99 reasons why earthships are fuc!*ing awesome: Part #7 Reasons 61-70

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)

In case you are wondering, I have changed this series to 99 reasons why... Just to be clear this is not because I can't think of 101, but because 9 is a special number!

Earthship Biotecture has to be one of the least understood sustainable building and living models around. This is not least because they offer SO many benefits that it is hard to even know them all, let alone explain them all! Let it be said that an Earthship can stay at a comfortable climate at even -20 Celsius or 40 Celsius with no power requirements for heating or cooling systems. The systems of an earthship encounter the forces of nature, mainly the sun, rain, and wind, and funnels them into your home to provide everything you need to live comfortably with annual utility bills of around $200 or less.

I have been inspired to write this in sections, with you all, and once it is completed I will be compiling it into a single digital and paperback book available to all to learn and be inspired.

61. Solar Power can run your entire home even on cloudy days.

In most parts of the world solar photovoltaic power is enough to meet all your power needs. In some very cloudy areas you may use vertical axis wind turbines to provide constant additional power. Since Earthships are designed down for power, drawing at least 10 times less power than a conventional home, you can run most of your appliances without having to think about it.

62. A community of Earthships can raise the water table of the area.

Since you will be sending grey and black water outdoors for final treatment you can plant trees and ground cover, and water them with nutrient rich water. If you have enough homes doing this in a small space, you will create enough shade and grass etc. to reduce water loss through evaporation and raise the water levels. This will have a positive feedback so that the more you grow, the higher the water table will be.

63. Sustainable Living does not mean going back to basics or sacrificing comfort.

Living off-grid doesn’t have to mean going back to the stone ages. Most Earthships are just as nice, if not nicer than most conventional homes, especially those that make use of the botanical planter cells. I have an avocado tree growing in the centre of my home! Since technology has advanced so much in recent years, you can run just about any appliance on Solar power. This includes a modern 5* energy efficient fridge / freezer which today can operate normally at just 50 watts.

64. Harvest water from the snow.

It is possible to use solar hot water heating to melt roof snow and have it drain into the cisterns as the rain does. This requires no power, and a simple matter of installing the water pipes around the roof during construction. As hot water passes through from the solar collector it will melt the snow and recirculate for re-heating.

65. Can be built and adapted to your local resources and climate

Earthships can make use of just about any local resource that you may have. That may be waste metal, aluminium cans, plastic bottles. In fact it is often wise to follow the use of local resources in general, as they are often the best tried and tested approach.

66. The basic global model plans are available at low cost or for free .

You can view and download dozens of global model plans that will need only slight modifications to your climate or location. These are available through basic Google searches and a few cheap books.

67. You can get a Mobile App to help you build one!

You can also now purchase the Earthship Mobile App that will give you many plan options all for just a few dollars. ANDROID | APPLE

68. The Earthship movement is motivated to solve many global issues and is not for profit.

The whole concept of Biotecture does not fit well into the normal commercial paradigm. That is to say the priorities are very different, and are aimed at comfort and quality rather than saving money and negating the actual needs of the people who live in it. Biotecture has bypassed the need for the capitalistic model, and is spreading around the world through its own merits. We are waking up to the need to take control of our lives, and our resources and more and more people just want to live without the pressures and strains of an unfulfilled money based life.

69. There are enough waste car tyres to build homes for us all. It is estimated that 3 billion tires will be to be sold globally every year.

This figure does not even include the billions of tyres that are already in landfills in every country of the world. The material are already there waiting for us to harvest and re-purpose them, and are either cheap, or free to use.

70. They are termite and bug proof.

A car tyre has a thick steel wire belts around the vulcanised rubber that you can see. That alone would stop any natural bug or even large animal from penetrating it. Nevertheless, even if a termite could chew its way through that, they would be greeted with 90% compacted dirt with no air spaces. It would be a very inhospitable environment as this dirt is compacted almost into stone and is around 1 foot wide at is minimum. It is safe to say that termites will never have issues with termites, ants, or other bug infestations in the walls.



I got this! only 30 more to go and im not even breaking a sweat yet ;-)



Earthship Underground House Tour- Sustainable and Net Zero Living...

Derek "Deek" Diedricksen visits an Earthship (the architectural brainchild of Michael Reynolds) in Taos, New Mexico. The particular model, like many others, features earth berm air intakes, a water recycling system for its grey water, and the luxury of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and even a two car garage! Ashley Turin gives us a full out tour of this, one of the newest Earthship builds on the Taos compound. This sustainable and passive solar home just may give you a few ideas for your own future designs.



Super Efficient Off-Grid Earthship Built for Early Retirement Plan


Part 1:

Part 2:


Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:



Final Earthship Seminar Transcription Table Of Contents: + Incredible Earthship Video To Truly Educate and Inspire.


Living off-grid in an Earthship home is about many things. It is not just an ethical choice or a building type choice, it is also a lifestyle choice. When you start to live off-grid, and self-sufficiently, you embark on a break out from the matrix/zeitgeist. You start to unplug yourself from the normal, dependent, vulnerable, and highly controlled way of life that many people are used to in cities and highly developed countries. When you are truly self-sufficient and out of debt you take away some of the main sources of stress: buying food, paying the bills, covering the mortgage or rent, and needing to work full-time to allow this to continue. We can also look at environmental issues and great need to build smarter and in a more connected way, especially in the face of climate change. Our global population is rising and with it the poverty level and inequality of wealth in all forms. To compound this issue, the cost of living is also hurtling up! We are moving toward a very unsafe and unsustainable future if we continue to build and live in the same way that we have been doing.

Did you know, I built four Earthships in India as well as being instrumental the creation of the first Earthship in the UK, Earthship Brighton. If you are also on this path and would like to read my story, I have recently published a book. It is not only a great story, but a valuable resource for you to learn from. I had no experience or training when I embarked on my mission, but managed to successfully build a gorgeous home called Earthship Karuna.

You can buy this book with Steem on the homesteaders co-op. Whilst you are there please do have a look at some of the other products as there are all kinds of great things there!


If you don't have any Steem you can also buy the ebook and paperback on amazon.


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Ha, not even breaking sweat!!!

I love that you can use an app to design one.. that's pretty cool.

Posted using Partiko Android

its a new thing.. i have to try it!
what do you think of the 99 reasons instead of 101? which one do you prefer?

Two things came INSTANTLY to mind. 99 just has a bettee ring for me. But hey, the way you are going, you'll reach 2001: An Earthship Odyssey!

Posted using Partiko Android

Sorry, I'm being silly!!! Delirious I think... too much housework and made THREE pans of soup to feed husband whilst he is ill. Maybe I'll show him all the Earthship posts whilst he is weak, so he is persuaded to build me one!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Why is it husbands always disapprove of eships with the smart wife always having to convince them! Ur like the 10th person to say this!

Reason #78 ... Make your wife happy!

Posted using Partiko Android

Sorry, I'm being silly!!! Delirious I think... too much housework and made THREE pans of soup to feed husband whilst he is ill. Maybe I'll show him all the Earthship posts whilst he is weak, so he is persuaded to build me one!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

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