🌍 Global Steem Village News #5: This week from the ecoTrain community

in #ecotrain5 years ago


Consolidating our energy towards a global network of steem-based eco-communities has been an exciting shift of focus for @ecotrain. We deliberately and consciously curate those posts which speak to the issues, challenges and needs of the emerging steem eco-communities around the world.

GREAT content this week - here are some of the gems, eco-green wisdom & insight shared under the #ecotrain tag this week on the steem blockchain. Even if you don't have VP or RC to upvote, a meaningful comment is usually upvoted by a smart author, so please go and lavish your appreciation and engagement on this great content.

We truly are an amazing global community - and growing with new contributors every week!! If you want to help @ecotrain give juicier upvotes, please delegate or increase your delegation if you can. It matters! You loaning us your steem to make more money for you? Bit of a no-brainer, really!

@ecotrain is a artisan-hand-curated community built around the concept of gift economy and actively making our world a better place. We engage around sustainability, eco-green, permaculture, the glories of Mother Earth, inner transformation, alternative energy, earthships & earth building, recycling - in short, all the practical and conceptual underpinnings of paradigm shift.

Each week @eco-alex and @artemislives scour the steemit blockchain for people using the tag, and upvote-comment-curate in the best way they know how.


Upvote this eco-community curation and our featured posts if you can. Comment, resteem this curation and a few of the posts. Follow, engage and enjoy.



Well That Came Out Of Nowhere

Sometimes you just gotta jump, when someone calls with a partial load of left-over concrete. @papa-pepper got an unexpected jump-start on his new root cellar - something every eco-community needs: a sheltered, animal-free place to store root vegetables (and wine!) and other harvest surplus.

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Do You Want To Participate In A Mass Chemical Suicide?

A big part of the motivation behind eco-village is THIS: the threat of poisoning by chemicals and the fact that the "regular" world we have collectively created is no longer a safe place to be, stay or eat. @senorcoconut shares an important podcast and, as usual, chances to with SBI! Always appreciating the engagement he creates.

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You Hold The Strength of Your Rebirth Within

Leaves tangled up in your hair,
soil caressing your skin,
you feel the Beat of the Earth
and at Last You Join In.

The expression of eco-community and eco-village in all its forms is an expression of this: people who have collectively reclaimed their power to rebirth the environment they choose to live & love in. @trucklife-family catches these thoughts so beautifully in her poem.



Homesteader's Guide On How To Safely Gather Firewood - Reforestation & Emerald Ash Boring Beetle

If your eco-community is in cooler climes or, sweet goddess forbid, in an area where it SNOWS (adjusts bikini strap nervously) then you want @thebigsweed on your team! Staying toasty tropical warm through a long winter requires you to get up close and personal with the ethics, the technique and yes, the HARD WORK of laying in enough firewood for the winter.

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5 Things I'm Doing To Help The Environment

One thing eco-communities do regularly is they REVIEW the basics of the way they live in a daily, practical way. @minismallholding shows us how simple this process can be - and how effective - as she takes @pennsif's #five4theplanet challenge.

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FundaKantoría SONG: ALELUYA - Recording of a common day of music classes
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Community happens in the day-to-day, more so than the grand performances. The Venezuelan musical community, Kantoria, gives us a glimpse into their day to day rehearsal. @fundakantoria shows us how the backbone of a strong community is each smaller unit knowing its part and function well, to hep create a whole of beauty and purpose.

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A Video Jungle Journey
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Being intimately connected with the ecology of the place where you have chosen to settle means regular, incredibly detailed observation - of the pants, the shadows, the critters and where the water comes from. @sallybeth23 shows us how its done in such a beautiful, reflective way!

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Junk and More Junk

What's under the soil where you're planning to live, grow food and establish eco-community? It's a BIG question and not always one that gives the answer we want to hear! @jiva34 deals with yet another round of someone else's junk - stuff they thought they'd bury so it would all magically "go away". Sadly it doesn't work that way and site cleaning and clearing is a reality for many of us.

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We hope you have enjoyed these eco-village & eco-community related posts - please LAVISH them with upvotes, reblogs, comments and engagement.

Most importantly, consider writing under the #ecotrain tag this coming week - we love all posts eco-green, earth building, spiritual and natural, but mostly as those things relate to the building and evolution of eco-community.

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Oh, it's an honor to be on this list along with other good authors, we thank @eco-alex and @artemislives for their support from the beginning.

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