The Lost Artist and My Frustration

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

I can't believe I have wasted an entire day trying to contact an artist. I have searched all his socials but it seems he has gone low-key since last year. Before you start guessing why I would trace an artist, an explanation is due...


I am going nuts about watercolors nowadays. I don't remember the last time I got so passionate about something that I went to all extremes to learn it. I scroll Pinterest day and night to get inspiration for Art and pin artwork that I think I can recreate for my practice.

Two days ago, I pinned an artwork and later in the night, after putting kids to bed, I sat down to recreate it. I had to get up in three hours for sehri but I was getting restless to do it. It took me an hour to complete the painting. It wasn't perfect but it looked good considering that it was my first proper painting with watercolors.

Next day, I thought of sharing it with you all and a thought struck my mind.

Wouldn't it be illegal to share that painting here?

I copied it, it was fine as long as it was just that. But I was going to share it on Steemit where I could get some bucks for it, so technically I was going to re-sell a copy of someone else's work which sounded unfair to the artist.

With a confused mind, I asked stef1 about the matter and she suggested that I contact that artist and get his consent . It sounded fair enough and the search began.

It all goes back to finding him on social media which I am unable to do.

Let me clear, I didn't create a masterpiece . It was just that sometimes I like to share things I like.


After spending the whole day glued to the screen and in frustration, I planned to go out for Iftari with my family. We decided to go to Peshawar which is exactly an hour drive from home.

Our destination was Sheraz Ronaq, a very famous restaurant known for its buffet. I had been to that place three years ago. It was a different experience back then but food-wise it was altogether the same. At Least one good thing about the day was good food.


I couldn't help capturing this kind-of-treehouse in the restaurant

Like always, I didn't take any food pictures because when food arrives, I forget about the camera and focus on eating alone. XD

However, I took a picture of the famous Peshawari Qehwa which I didn't like, hence the picture.


After coming back, I still didn't get any response from the artist and now I am writing this post in frustration to let it all out.

Maybe I shall not recreate and already try creating my own pieces. 😬



Hola @event-horizon. Imagino tu frustración al querer compartir en steemit esa obra de arte perteneciente a ese autor que aún desconoces. Esperemos aparezca pronto y de su consentimiento.
Tengo el mismo problema que tú, casi nunca le tomo foto a la comida por qué la espero con mucha hambre y cuando me acuerdo de tomarle foto ya me he comido medio plato jeje

 2 years ago 

I have left messages for him. Let's see if he checks them or not. In any case, I'm going to find some approchable artist's work next time or simple create something of own.

I have already eaten half a plate.

In the same boat. I remember when the plate doesn't look as pretty for a picture. 😂

Jajaja estamos en las mismas. Bueno esperaré a ver cuándo te animes a crear algo. Ten un buen día. 😁

I think legally it's okay if you put your own name under it. You are not trying to fake an expensive work of art with the name of the original artist, and the same accusation could be made without a signature. By indicating that you yourself are the author, there is nothing formally objectionable. Duplication or copying is permitted.

Ich denke, juristisch ist es okay, wenn Du Deinen eigenen Namen darunter setzt. Du versuchst nicht, mit dem Namen des Originalkünstlers ein teures Kunstwerk vorzutäuschen und ganz ohne Signatur könnte man den gleichen Vorwurf erheben. Indem Du kennzeichnest, selbst die Urheberin zu sein, ist formal nichts zu beanstanden. Abmalen bzw. kopieren ist erlaubt.

 2 years ago 

Actually, I thought to do my research on this matter. There were mixed statements which got me confused. Therefore, I decided to opt for the most reasonable option that is to ask permission from the original artist.

But then I thought we see numerous copies of Mona Lisa now and people freely sell it. How do they get consent of Leonardo Da Vinci? XD

 2 years ago 

Wouldn't it be illegal to share that painting here?

Your such acts make you unique from other people on steemit. I think it wouldn't be illegal if you mention another artist work. It would be illegal when you say that its your own work and didn't give credit to real artist. I am not good in painting but I will try it because I love to capture beautiful moments like well known artist do.

I also didn't take pictures of food in a restaurant. I don't know but it looks awkward. My aunty is from Peshawar and the all family members are huge fan of Peshawari Qehwa. Have a blessed day.

 2 years ago 

The original artist decides what's legal and what's not. We can't mould the law for our gains.

Peshawari Qehwa is mostly liked by all. As for me, I'm not into drinks or beverages much. I'm a simple person who likes chayee, coffee, coke and fresh lime.. nothing more, nothing less. 😂

Thankyou for your kind words.

 2 years ago 


Good afternoon dear friend @event-horizon, can you tell me where I can verify myself in your community "STEEMIT PAKISTAN", thank you very much for your kindness, have a happy afternoon.

 2 years ago 

We just check verification provided by Newcomers' Community. You are good to go. 🙂

I am very fascinated after your post.You have presented your post to us in many beautiful ways.The restaurant above the tree is very unfamiliar to me.I have never seen a restaurant like this.


The image is captured very nicely.Thank you so much for sharing your valuable post with us.

Best regards 💖

 2 years ago 

You have presented your post to us in many beautiful ways.



Yes ☺️

I think you can draw your own pictures without being tied to anything. It doesn't have to be gorgeous. as long as it belongs only to you😊

 2 years ago 

I will draw my own now most probably until I figure out recreation rules.

I don't think there's an issue if you're recreating someone's work and giving them the due credit? I mean if you paint a picture, and you mention the the original piece and it's creator, you're good to go, no? That's just my opinion.

Also, it was my first time in Peshawar a couple of weeks back and I tried their qehwa at Nisar charsi tikka. I am not a huge fan of qehwa but I actually liked it even though we were dining in under scorching heat, it still tasted good xD

 2 years ago 

Well, I think things are not that simple on Steemit. We are getting rewards for what we post here, in other terms, earning.

I use the painting for personal learning, it's fine. I recreate it to practice, it's fine. I recreate it to earn through it, I'm not sure if it's fine unless I have the permission of the original creator.

When it comes to images, we use only copyright free because others are mostly not allowed by their creators to use commercially.

An artwork is automatically copyright protected as soon as it comes in tangible form. Therefore, it's better to avoid using it controversially.

How are you going to ask for permission from artists who have died?

 2 years ago 

That's what I said in one of my comments above. I can't go asking Da Vinci for MonaLisa. 😂

I'm not sure but I think there's some kind of a law that keeps the work of artists or other creators under protection for upto 70 years post demise, after that the owner-ship is passed on to the heir or to the state and they decide how to use it.

@stef1 might help here as I'm new to this and still learning how it all works.

So cute how honest you are dear 🌺👍 and same here i always forget take pics of meal, especially with all family it looks awkward, 😁

 2 years ago 

So cute how honest you are dear

Haha, cute? I value it more than anything.

especially with all family it looks awkward,

It's one of the reason too. I also feel very awkward taking pictures in public. 🤣

 2 years ago (edited)

Cute is your honesty😄 otherwise you know kn aj kl etna krta, really good 👍

Beautiful view indeed.. which place.. seems so different and beautiful..

 2 years ago 

Sheraz Ronaq, Peshawar.

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