The Gruesome Truth About Lab-Grown Meat

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

First before we get to the gruesome part of the this blog, please keep in mind that several mega-globalists such as Sir Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Google's Eric Schmidt, Google co-founder Sergey Brin are behind the drive of plant-based and lad-grown meat. Their target are not the vegans but meat-eaters willing to participate in the awakening. Real vegans will never touch meatless nor synthetic burgers. That list of players is much longer, we can rest assured. They have managed to literally bank on people's awareness of the horror taking place in slaughterhouses, and also the logic that the planet cannot keep up with its livestock drinking 70% of the water supply (among other things).

Such a business practice is... business as usual: encouraging the market to exploit anything to the max; until reaching a breaking point while maximizing profits and efficiency; them let it crash down but jump off the train and start a new market based on the new and growing consumer habits; then apply the same market doctrine until the new trend begins to wane. And so on and on. This vicious circle of profit seeking is what causes environmental scourges -- and scarcity as well.

The serum is used in pharmaceuticals and in laboratories as a medium to grow cells - including in the formation of vaccines and, ironically, lab-grown meat. (prepforthat)

Maybe not so strangely perhaps, you will not find many online sources describing how the "bovine serum" is obtained. It comes from bovine fetuses that are at least 3 months old, and which die in the process because the heart needs to be punctured to be drained from its blood. The cows are in fact "dairy cows" which have been (artificially) impregnated but whose milk production has slowed down. The latter being deemed no longer profitable enough, are sent to slaughter. Meaning that farmers know pretty well when their cows are pregnant. The video below contends that annually up to 2 million fetuses are being harvested. EC suspect much more than that.

“Some will leave the cow pregnant as long as possible to get a bigger fetus to get more blood, to get more money,” the whistleblower said. “And that cow has already given her life to produce milk, I just don’t see how they justify it. I think it’s an appalling practice.” One calf heart will 300ml of serum. Pharmaceutical companies pay farmers around $50 for their participation in the research program. The serum’s global value is $2500 per liter.

Considering the millions of dairy cows, we have to assume that daily a certain percentage of them reaching 4 or 5 years of age being sent to slaughter. That's the average lifespan for a cow on the market. So farmers receiving an extra 50 dollars per fetus are definitely earning several thousands of dollars monthly and additionally since they operate feedlots. According to Prepforthat some people believe that farmers might be intentionally creating an industry of pregnant cows. This incentive could motivate farmers to get rid of their cows much faster as the diary industry is not doing well in the US. Cheese surpluses are at all time high.

US Cheese Surplus: America Has 1.4 Billion Pounds Too Much (2019)

Then on the biotech side, that's where even much bigger profits are being made: 300ml per fetus implies that 1 litter will require 3 fetuses, whose serums are sold for $2.500. Meanwhile a farmer will have been paid 150 dollars. We can see here why the market is indeed very enthusiastic about lab grown meat and vaccines as profits go through the roof. Yes, the serum is also used for vaccines!

Obviously we have a situation. Haven't we?

While many lab-meat proponents claim that they are working on making lab meat more affordable to stimulate the growth of this market, and for which they foresee a near exponential demand, we really should be scared about unintended consequences. Today one lab-grown burger costs about 10 dollars, and prices will continue to get lower if... if the global demand goes up.

Earth Custodians regard boycotting the product as a wise reaction.

The fundamentals being completely unethical , many downsides are to be expected. Until we implement a money-free society, these "economic pumps and dumps" at the expense of Life are here to stay because the monetarism cannot survive without competition.


(2017)The Gruesome Truth About Lab-Grown Meat | Yes, all lab-grown meat so far requires a product called fetal bovine serum. What is fetal bovine serum? Why does it exist? Where does it come from? FBS, as the name implies, is a byproduct made from the blood of cow fetuses. If a cow coming for slaughter happens to be pregnant, the cow is slaughtered and bled, and then the fetus is removed from its mother and brought into a blood collection room. The fetus, which remains alive during the following process to ensure blood quality, has a needle inserted into its heart. Its blood is then drained until the fetus dies, a death that usually takes about five minutes.

Affordable lab-grown meat: India looks to become global cell-based meat hub
10-May-2019 | The world’s first research center focused on research and development in the cell-based meat category has been announced in Maharashtra, India, with the first phase set to open by 2020.

(2018) Could Be A Turning Point For Plant-Based And Cultured Meats.
According to the Good Food Institute, an organization that closely watches these industries, sales of plant-based meats grew over 23%, exceeding $760 million. In 2019... Mike Lee, Co-CEO of Alpha Food Labs, a platform for launching healthy and sustainable food companies, says the theme for 2019 is access. “The past few years have been all about captivating audiences with anticipation of these products, but in the next two years, it’ll be all about getting to market.”.... That market is quite literally the supermarket, at least for Impossible Foods. The producer of the meaty-tasting plant-based burger recently announced that in 2019, its patties will be available for purchase in grocery stores. The company also began selling its burgers to the fast food chain White Castle last year, which Lee says was a great move he hopes to see echoed in the year ahead. “We need to make this stuff cheaper and more accessible if we’re going to make a dent in the industry.”.... “If Beyond Meat is Coke, Impossible Foods is Pepsi,” says Lee. Impossible Foods will continue going head to head with its prime competitor next year, and both will likely be experiencing massive growth in 2019....

(2017) Population growth and changing trends in diet have led to a doubling of meat consumption by humans over the past half-century. By 2050, estimates suggest meat production will have to increase to 455 million tons each year, up from 259 tons today... To grow the burger, he and his team used stem cells extracted from cow muscle tissue in a procedure similar to a biopsy. The cells were then put in a solution of bovine serum taken from unborn calves and then received food, hormones, and other elements naturally needed to grow. Over a few weeks, the cells multiplied and formed thin strips of muscle. It took about 20,000 of these strips to make one patty....


Bacterial War On Humans – Meat Additives DIRE Warning Goes Mainstream

The End Of “Meat Inc” is Coming… Slowly But Surely

Dystopian “Meat Surplus”: 2.5 billions of Pounds of Meat Are Piling Up in Warehouses

Ever Heard Of The 2012 Cambridge Declaration On Animal Consciousness?


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Honestly just wondering why other animals drinking water is going to be an issue?

And why not plan for realist expansion... Better stop throwing wars about and get to building before a comet or a volcano really shows the errors of our ways.

By the way it can take the human race 3 days to fall into murder and chaos. Look at any collapse of the third world countries as examples.

Too many rat's then they kill eachother off... Funny they know when it's time too...

Posted using Partiko Android

hello, annually and globally we kill almost 70 billions of animals for meat, it is not only the water but the feed too. most animals are sick because they are raised for mass production, in america alone the livestock consumes 80% of the antibiotic production as a result..... meat eating is very destructive at this stage. Tnx for dropping by @ganjafarmer

So what's the point? That meat is bad? Or that the food sources are?

And what about native rights?

What Cha gonna do about da COWS? Cow welfare?

How about outlawing lab grown meat and corporations getting ahold of the food supply?

Or might want to get your own land and grow your own food...

Posted using Partiko Android

this blog has always advocated for cutting down meat intake, eating 1lb worth of meat weekly or go if possible vegetarian. I dont think humans need eat 1lb worth of meat daily at all.

Oh and lab grown meat is even more cruel than the worst slaughterhouse and the most sadistic animal abuser.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is what happen if the money fall into a wrong people to managed. Lab-grown meat is not healthy for sure and much more cruel than ever before.

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