What Could Be the Single Biggest Barrier for Mass Adoption When it Comes to "Steemit"?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

This is, undoubtly, one of the biggest quandaries we regularly hear about on our platform. Mass adoption and how do we get there? After all, this is a "social media" blockchain so without the "social" aspect delivering as it should, this is very legitimate concern. Many highlight such problematic factors as quality of content, website presentational limitations or even the whole "circle jerk" issue. Everyone seems to hold their own opinions on the subject. However, I see something else that could be seen as overriding most of the above.


If you've been in the crypto space for any reasonable amount of time, chances are you're already pretty comfortable with the workings of the technology, have a fairly decent familiarization with the various coins as well as anticipate the huge potential for market growth. But what got you here in the first place? Most likely it was a combination of having an open mind and being willing to take a "leap of faith" into a new, unexplored world. I mean, not to sound too dramatic, but we could very possibly be witnessing the birth of a brand new digital monetary system, in addition to the whole plethora of other indirect benefits being a part of this space brings with it. But I digress. It was your choice to take the time and have the patience to understand and "accept" this new technology at face value. Keyword being "accept". Because the overwhelming majority of the world's population only "accept" the status quo they've been taught from a tender, albeit brain-manipulative young age. Stepping out of your protective reality into something completely alien to your average person on the street is, quite simply, a ludicrous concept to grasp.

For instance, STEEM. What exactly is a STEEM? Take you and I, for example. Having already overcome the main hurdle of getting to grips with crypto currency in the firs place, we have in essence, created a referential point with which to relate all the individual coins with. As well as their own unique and intrinsic attributes that each one has. You "accept" that those numbers displayed within your wallet, equate to genuine real world value. You know the steps required to exchange the token into a globally accepted form of payment. Stay in this space long enough and it fast becomes an routine facet of your daily life. We forget about the "old" us that took that first initiative to initially discover what crypto was all about. I think we deserve a pat on the back at the very least!

For the vast majority of the outside worlds population, money means a Dollar, Pound, Euro, Yen or whatever domination your country uses. It must be linked to a "trustworthy" bank account and funds must be readily accessible at all times. "We" ourselves are aware of the inherent value crypto currency has, but the lay person, it is the absolute opposite. The government is the one who provides for it's citizens, not some invisible file operating in the background and implying how wealthy you are by displaying some random monetary figure on-screen. There is no external backing, as far as they are concerned. And even if it were real, the effort it takes one learn the processes necessary to convert it into "real" money, is usually considered more of a nuisance than a blessing. And that's no matter how simplistic it may seem to us. But with such an overall negative spin on proceedings, is there any light at the end of the tunnel? Thankfully, I believe there is.

Luckily, "time" itself should come to the rescue here. As crypto regulations, awareness and "acceptance" grow day by day, so will our chances of spreading the word about our blockchain and platform. It's imperative the masses view something like the STEEM token as having actual worth. After all, money is money, even from a contextual point of view. It just won't matter whether one can earn a living here or just enough to buy a pint down the local pub. If people see recognized institutions getting involved as well as more people within their group, a shift in mentality will take place. Which will lead to a shift in perspective. Which in turn will ultimately lead to "acceptance". Now what you have is an individual who is ready to embrace what the crypto space actually stands for and has to offer, with hopefully, STEEM being a part of it too. A global change in mindset is what we really need first. Everything else will then fall into place nicely.

So there you have it. Again, these are my own privates thoughts based upon speaking to countless people on this. But in the meantime, we have great development in progress and our sporadic "user awareness" initiatives can still be looked at as quite useful. But I still see the "big" push will be at the hands of much larger institutional and governmental bodies. Essentially, flicking the light bulb switch "on" within many a brain around the world. Time will sort this situation out naturally and growth should go on to be organic by nature. And I, for one, can't wait for that day to arrive... :)


Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


Our parents generation lived thro a huge change in the monetary system...introducing debit and credit cards..i don’t see why crypto will be any different than that kind of transition in time

was a nice ezzy read ;)

Couldn't agree more, bud. I saw huge potential back in 2014 and see even more now! Hope you're doing well, my friend! And thanks for dropping by. :)

the old question "Where does the money come from?" of course but also I think the need for change is for many not big enough as they dont get demonetized by youtube or can post, message and everything on facebook without the need to learn about something which sounds almost to good to be true.

The missing need for change I think is also true for our current monetary system combine those 2 issues and you have a problem on your hand.

I think it will be more of a slow progress than a sudden rush.

The thing is, chances of making anything half decent based upon remuneration on YouTube are next to impossible, because of the incredibly high level of user saturation.

What’s funny is a year or 2 ago the main thing was “oh there’s not a mobile app? That sucks” which is what most people would say and now there’s several mobile apps and now they’re still like “oh yeah that sounds cool, I’ll check that out soon (never happens)” 🤣 OH WELL, more Steem for us, and then they can jump in the game extra late when Steem is already at $100!

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A great way to look at things as we must all remember that value is what two or more people agree with and that is still developing as adoption and usage grows. Many have different ideas of what this can become which leads to the volatility we have seen which also brings the emotional aspect of it all which make all the challenge. However, seeing things in a relative sense we can see the “better way” over time.

Posted using Partiko iOS


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