The Inverse Effect on Families and Culture - Enjoy with Troy!

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

"Hey Scott. What are you doing."

Hey Gabe. Come on in. Want a cup of coffee?"

"No, I just thought I would drop by to pick up the minutes for our next @familyprotection meeting."

"Sure they are over here somewhere. (Scott moves to some papers."

" I see you hung up some new art in your office."

"Yes but I can't make sense of it."

(Gabe look at it for a minute) I think you have it upside down. May I adjust it it?


"See Scott there is the face of the person in the movement of the city."

"Oh yes I see it now. Thanks Gabe. It helps when we can see things in proper perspective for what they truly are."

"Indeed. I think I will take you up on the coffee."


The CPS and the inversion.

Today we think of the struggle that parents and families have. It saddens our hearts and brings us to tears what parents and children go though. Children ripped from parents and sold for profit to a foster care system that does not give a damn about them. Social workers acting like they care about the welfare of the child, where in actuality they only care about their pocket book. And privacy, rights and freedoms being eroded daily. We did not get here by accident. The security state following 911 helped to move the Orwellian CPS state forward dramatically with the signing of the Homeland security Bill ...but so did Bill Clinton when he sign the Adoption Safe Family bill November 19, 1997. Once again these bills were the inverse as they have taken rights, freedoms, privacy and dignity from the American people. They have stolen the innocence from children and handcuffed the parents who work hard to make a difference.

Lilidebbiecakes, Steemit artist and friend

It used to take a family to raise children and maintain a family. Families were good and wholesome. Today it takes a damn village and the family structure has weakened. That tells me that the village is hurting the family rather than helping. In addition the CPS social worker is out to sever you from your children. They attempt to build trust in the child to rat on their parents. Shame on them.

We all understand inverse. So does Scott Campbell, our lead character. But even he can be deceived. We did not get here by accident. A slow break down of culture and morality over many (6) generations has brought us here. And now folks are waking up but let's hope it is not too late as it was with the frog in the boiling water.


It can be seen in our music, our art, our sexual preferences, our writing and our dress. I remember when Michael Jackson entertained us with Bad. At one time bad mean bad nd good meant good. Now it is the inverse. An earlier example may be Sympathy for the Devil 1969. For decades song of love have only been songs of infatuation. Morality has been on the decline for over a century as seen with the cultural changes in values. We used to dress formally in public today we wear our pajamas to walmart. Satanism is encouraged in many facets of our culture. Licifer the television show is on prime time TV while Christian based programming is being railroaded.

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint

Back to the CPS

It is no wonder we are here where children are being taken from parents and parents are living in hell. But how do we move forward?

The internet may well be our last frontier(Sorry Star Trek) of true freedom. While we still have it, we need to educate families and the world of the injustice of the CPS/CFS foster care Orwellian system. We need to be supportive of those who are going through hell. Though we can have an impact on the local grass roots level, know this is an organized global syndicated evil that must be brought down. When you help you neighbor who has been targeted by the CPS, you make a difference. When you speak to others about this concern or write an editorial, you make a difference. When you blog for @familyprotection. or related tags - freedom informationwar etc., you make a difference.

Inverse Examples

Other Steemians have written on this subject.

I would like to share three steemians who are actively fighting this war on good and evil. I know there are many others who are dedicated here. You may follow several of them or be a writer as well. Thank you for your dedicated efforts to this cause.

@krnel has written often on the subject. A recent article of his is entitled You Can't Do That... But I Can. It is well worth your time to read. Her are several examples from this article.

You don't have more rights than me. But I have more "rights" than you.
You're not allowed to put me in a hand-cuffs. But I can put you in hand-cuffs.
You're not allowed to steal from anyone. But I can.
You're not allowed to steal from anyone. But I can.
You don't have a "do anything and get away with it" badge. But I do.

@doitvoluntarily speaks on the Orwellian state in his article Spying or Parenting. This post speaks of a West Virginia state sponsored program that encourages breaking the trust between parents and children as well as eroding privacy. He has written on countless other subjects that are freedom related.

@kryptocoin wrote a well stated post on how things are opposite of what they are entitled The Generation We Live In.

Even yours truly wrote before most notably in the poem Orwellian

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When I was an adolescent I wrote this brief poem below. It has never been on the internet so it is new to you. However it speaks of this upside down idea.

Night is day as day is night
What once was wrong is now but right
and write I do but bound to rhyme
Those who deceive are bound in time.

In Conclusion

Good will always be good and evil always be evil. Satan is not God. And the CPS cannot and will not raise our children. Things do go in cycles but not this. Families are families and are meant to be so for a God given reason. Good will always be good and bad will never be good no matter what the Michael Jackson song says. Please support that which is good. For good is always there for you. Please support families and children who are being persecuted, prosecuted and punished by the CPS. Please support @familyprotection.

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Support Family Protection

THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotectin who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection.

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Feel free to comment upvote or resteem.

Thank-you @enjoywithtroy for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

Have you seen the new Project Veritas videos by James O'Keefe? He is exposing the teacher's unions who protect teachers who break the law and try to invert their crimes onto the kids. These attitudes of protecting lawbreaking adults and hurting children are not just in the unions, they are in the public school administrations as well (personal experience and incidents that make the news).

I believe it. Thank you for sharing.

Oh thank you @enjoywlthtroy for mentioning my post here on yours I appreciate it so much friend ❣️May you receive many blessings from God Troy❤️

Thank you as well for your artistry.

Thank you brother @enjoywithtroy! I’ll be posting more fine art on @deemarshalls Steemit Art Centre every week. My own personal portfolio. This artwork consists of mainly portraits of children that show greet emotions in there faces. Sometimes sad. Each piece has a story behind it . I’ll be talking about these stories on each entry. You might find them to be quit useful for your posts again. Also @deemarshall asked to interview me and you’ll see different pieces of art there to, that will be coming up in the near future❣️Blessings

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

I truly appreciate your kind support my friend. @thethreehugs

It seems that these laws are implemented in an ideal way or simply that the application revolves around the desire of the leaders, but the interests of those who suffer are not taken into account or the main objective

Well said my friend. That is true, Thanks.

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