More Than A Stealing - A Parent's Horror And Battle Cry - Enjoy with Troy!

In humbleness I offer the song parody 'More Than A Stealing' based on the Boston song, 'More Than A Feeling.' This parody presents the horror of waking up to the CPS stealing your child and feeling the whirlwind of emotion. You realize there are others out there, like yourself, and together you have a voice. Yes, it is so much more than just a stealing. And so you choose to share the song of freedom and lift up your voice in the battle cry! You refuse to see the innocence of children and dreams of families slip away.

A mother's horror

So here is the story. You wake up one morning to a knocking at the door. The CPS social worker has come to take your son or daughter away. They present documentation as they legally kidnap them. Your child is expressing fear and heart felt tears as he is quickly whisked away. You are lost in this whirlwind and going through so many emotions. Yes, you have had an abrupt and rude awakening from the securities of your picked fenced home. You had done no wrong. You tried your best...and yet they kidnapped your child. Why? You are experiencing so many emotions...fear, anger, grief, depression, helplessness and perhaps hopelessness. What the hell happened?

So lost am! I Oh this is so wrong.
With heart felt eyes he just slipped away

You're not the only one

You soon realize that the CPS has stolen children from other parents. They have sold them into foster care and even sexual human trafficking. No, you are not alone. Anger starts to build as your mama bear instincts kick into full force. You decide to join a pro-family group like @familyprotection as your voice rings the song of freedom and together you lift your battle cry. You learn that, in numbers, you voice will be heard. Justice must be served and these tyrants will pay for this crime. There is an empty, aching, heart wrenching void that can never be healed.

Yet we must embrace old freedom's song,
I lift up my voice in this battle cry!

More than a stealing

Parents have grown weary of the lies of our governmental CPS system and it is more than a simple theft. The residue of pain and baggage from this crime is a life long endeavor to overcome, for which many never get past.

So many children have come and gone.
Their faces fade but their tears don't die.

Standing with families

Yet there are millions of voices speaking out today against child trafficking and the horrific crimes of the CPS. Folks are becoming proactive and taking real action. Pro-family groups are being formed to defend the innocent and helpless. I personally know of the good folks @familyprotection who fearlessly protect and defend the rights and freedoms of family and children. Men and women of compassion make the conscience choice to be truth tellers and freedom fighters for the welfare of humanity. They love children and do not want to see anyone kidnapped. I encourage you to support them as they defend freedom for all.

The parents are tired of lies were told.
The voices of millions speak out today.

And if we don't...

Babies and children are left to be stolen and trafficked by tyrants. As the final verse states...

Each boy and each girl in their pain and woe
With heart felt eyes as they slip away,
They slip away...

So yeah...we can let children slip away in their pain and woe to be forgotten. Wee can have the deaf ear of apathy as neighborhood kids and innocent babies are sold and trafficked by our government... OR we can embrace the song of freedom and take up the battle cry to defend families and children. The choice is ours. Which one will you choose?

The Videos

I offer three recordings to accompany this song parody. The first is the original Boston audio. It is timeless and perhaps the best suited for this parody. Second we have a remarkable cover by Mike Masse and Jenny Oaks Baker. This is a fresh interpretation of the song and exceptionally done. It was a pleasure to hear.

Finally we hear the string quartet of Phat Strad. This is an instrumental and again a musically beautiful arrangement of this timeless song. It is easy to follow and a pleasure to listen to. Which ever one you choose, may the message of the lyrics from the parody speak to your heart.

Now enjoy the song parody and be sure to support @familyprotection.

Original Boston Audio

Mike Masse and Jenny Oaks Baker, Cover

String Quartet, Phat Strad

More Than A Stealing

I woke up this morning and my son was gone.
CPS kidnapped his life today.
So lost am! I Oh this is so wrong.
With heart felt eyes he just slipped away.

It's more than a stealing (more than a stealing)
When they traffic our young, and sold in pay (more than a stealing)
And I can't stop grieving. (more than a stealing)
They have taken my baby away.
I see they've kidnapped and sold him away.

So many children have come and gone.
Their faces fade but their tears don't die.
Yet we must embrace old freedom's song,
I lift up my voice in this battle cry!

It's more than a stealing (more than a stealing)
When they traffic our young, and sold in pay (more than a stealing)
And I begin grieving. (more than a stealing)
They have taken our babies away!
With justice these tyrants are going to pay!

The parents are tired of lies were told.
The voices of millions speak out today.
Each boy and each girl in their pain and woe
With heart felt eyes as they slip away,
They slip away...

It's more than a stealing (more than a stealing)
When they traffic our young, and sold in pay. (more than a stealing)
And I begin grieving (more than a stealing)
They have taken our babies away.

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What is @familyprotection

If you do not know what family protection is I would encourage you to read our posts and help support the efforts of the fine bloggers who support the freedoms and rights of families. We work hard to promote an support the values and rights of moms and dads, that has come under attack by governments who wish to eliminate the God given authority and power of the family. @familyprotection uplifts the family and is always welcoming bloggers who wish to contribute to its cause. Consider standing for truth and the family. Consider @familyprotection.

Support Family Protection

THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THE PROTECTION Of FAMILIES AND CHILDREN EVERYWHERE! God bless the folks @familyprotection who are speaking out for others. I encourage you to support their cause and support the bloggers who expose this tyranny and injustice. I want to offer a shout out to @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam in gratitude for all their efforts in this cause. Support @familyprotection.

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Thank-you @enjoywithtroy for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.
"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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