Extinction Rebellion... Another Capitalist Scam?

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Here is a highly interesting compilation... not much EC original content but we found it to be vital information

MARCH 2019 | FORBES: The movement has raised over £200,000 in less than a year, much of which has come in micro-donations from members of the public. Within their donations, however, lie some philanthropists giving thousands, corporate funders such as the LUSH Charity Pot and European Foundations such as the Guerrilla Foundation.

Reading such a big names attached to a popular movement is common practice. Charity is big business, there is no secret. And of course no surprise as how the number of Rebellion Extinction activists grew so fast. As you read this, the donations total a little bit over £400K.

APRIL 2019 | TIMES.UK: Business leaders have voiced their support for Extinction Rebellion, the environmental protest group that shut down parts of London last week, calling for an “urgent redesign” of global industry in a letter to The Times. Paul Polman, who was chief executive of Unilever for a decade until January, is one of 21 executives who have written in support of the activists’ call to action on climate change. The group also includes Dale Vince, founder of Ecotricity, the green energy provider, and Chris Davis, director of corporate social responsibility at The Body Shop.

The beginning of a corporate infiltration of the movement is surely taking place, and we all know well too well what it does entails. The 2nd phase of the "Green New Deal" is being carefully implemented, with of course the consent of unaware protesters thinking that a zero carbon economy will save the world.

Rebellion Extinction now has a business venture attached and named xrbusinessleaders.

This link https://xrbusiness.org/business-leaders mentioned in the OP is not accessible for now, but here are other high business profiles onvoved.

  1. WHEB is a positive impact investor focused on the opportunities created by the transition to a low carbon and sustainable global economy.
  2. Impact Investments seek to generate both financial return and social and/or environmental value—while at a minimum returning capital, and, in many cases, offering market-rate returns or better.
  3. Tribe Impact Capital LLP, which boasts the snappy tagline “A New Wealth Order”.
  4. XR “business leaders” John Elkington and Louise Kjellerup Roper, come from Volans Ventures Ltd.
  5. Another XR Business enthusiast for “green” technology is Samer Salty, co-founder and managing partner of the infrastructure and private equity fund manager, Zouk Capital LLP.
    .... and the list continues... a real eye opener

Rebellion Extinction: a capitalist scam to hijack our resistance




you're right, but don't blame 'capitalism' when it's the green-red trillionaire bankers who want a new world order that are behind this. agenda 21/ 2030, where the earth is more important than the humans living on it.

climate change/ global warming is a threat made up by the club of rome in 1957, and obviously still going strong successfully today.

there are some real genuine environmental problems facing us, mostly due to the acts of companies like monsanto, telecoms, big agri etc. etc. but hoaxes like 'climate change' distract people who care from focusing on them.

capitalism is the freedom to exchange your labour and produce with whomever you want for how much you can get. total freedom. what we have right now is fascism - giant corporations backed by the state with regulation and bail-outs that keep smaller competition out.

capitalism is the freedom to exchange your labour and produce with whomever you want for how much you can get.

I am sorry, people will always follow the money, hence collude. Collusion is the flaw embedded in any model based on competition. And those at the top understand that flaw much better than anybody else. They have a created a system that legitimizes collusion

'Collusion is the flaw embedded in any model based on competition.'

total and utter socialist non sense. collusion is the flaw embedded in any model where people prefer to be criminals, perhaps.

competition is what gives us growth and invention and makes all our lives better. or would you prefer to live without a fridge and a washing machine?

the new age is so far left it has no grasp of reality. i know, because i was there. ideas are great until you take them to the practical world, where men make things out of raw materials for the benefit of all, and not in co-operatives.

competition is what gives us growth and invention and makes all our lives better.

then THEY are here to stay... the goal of competition is to eliminate all competition. The only model that will work is cooperation without coercion, and money will have to go because money is extremely coercive.

Look for my blog titled the esoteric root of darwinism, scroll down, and how the elites promoted it to justify the rule of the fittest. Endorsing meritocracy, is what causes structural violence.

Any system based on competition is capitalism, socialism needs capitalism too.

Capitalism does not resolve the subjectivity of value, nor the fact that the players need to take more out than what one puts in, and this is what causes losers/poverty and the various ongoing ecocides. Capitalism cannot function without a monopoly on value and slave wages therefore.

I would recommend that you listen to Peter Joseph's critique of capitalism. A money-free and competition-free model is called contributionism.

There is no such a thing as responsible capitalism. Money hinders progress as a truth is not marketable, so lies keep growing in all areas... until... ???

I have no time to engage in a long debate, please look up for yourself, my blog says it all and has all the info you need. Thank you

peter joseph/ zeitgeist is pushing the rulers' new world order. no capitalism = no freedom.
meritocracy is what we have, because everyone has different skills and talents, and different levels of motivation. what you want is techno-communism, where no one is different or individual, everyone is subordinate to the state, a cross between brave new world and 1984.

and you're in luck, because that's exactly the world they are building for you.

Really? Thanks for sharing such great post .

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