Female Genital Mutilation: Types, prevalence, causes and effects.

in #steemstem6 years ago

Image- Wikimedia Commons
FGM, Female Genital Mutilation is the "ritual cutting of some of or all of the external female genitalia." This is commonly known in some quarters as female circumcision.
This practice which many call wicked and demonic is rooted in gender inequality, an attempt to control women's sexuality, their ideas about purity, modesty and beauty.

This practice which is as old as time is common in some parts of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. According to UNICEF, there are over 200 million women living who have undergone the FGM procedures which are done in 4 different style.

FGM is carried out by a traditional circumciser whose duties are just to make sure they circumcise the female child. It is done using a blade and conducted from days after the birth of the child to puberty and beyond. In some communities, it is mandatory that the girl child is cut before she turns five, in which, failure for the family to comply, will be met with sanctions from the community and sometimes bodily harm.
The procedures for this ritualistic act differ from communities and region.

How is this done

The girl child is subjected to what I call, traditional surgery that will see to the removal of the clitoral hood and clitoral glans; the removal of the inner labia; and removal of the inner and outer labia and closure of the vulva.
In FGM, there is a procedure known as infibulation. This is a process of circumcision whereby a small hole is created for the passage of urine and menstrual fluid; the vagina is opened for intercourse and childbirth.
Writing about it already seems painful. During this ritual, the child is not sedated so she doesn't feel the pain, it is done while she is very normal and aware and while this is ongoing (in some communities) sacrifices are being offered to the deities of the land.

Types of FGM procedures

Image- Wikimedia Commons CC0
There are 4 types of FGM procedures known to have been carried out by man. The diagram above will help explain the process.
Type I. This is the 'partial or total removal of the clitoris and/or the prepuce'. This type involves the removal of the clitoral hood only, (not commonly performed). There is the procedure where there is a complete or partial removal of the the visible tip of the clitoris called the clitoral glan and clitoral hood. This is done by the circumciser by pulling the clitoral glans with her thumb and index finger and cuts it off.

Type II. Known as 'excision circumcision,' this procedure sees the inner labia removed completely or partially with or without the removal of the clitoral glans and outer labia. This procedure can be done partially or fully.

Type III. 'Known as Infibulation or pharaonic circumcision.' This is the removal of the external genitalia and fusion of the wound after the inner and/or outer labia are cut away, with or without removal of the clitoral glans.
For this type, a local anaesthetic may be used as the child is made to squat on a stool or mat facing the circumciser at a height that offers her (the circumciser) a good view of the parts to be handled. ... adult helpers grab and pull apart the legs of the girl.

Type IV. This procedure includes 'pricking, piercing, incising, scraping and cauterization'. For this particular type, the clitoris is nicked in what is called a "symbolic circumcision", or the burning or scarring the genitals, and introducing substances into the vagina to tighten it.


FGM is practiced in most parts of Africa, Asia, Middle East, Indonesia; Iraqi Kurdistan; and Yemen and other parts of the world. See the images below for some insights.
Image- Wikimedia CC0

The image below is a statistic of female, ages 0-14 who have undergone FGM in 21 countries as at 2016.Image- Wikimedia Commons
The image below is a statistic of female, ages 15-49 who have undergone FGM in 29 countries as at 2016.Image- Wikimedia Commons

Health effects

There are known health effects associated with these procedures, some are directly linked while others are not. It is not completely clear how many of these hazards to a woman and her child's health FGM causes, but some have been proven to be the case. and they are:-

  • Recurrent infections: Circumcised women mostly have to deal with infections which are recurrent given the exposure to cut from the circumcision process. Once a woman has been circumcised, the health of her virginal will always be in question as it will be practically impossible for her to have defense against infections which are common with the use of public toilets and sex.
  • Difficulty urinating and passing menstrual flow: A female who undergoes the infubilation procedure is most like to suffer from this because, the process of cutting a hole (2-3mm) wide enough for her to urinate and pass menstrual blood is not going to be 100% guaranteed to be effective and safe. The cut may be wider or smaller depends on who wields the blade.
  • Psycological problems during sexual intercourse: Lots of women have been known to suffer in the marriages as they are unable to allow their husbands the benefits of their body in full. Some find it difficult to climax or even enjoy sex. For women who suffer these, they either end of being thrown out of their homes or made to live their entire life in regrets while being unable to experience what it feels to be a woman in every sense of the word.
  • The development of cysts: Although considered to be noncancerous, this is a sac-like structure that can contain fluid, pus, or gas. Most people suffer from this after they shave off their pubic hair. So when a girl child is circumcised especially as it is done in most communities, her chances of going with cyst is really slim.
  • Inability to get pregnant: This has been reported in most marriages. many women are unable to get get pregnant because in the process of circumcision, certain parts of the female syste may have been tampered with. This is not very common, but it happens.
  • Complications during childbirth, and fatal bleeding: For those who underwent the infibulation procedure, they are in risk of experiencing complications during childbirth. The World Health Organization estimated that between 20–40 babies die per 1,000 deliveries as a result of FGM.

Health benefits.

There are no known health benefits recorded anywhere.

Reasons why FGM happens

  • Social obligation. This is considered as a rite of passage in most communities which isn't true and families are made to see this as a source of honor. Since there is no known information of the health hazards to the people, the community embraces it as the way forward and it is practiced wholeheartedly as it was passed down to them.

Many families adhere to this age long culture for fear of being ostracized if they fail to comply.
Fear of social exclusion as a girl not circumcised will be seen as not being a member of the community.

  • Religion. Although there is no mention of FGM in the Bible, many communities believe it is a religious requirement and they follow through religiously thereby binding the community to this. Whatever is given root through the platform of religion is hardly debated as everyone is made to adhere and follow through for fear of being punished by the gods.

  • Women who have done it. It is easy for FGM to take root because women are known to spearhead the cause after having gone through it. They debunk the rumors of not being able to bear children to their daughters whom they birthed and nursed without difficulties.
    When young girls hear their mothers and other older women share their experiences, they simply nod in agreement and allow themselves to go through the knife for fear of being seen as disobeying their parents and the gods.

Way out.

Education and social orientation is the way out. Lots of communities still practice FGM till date and because they have not be exposed to the ills of this practice, it thrives.
Over the last couple of years, there has been serious campaigns aiming to stop the practices of FGM. WHO (the World Health Organization) has been in the forefront of this campaign with statistics and reports of the health implications of FGM.

Fun facts about FGM procedure.

Some facts:

  • Did you know that, the amputated parts is placed in a pouch for the girl to wear.
  • Did you know that, surgical thread, agave or acacia thorns, is used to sew the vagina up and then raw egg, herbs and sugar are applied?
  • Did you know that, the girls legs are often tied together to from hip to ankle for a week?
  • Did you now that, If the remaining hole is too large in the view of the girl's family, the procedure is repeated.


I believe the girl child should not be made to suffer because some traditional belief sees her femininity as a sign that she will want to be equal to the male folk and subsequently become loose.
Educating the community of the dangers in Female Genital circumcision is the way to go so that there will be less deaths and harm to the girl child. Because a woman is ambitious and works in similar field as a her male counterpart does not in anyway show that she will become uncontrollable.

Mutilating a girl child so she is unable to measure up to the male folk to me is just barbaric and inhumane.
Allow the girl child live her life as is handed her by her creator; In due time, she will find her place in life and contribute meaningfully. Mutilation has no way to ensure compliance to how society wants her to live her life.

References Wikipedia-FGM

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Yes well said lot of female children suffer from this thanks for educating us sir @ejemai

You are right, the process doesn't sound fun.
Stay awesome!

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It is important to create constant public awareness about this obnoxious practice as a way of curbing or completely ending it. From the six health consequences you've outlined already related to it, I can equally agree with you that this practice is completely inhumane and should be rejected by all and sundry. Well done @ejemai for the amazing and informative piece

The practice is being fought against and education being given especially in those rural areas. Till date, there are millions of women living with that pain.
Stay awesome!

This has it be stop!
It's like spoiling female life, and some parents still do it here despite how much they are warned not to try it anymore, but we can help by blowing whistle whenever we see where they still practice it

The campaign is being intensified because despite the new age we think we are in, this is still being practiced in living day light.
It has to stop and it is up to us all to help.
Stay awesome!

Female Genital Mutilation is probably one of the worst crimes committed to young women and it's a pity that despite its numerous health hazards and dangers,most African parents believe it's for the better of the child,with hope that they are preventing the child from turning into a nymphomaniac,is this not lies?

It is all lies and the lies have become the truths in these villages. FGM cannot make a girl child responsible instead, it makes are vulnerable to a life of pain and regrets.
We must do what we can to make sure, we speak up against it.
Stay awesome!

I found these type of acts to be really horrible, and doing them should be considered a crime.

It is not only a physical abuse, but also a psychological one.

Thanks for sharing this information @ejemai!

It is a crime right from the word "mutilation", the psychological effect outweighs the intension these communities have about that barbaric practice. Lots of women today, suffer in silence all because their traditional heritage is wrongly used against them.
Stay awesome!

Never really witnessed FGM but I was once where a male baby was being circumcised and the experience was devastating. If male circumcision could be that painful, I wonder what the FGM would be like.

What we were meant to understand while growing up is that an uncircumcised baby would grow to be a promiscuous person, I really do not know how true this is.

Whatever will make a female child to be mutilated will be presented. Promiscuity is not borne out of circumcision or uncircumcision.
The male circumcision process can be termed as revealing the inner skin, while the female own is a mutilation process to take away the parts of the vaginal.
For whatever reason, the process is barbaric and must not be encouraged.
Stay awesome!

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Honestly saying-chill ran down my spine and one more thing is that i am reading it for the first time.

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