Rant on Vegetables

in #busy5 years ago (edited)

This pumpkin is one of the few vegetables that the animals barely touch.
All other plants have been overrun, even though I do not have rabbits in the garden this year.

If you think buying vegetables instead of meat from the store is saving animal's lives or the environment in general, you are mistaken.

To commercially grow vegetables on a big scale, you have to do some or all of these

  • use peat
  • keep animals out
  • kill weeds
  • (spray pesticides, fungicides)

You can bypass some of these issues by growing indoors, but then you most likely

  • use fertilizer

It all gets wrapped in plastic and most likely needs cooling and fast transportation and most of it has very limited shelf-life.

If you buy real 'organic', your favorite veggie is probably almost permanently out of season and expensive.

Pasture raised cows however, can graze in climate zones where vegetables would not even grow or in very limited variety.
Grass does not need any spray or fertilizer; The cow needs a few vaccinations and it is good to go.
During transportation, you can carry a lot more calories much more efficiently than if you where to drive lettuce around in a truck.

Meat is almost always in season and can be harvested on demand.

If managed well, pasture raised animals do not harm the environment, can stop erosion and increase the quality of the soil.

Of course, if you eat corn fed animals which where raised in a barn, you have the worst of both worlds.

TL;DR: Raise your own chickens.


oh wow, great and big, you taste them allready?

Freut mich das du wieder öfter postest!!
lg 🤠

felixxx fried chickens?

TL;DR: Raise your own chickens.

I have done some estimations and since Germans won't buy a chicken for more than 3 euros, I am afraid, that is not a good business plan. Per chicken you have some cents profit, only.

Would you buy a box of chicken nuggets for 10 - 15 € ?

Ich könnte mir auch gut vorstellen, dass sich Tiere besonders auf deinen Garten stürzen..
Denn sonst gibt es ja kaum noch was zu fressen.. Alles Land wird benutzt, bewirtschaftet, vergiftet und verteidigt.

Dementsprechend ist dein Garten wie eine riesige, genial duftende Anlockung?

Ich persönlich denke, dass ganze macht erst in einer Gemeinschaft mit Haustieren (Hühner, Katzen, Hund) und vor allem Hof wirklich Sinn..

Bin auch schon am sparen für nen Hof. Denke zur nächsten Finanzkrise wird es einige recht billig geben. Hab schon richtig Bock mit Freunden son altes zerfallenes Ding in ne dicke WG umzubauen.. :D

Klar. Um meinen Garten sind nur Monokulturen; Direkt hinter meiner Hecke summt und brummt es, draußen ist Stille
Die Insekten und Vögel habe ich ja teilweise auch gerne da.

Hühner würden die Mäuse wahrscheinlich einfach fressen.
Statt Hund unf Katze, reicht auch eine Gans.
Es geht auch ohne Gutshof und wenn dann bin ich schon vorbereiet und weiß, wie es geht.

Hätte extremes Interesse an ner Bodenprobe von deinem Garten...^^ vor allem der Glyphosatgehalt wäre sehr interessant-

Der Bauer hat definitiv irgendeinen Kupferscheiss in meine Hecke gesprüht, denn die wird langsam gelb und stirbt.

Den haue ich aber sowieso irgendwann von seinem Trecker.


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We're trying to raise some serious funds for such a project which is 100% integrated and contained eco system, we got the land and the technology partners and the financier and by the time of finishing formalizing the paperwork the financier got something more juicy, in their thought at the time, and promised to finance when he gets his cut from the investment he went in which was too good to be true and was a bust. And now we're stuck.
Nobody is willing to finance a startup with such an amount even though the studies are all too much promising, they prefer to give more to who already have enough.

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What project ?

It's a biogas-based integrated farming project.

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I would not support such a thing.
If you read the text above, I want to raise animals on pasture.

You didn't get the idea of the project. Fully integrated eco system is open range grown chicken feeding on own produced crops, as a start.

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Of course, if you eat corn fed animals which where raised in a barn, you have the worst of both worlds.

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