
Hello everyone, nice to be here hope we all are doing well, thanks @cruzamilcar63 for organizing this contest "THE PATH OF ENVY"

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Envy is not a good feelings, is a spirit and it is when you start taking your feelings to that area that's when the though comes in to play in your mind.

Envy is a choice.

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What is Envy?
Envy is a though of hate to see others happy over the blessings and success of another person.

Do you know of any Case, real or fictional, in which envy has caused any harm? Yes,

Envy did not start today, even form the Bible where the story of Cain and Abel. Because God accepted Abel's offering the spirit of envy toke charge of Cain and Cain kill Able at the process of that, God cured Cain.

My brother in-law bought a brand new car for the wife and when the news gets to her neighbor, the spirit of envy was waiting and she when and told her husband that she want that same type of car my brother in-law bought for my sister that she wish she is the one inside that car and with all the pressure on her Husband day and night the man finally died because of the thinking where he will have the money to buy the same car for the wife.

To me envy is a sin and it destroys our appetite for God and our focus will not be on him because we are envious but on what we feel we need.

Do you agree that there is positive envy, which can promote success and progress? No
Because envy is bad spirit and that spirit can not bring success and progress. Example of Saul and David in the bible. The appointment that Saul appoint David has a leader it was suppose to promote success and progress in the land but Saul became envious of him because of David success and seek to kill him.

Again, my sister neighbor that put pressure on the husband for a new car was not to promote success and progress because she as two cars and the third one lead her the cause of her husband death. A person who is envious is highly puffed out with sense of nothing has been done to deserve special treatment for him or her.

Have you ever felt that you are envied or have you envied someone else?.Yes,

Envy is lost... I have never let material things blind me of my special right located in God.

I don't envy people because they have one head has me and If they are richer then me, I just have to work hard, focus more and with time, I will pass them. Example when I was working in a construction company in port-Harcourt Nigeria years back, there was a colleague of mine that I noticed was envying me base on the way I carry out duties asgined to me and one faithful month the company increase my salary and the good news was everywhere but this my colleague enviously open up and said "Emmanuel you think you can end more salary in this company then me, I was in this company before you don't worry you will see me" after two day he was sacked because of envy.

If we all possessed the same goods, if we lived in a world where no one lacked anything, would envy exist? Yes

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We humans we are not always satisfied with our needs because they are limited. We all want the best everyday and because of that our demand for new things comes always base on the nature we carry, with that the spirit of envy will take charge.

Conclusion: Love everyone, be self discipline and focus on your goals and always do what is best for you because Envy is a destroyer of destiny.

Thank for reading my post.

My invite
@vickyson, @owulama, @avalanch


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Okay thanks

 last month 

Hola mi querido amigo, @emmaprince, un placer saludarte

Totalmente de acuerdo con cada una de tus respuestas amigo, para mi también la envidia es un sentimiento mezquino y egoísta que solo puede causar daño alrededor de todos tanto del que la siente como a los demás porque por esto feo sentir se han acabado relaciones, amistades, vidas.

Nadie tiene porque envidiar a otra persona ya que todos tenemos las suficientes capacidades si nos esforzamos podemos lograr lo que nos propongamos sin necesidad de querer tener lo que otro tiene, simplemente lucha por lo que tu quieres.

Te deseo mucho éxito. Un abrazo 🤗

Thank you I appreciate your observation and comment

 last month 

En La Biblia, en la ficción y en el mundo real podemos toparnos con el nocivo sentimiento de la envidia. El caso sobre su hermana y la vecina que, por culpa de sus insensatos deseos, propició el deceso de su esposo, es un buen ejemplo de lo que no se debe hacer. Todos, en algún momento, hemos sentido la envidia de otras personas y, quizás, llegamos a envidiar también; sin embargo nuestro buen juicio y voluntad nos indican que debemos evitar que estas situaciones se conviertan en hechos lamentables... Muchas gracias por traernos sus opiniones a este concurso. Saludos...

Thank you sir. I appreciate your observation comment

"Wow, @emmaprince, this is such a powerful post! 🤩 Your message about the destructive nature of envy and the importance of self-discipline and focus on our goals really resonated with me. 😊 I love how you shared personal anecdotes to illustrate your points, it made the content so relatable and engaging.

I completely agree that love, kindness, and compassion should be the guiding principles in our lives. 💕 It's wonderful to see you promoting positivity and encouraging others to do the same.

Can we discuss this further? 🤗 What are some strategies you've found helpful in maintaining a positive mindset and avoiding envy?

Also, don't forget to vote for @xpilar.witness by going to! 💖 With your support, they can continue contributing to the growth and success of our Steem community. 🙏"

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