The sadness in what was supposed to be a happy ending...Hardfork .19 is now doing harm due to some selfish people

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Let us rewind a bit, before this hardfork, some minnows were always screaming "we don't get voted" "we don't make enough" "the whales are this and that" 'steemit does not love us" etc now, after the hardfork we are basically back to what is worse than square one.

Why you may ask?

Because people are now abusing what was supposed to be a privilege to all. We all cried out to @ned to help us, he and his team came to our rescue, but guess what? Greed won't let us see beyond our noses.
Those who shouted the loudest, now create a problem for the system. Most people expected the same fate for steemit as tsu, but steemit thrived in the darkest hour. Now the "human factor" has crept in and people must crash it because of greed. Must some act this way? @aggroed warned of the potential risks of this hardfork, but sadly many did not see reason with his words, now it is coming to pass.
I love steemit and won't want it to end in a disgraceful way, but sadly there are people out there trying to destroy it because of greed, and the worst part is minnows constitute a high percentage of this abuse.
The same minnows who were shouting we need votes, now selfishly vote themselves and worse still, those who vote insult your creativity by voting with 1% or some wickedly vote with 0% and expect you to vote too with 100%.
Do they for a second think people are not checking? I mean a post will have 150 views, 50 votes and $4, How wicked is that? The same thing we cried against, we are doing worse.
The people who begged for votes now siphon it all. Some will comment thrash and upvote themselves, some will use your thread to advertise themselves, how wicked is that.
Instead of voting me at 0%, please don't vote me at all, I prefer that. And please note that if you vote me at 0%, I will do the same. Greed will mark the beginning of the end of this great platform. People worked hard for this, so hard that it would be evil to wickedly spoil @ned's effort because of a few cheap bucks.
These were the same people begging to trend, now we see they were not any better. I predicted this happening in my post some time back, truthfully what was supposed to be a thing of joy is a thing of sorrow.
I stopped voting myself in comments when I saw the harm in it My feeds is always littered with incessant posts, mostly junk by some with a mindset to cheat the system and deliberately crash it. If that is not sabotage, I don't know what is.

What I feel should happen

This hardfork should be reversed back to before, or the equality should be redefined. Although this would lead to lamenting, it would ensure the survival of this platform for longer than normal. This is a matter of survival, I preferred the 40 votes, although this hardfork has been helpful, the abuse has caused the cons to outweigh the pros. People are heavily powering down due to fear of a possible crash and that is as a result of the incessant abuse from those who cut across different reputation.
We have to make the hard choice to survive because at this rate, next year might be a long shot for this platform. This saddens me when people do these things.
I also feel those constantly voting their comments should be sanctioned as it is wrong. The idea of this hardfork was to empower all, not to empower some who won't help others.
This not fair to all as steemit was meant to help everyone, why will some decide to ruin it because they feel they can.Now the insulting thing is when people now invest a major chunk of their investments in other cryptos and say steem is falling. Why won't it fall?
Some people invested in this, no one has the right to come and do things that constitute sabotage, it is not fair to all.
I was supposed to bring in over 50 people this week, but I am now hesitating. I am @ehiboss and I hate dishonesty in people.

Spread the message to all

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I think everyone is lamenting a very easily solved problem, I have been on here pre fork and after but I'm relatively new, under a month. I had no idea up voting your own post was bad, its literally the default setting. Maybe education is the key not bemoaning that everyone is greedy, lots of us are not greedy, just learning. I am turning off the auto up vote and never have liked my own comments so no worries there. But don't call people who are learning bad and greedy it makes us feel bad, spread education it will work much better in my opinion. Thank you for posting about this it really helped me. :-)

I agree that better education newer people makes more sense than labeling them as being greedy. I still have not fully wrapped my mind aroundnthis latest fork, other than i have to watch my voting power.

I have seen others get nasty with newer people, when it is very clear they are still trying to figure everything out. The last thing we need on steemit is "class conflicts". I have enjoyed it here because most want to work together no matter where in the world they reside or what their culture is.

Labeling people w h o do not have all the knowledge now, but eventually they will have it, sets a negative tone that is not necessary.

Totally agree, its just not nessasary, education and a bit of patience solves this problem and makes this the best platform out there. My experience here has been amazing people are super kind, that's why his struck me weird.

If they still do not know the implication of what they are doing, it is because they do not take time to read articles pertaining it, which further proves they do not read the posts of others, but want theirs to be read

When they first start they have not had the opportunity to read everything they need. That takes time. These forks are confusing, especially to newbies. Many who end up here it is there first experience with crypto-currency. Prior to the current fork and subsequent changes I had read a number of places on Steemit on how one should up-vote themselves. With the fork I stopped doing that to conserve steempower, not because I read anywhere that it was a no-no. I still do not fully grasp the full impact of what the fork really is suppose to have accomplished. So that leads me back to: how can steemit make it clearer when they do make these changes, and make education a priority. That makes more sense than going after the minnows.

I did not now there is a auto upvote :)
I was pissed every time I was writing something I was loosing my voting power:):)😄😄

Right I had to go check after I read this! Crazy, I'm glad I read threw the post:-)

I came here to mention the literal default settings too, thanks for typing it in advance of me :D

All posts have auto upvotes, there is nothing wrong in voting your post, but when you vote your comments, it does not feel right. A friend of mine made a post, someone went there, commented on it and gave himself $100 by voting his comment, but could not upvote her post. Is that morally right?

Does it morally matter?

TO me, eh, so what. douch bags gonna douche bag. Not my problem, but i do get the other issues with rewards pool draining and all.

not the same question though. Economics and the stability of the platforms math are != to morality and i dont give a damn about morality, in this context, but i do care if my post doesnt have the chance to earn the same amount on merit with or without this Moral bs which is of no concern to me.

Nothing wrong in voting your post, just voting your comments is what seems wrong

Great Post! Thought exactly the same, liked it before more... I see to many people voting on some of my posts or others with 0% or a bit more... and then you have people who comment on your post, upvote their comment and don't upvote your post, and hope that you will go to their page, because you just got a good comment, to upvote their post... something is wrong here!

Precisely, I forgot that part too. People now do it a lot...comment and vote themselves and ignore voting the post

I am not saying it is not a problem, but I do think it is slightly exaggerated. Some people are going to vote for themselves. I think the extent of it is really what matters. If 90% of your votes are going towards other people and 10% of your votes are going towards yourself - that is probably not a huge deal. If 90-100% of your votes are going to yourself, then that is probably a bigger issue. For people like that, that is one of the main reasons down-votes exist.

At the end of the day, there are going to be people that do things for the good of the community, and there are going to be people who do things for selfish reasons, and there is a whole spectrum in between. You can decide for yourself how you want to use your influence, time, and energy on the platform. Hopefully what we will see is more people making the choice to do things for the good of the platform.

(upvoted at 2% for visibility)

Upvoted at 100%, cause this smart dude was my first ever witness vote, and one of the most helpful people I met in my first 24 hours on steemit. And he's right here, again, you know. Thanks again @timcliff, and save my vote money, because I find one more thing of yours to 100% on and you'll have enough money for the coke machine down the hall! :D

Exactly, you just earned my respect the more @timcliff. Nicely said.

thank you my friend.


Like it or not! No one should be allowed to upvote any thing they have posted or commented on. Not just minnows, if they (anyone) does, that amount should automatically be deducted from their accts. this includes whales also.
Voting is not about what the voter thinks of themselves, but what the voter thinks of the content of others.
Upped and followed also resteemed.............billytwohearts

But they are voting in small groups
If I vote for you you vote for me
Or a bot votes for all of the group always at the right time so the voting power is optimized

There is nothing wrong in voting your post(I do vote my post) but it is wrong to comment on any post and only vote yourself

resteemed... it was a very interesting read, I am new here, and no my vote is not worth a lot my setting is the default 50/50, I was unaware that that could be changed , but I have noticed that there are people that comment and upvote their own comment with way more than my post is making lol kind of weird but I guess now I know why ... they come in upvote at 0,01 and the upvote their own comment at a way higher % ... interesting that people do this, I have been here about 15-17 days I have posted blogs almost daily ... I even had a trending post ... made my week as I could sort of better explain my followers why this was a great thing and they should get on it ...I reinvest in the platform with what I get and I plan to keep doing that maybe if I start earning better after 3 months I will withdraw a % of my earnings ( we all need dosh) but my maingoal when I came here was and still is to build up, get strong so I can help my fellow artists when I get them convinced to get on here... I find it sad that people abuse the system instead of believing in the long term benefits of making it work ... I guess this got pretty long.. but I read a lot of posts and thought a lot about it .. as a newbie ... steem on ... I hope this gets solved to the best for all so we can all build up this community as it deserves to be !

You will need 4 times longer than the guy who brought you here
The guy who told me is laughing so baldly he almost pissed himself:)
And sorry I can't upvote you because I get my next voting power in 2 days

I guess I will.. but I am enjoying it here ...I couldn't vote for days after my first 3 days here lol I hadn't understood the voting system so I just voted for all that I liked hihi took a long time to get it up to 100%

Totally agreed. I am tired of receiving worthless votes now. My upvotes go beyond 50 or even 100 and 200 but the payout hardly touches double figures, let alone 100s. The new born selfishness (of minnows) is causing huge disappointment. I lead a pack of more than 150 Steemians and all of them are waiting for rewards to come their way. Some of them, including me, put in a lot of hard work and quality work but the rewards are nowhere near thd desired level or at least the deserved level.

Thanks for highlighting the issue. I vote 100 % and I did it. Glad to follow you and thanks again for raising the voice.

nicely said

Thanks a lot!

Excellent post mate. I really don't understand the dynamics of steemit so can't make a completely informed opinion but I don't understand why we are even allowed to vote for ourselves (post/comment) at all. Alos I saw a post today where it showed that the top voter was able to give a reward of over 1000 dollars estimated reward. That is crazy! But I think most have become very aware of their votes now. My own vote is only worth 6cents so not very much but I have noticed that my comments are not being upvoted like they used to be.

Really enjoy being a part of steemit and the incentives are great but there is definitely a lot of abuse which is not right and as always it is those who try to play fair that suffer! :(

Thanks for sharing your thoughts @ehiboss!

Thank you too for opening up, share to all

I don't honestly understand all of the minutia of HF 19, and it is sad if people are trying to game the system somehow. In most things in life I just try to play my hand straight.

I think whether they revert back or remain, there's still a lot of good being done here, and we shouldn't lose hope.

We have to call them out

What do you think a spotlight can actually change? Not a rhetorical question at all. But the people in the spotlight are mostly the whales that captain the ship already, no?
What can we do?

bros @ehiboss, though i am still new here, just a week, i strongly stand with you, i think this hardforked thing happened a few days ago ba ? i guess @ned should consider disabling Minnows to vote for their self cos that's just straight up selfishnes, maybe when someone's full vote power reaches lets say $10 or any cetain stage steemit deems the user and the account matured, then such user can vote for him/her self.

but the fact of being able to vote your comment should be totally abolished or controlled, controlled as in voting your comment will use like 5% or less voting power from your overall voting power. hope you understand what i mean ?

I agree with most of what you just said.

Like i always say, you own steemit. You bother too much about people and you should have your facts right. Why not simply wait. Hardforks takes some time to stablilize. Last hardfork it took one month for the reward pool to go back to full after it was emptied and it is obvious, you don't know how voting works. You think people sit and go upvote your posts manually. Many votes are triggered by parameters and where set to something before hardfork. Now with hardfork, many old parameter have adjusted and some people have not yet updated and some people are trying just the right parameters and this will go on for some weeks till everything is stabilized. And who told you upvote is only for rewards? Some people upvote you for visibility. And i always tell you, stop looking at people or looking at their rep and stuff. The people you call minnows may be whales. Who knows if you are whale with you main whale account somewhere. and many accounts among voters can be bot accounts and just there to trigger other votes. And the first people up had great points too. And the other people below, who will fix them

Maybe I bother about those I care about, maybe I dont know much about voting system, but read through my post and you will get my angle. It is about morality. How will someone comment on a post, upvote his comment, implore you to vote for him and wont vote you, what is that called? Show me where I went wrong and perhaps I will rephrase it. Like I said, the post had a deeper meaning and you of all people who taught me to read the deeper meaning of a post missed it.

Nothing deep here except misinfo! So relax. Do your studies and you will understand. Not every comment on steemit is a human. And what you said, bots do it. It is like you talking to cheetah. There are always ways to handle things to handle things a man without drawing so much attention. I grasp you points, i am just being very indirect with you. The first two comments had points but you skipped them, if i had seen you respond to their comments, i won't bother commenting. "Saying you would brought 50 people on steemit etc what's that and you now hesitate. People have brought thousands from their google ranking and you have brought thousands without knowing. You own steemit and even if you brought one million people, it is for the good of you steem and if you don't bring, other people will bring it and no issues there. There are many newbies and not everyone is a fast learner. Some are experimenting with upvotes and you can't tell for sure their intentions and what if they upvote their comments. A comment below innocently explained why he upvotes his comment. it just like saying why do people get 25 percent for simply upvoting; cos curation in itself is a talent and because it is a talent, many people leave their curation in other people's hand and are simply innocent. if you feel i missed your point all good. Ofcourse, i can be wrong. If you are certain about what these people are doing, why not contact them in the background and educate them or if you are so certain you have the facts right, why not mention names in your post. And if they do wrong, why not simply do right and move on. Talking of deeper meaning, that is deeper meaning, when you are truly hurt by the actions of people and you try sift good from their bad!

You guys should learn before talking and have your facts right. You are misinformed!

If going by your statement of parameters, it means people are intentionally doing it. But like I said this is not about voting power but using it judiciously. It is not about me, something prompted me to talk. When last did I mention such. Life is beautiful when we help others.....maybe you misunderstood me.

Yeah agreed, some HF19 are for sure against all community aspects especially the voting who part and how much!

This needs to be curbed now

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