehe.

Good article, one of the worst mistakes we make is to let people say whether we are good or not for something.

Absolutely. When people say we can't do something, its that they can't do it themselves. Thank you @trabajosdelsiglo.

Excellent article, clear and concise, reminds us that we should not underestimate our skills and that we should be proactive and confident enough, when we want to undertake any business. Let's not let others do the thinking for us, because we will become the living dead.

See you later my friend, have a great week !

Thank you so much @amestyj. 100% agree. I think the individual is intelligent. And all we have to do is tap into that intelligence to fulfill our dreams.

Hello @fijimermaid
It's a good invitation to believe in ourselves, it's not about being arrogant or anything like that, but about believing in ourselves above others, and that can't be bad.

I love this comment @josevas217!

100% agree. It's the difference between confidence and arrogance.

Confidence is being self-assured that you have the ability to do something.

Arrogance is an exaggerated sense of importance compared to others, as if you are better than others and have nothing to learn from them.

It's so important for all of us to be confident in ourselves.

Interesting post on distraction, diversion and tricks used to get the better of you.
Good post!

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