Big Pharma To Sell Human Poop As A Super Probiotic Drug For Profit?

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

The more knowledge the more one realizes how deeply interconnected everything is, and the more nonsensical profit seeking becomes. Wisdom is the only cure to economic madness.

But since Big Pharma' sole ambition is to make people depend on their drugs, we already can fathom what is going to happen when allowing a monopoly to harness the power of the gut microbiome, supposedly to fight illness.

This is just extremely sick!

More profits also means more corruption. Microbiome studies could also easily "manipulated", meaning that patients could be prompted to visit their doctors for gut adjustment as the latter see fit, because of course most -- or none -- of these treatments will have long and lasting effects.

Then also we could see the birth of a new industry because not all poops are equal: the more healthy donors are, the more money can be extracted. Who is going to regulate that in such an environment and can they be trusted? Regardless of any regulations put in place, there is a lot of room for abuse at this level too.

We just need to look at the planet to understand that the commodification of Life is bringing upon us disasters after one another. And that the only way to stop this is to implement a Resource based Economy, which removed the incentive to monetize problems and conflicts of interests. This particular aspect, however, is the evidence that monetarism has no place in a society. At best it teaches us the inherent problems with it -- and the lesson is going to be very harsh, should we continue to hope that issues will fix themselves.

Poop: Pharma’s Next Goldmine?FDA wants to regulate human poop and let only Big Pharma sell it as a super probiotic drug for profit (march 2019)

We can’t let it happen. Action Alert! The FDA is on the verge of deciding the future of fecal microbiota transplants (FMT), a promising new treatment that harnesses the power of the gut microbiome to fight illness. The agency is poised to regulate FMT as new drugs, which means patients will be paying thousands of dollars for human poop. This is yet another example of why medicine is so expensive in this country: the FDA takes affordable, natural treatments—as natural and humble as human feces!—and gifts them to Big Pharma to reap mega-profits....

The question for the FDA is whether to regulate FMT as new drugs or as organs, tissues, and blood products that are transferred from a healthy donor to a sick one. News reports suggest that the FDA is expected to reach this decision soon.... It’s no surprise, then, that there are vast applications for using FMT to treat illness. It is being studied for a wide variety of indications, including ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, childhood regressive autism, metabolic disorders, diabetes, and others. FMT could lead to the next generation of medicines that utilize the trillions of microbes living within us to heal.

Pharmaceutical executives are no longer laughing; they must be foaming at the mouth at the gold mine the FDA is preparing to hand to them. .... MORE:


So so funny, can't wait to see this happen around me.

yes funny and dramatic at once :( Tnx for dropping by @bestgift

@earthcustodians, thank you for sharing this amazing article. I knew this day would come after the gut project of microbial DNA sequencing. I find it so unfortunate that pharmaceutical corporations are monopolizing this segment.

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yes, @yangyanje... the possibilities are endless to doom society when monetizing Life...

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