Crypto Academy Week 13 Homework Post for [ @yousafharoonkhan ]. Centralization and Decentralization social media

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago
Today i am writing homework task for @yousafharoonkhan , which is about centralized amd decentralized social media. Let's begin:


Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words.Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms (answer should related Social Media Platforms . (answer must be written in oun words, copy paste or from other source copy will be not accepted)

A centralized social media is a platform where there is a central authority to control the media platform. On the otherhand, decentralized social media platform is that where there is no central authority to control the platform instead every user has absolute control over his/her account and activities.

  • In centralized social media platform, absolute authority to control the platform is vested by the authority that runs the centralised system whereas in case of decentralized social media platform , every user has absolute control over his account and activities.

  • Centralized social media platforms are less secure than decentralized platforms. It should come to you as no surprise , if you find your Facebook account hacked eveey month but episodes of account hacking on steemit are very rare.

  • Centralized social media platforms do not respect your privacy. They can share your details with their counterparts and with any authority as and when needed. Decentralized platforms don't ask any sensitive detail from you and therefore there is no question of sharing it.

  • Centralized social media platforms are more liberal as for posting content is concerned. However, decentralized platforms are a bit reserved in this aspect, partly because of the attitude to maintain the standard of the platform.

  • Decentralized platforms are more transparent and reliable than centralized.

  • Centralized platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are a better medium of communication than decentralized system like steemit. On centralised platform like Instagram and Facebook , we can chat with someone in our inbox which is not the case on steemit. Even on blog posts of facebook and Instagram, we can talk about anything.

Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media.(answer must be written in own words)

I believe both of these modalities of social media have their pros and cons. None of the two is absolute. In certain parameters centralized social media platforms perform better while in other aspects decentralized social media platforms perform better. But looking at overall performance in terms of security, reliability, transparency, educational value and reward system, decentralized social media platforms are likely to stand ahead in race in future. Let me corroborate my statement with examples:

Keeping the growing threat of cyber attacks in view, people have become very much conscious about security. No body would like his/her data to be shared with anyone without consent, as is being done by centralized platforms.

These centralized social media platforms are becoming so popular that people don't use them for entertainment purpose only, as they were intended to be, but people are sharing sensitive documents without any hesitation with their peers anywhere around the globe. So in such circumstances security breech is not affordable. Keeping the enhanced security protocol of decentealized platforms in view, i believe they are soon going to take over centralized social media platforms.

Moreover, why should someone dictate some others activities ? Why should i curb my freedom of expression just because it doesn't suit interests of some other. Moving further, centralized social media platforms are authorised to remove your activities from your blog, if they feel that the content violates any of the terms of service laid down by them. However, there is no one to curb your freedom of expression on decentralized social media platform. So people have started adopting decentralized platforms on large scale.
Least but not tthe last favourable factor which can attract any user to adopt decentealized social media platform is the reward system associated with different activities.

How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.(answer must be written in own words)

  • Facebook being a centralized social media platform run by facebook. Inc company. The absolute control is vested by facebook. Inc company and not by you as a user. They reserve the right to delete your posts and even block your account without your consent, in case of violation of any terms of service laid down by the company. On the contrary, steemit is a decentralised social media platform , where user has absolute control over account and activities. There is no central authority to manipulate your activities.

  • Facebook being in partnership with many other companies like whatsapp, Amazon etc share our data with them without our consent. It can be understood by taking an example, when we search some product on Amazon, that product comes on Facebook too. It is becoming possible because facebook is sharing our data with amazon too. Such unauthorised data sharing is not known on steemit.

  • Steemit demands its users to be creative and produce original content. Plagiarism is highly disliked and frowned upon. In case of copy / paste or taking help from existing content online, mentioning source is mandatory. Facebook has no such limitation and most of the times content circulating on facebook is from other sources and there is no restriction on it.

  • Steemit is more transparent and reliable than facebook. It can be understood from the fact that, what ever activities we perform on steemit are visible to all the users of blockchain. You cannot restrict access to your content on steemit. Anyone can check your profile details etc. On the contrary, facebook allows you to restrict the visibility of the content and even profile . However, facebook is doing it as a means of enhanced privacy.

  • Steemit promote learning on diverse range of topics . By using desired tags, bulk of content can be found to curate /study/learn. On the otherhand facebook harbours more entertainment stuff than educative stuff.

  • Facebook as a prototype centralised social media platform doesn't reward its users (excluding business and ads stuff) , where as steemit does reward users for producing quality content.

What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?(answer must be written in own words)

Steemit social media platform is changing lives of people directly as well as indirectly linked to this platform. Let me tell you how.

Millions of people are directly linked to this platform by taking part in different activities. Good thing worth mentioning about steemit is that, it does not support any particular type of content . You can take part in wide spectrum of activities like blogging, photography, posting your daily activities ( diary game) , taking part in contests etc.

The people who are dependent on us are indirectly getting benefitted because what we earn here, we spend on them.

Another life changing thing that i have seen recently is sharing of reward for charity purposes. Recently i have seen Steem Srilanka community doing a fabulous job by sharing part of post rewards for charity. So a chain of beneficiaries is created in this way.

How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.(write your own experience)

Let me share my own journey on steemit and definitely the activities that I'll mention are source of money for all.

Achievement Tasks.

To begin, i started taking part in achievement tasks in newcomwrs community. As a beginner with zero community interaction, getting support from fellow steemians was not possible. So i immediately realized that, achievement tasks were a good thing to start because they helped me in knowing basics of platform and also provided monetary benefits that served as a means of motivation for me .


Next i started taking part in contests that are being hosted in different communities. I won some of the contests. I remember the first contest that i participated in was about " My favourite cricketer " and i got 7$ upvote on that post and at that time, 7$ meant lot because achievement taks used to give me 1 to 2 dollar upvote. I won some other contests too. So that was another source of motivation and source of money as well.

The diarygame posts.

it is one of the remarkable initiatives going on. Here we need not have any special skill to earn. We only have to narrate our daily activities . I do take part in diary game even now whenever i get free time.

Betterlife with steem.

Betterlife is actually part of diary game. There are seven themes of betterlife under which we can write and i find good support from community on betterlife posts. The seven themes are :
  • Acts of Kindness.
  • Planet Positives.
  • Grow Your Own.
  • Crafty Content.
  • Crypto and Me.
  • Mind, Body and Spirit.
  • Learn With Steem.

Click here for more details about these themes

We have to write about any activity that we do which falls under these themes.

My Town in ten pics.

It is one more means of getting monetary support from community. Here we have to upload ten pics from our towns /villages describing anything like hospital, school, playground or any other structure or place. Pics need not necessarily be of famous monuments. It can be of anything native to your place like a barber's shop, fruit market etc. Briefly describe each of them and add google location of that place.

Steemitcrypto academy homework taks.

These tasks are a good source to learn and earn. Tasks are set by steemit crypto professors weekly and we have to do our homework as asked and submit for review by professors. The better the quality of post, more the rewards.

On top of all these activities , developing a good community recognition is much needed , so that your activities have audience to address , and purpose of blogging is served along with monetary support from them.

How to create communities on Steemit social media ( practicle step by step ) & Promote your homework post on two social media ,twitter and facebook (just share link in comments area)

  • Log in to your steemit account and click on top left corner on steemit logo.


  • Next you got to see the interface loading all trending posts on steemit. Click on "All posts" option, a drop down memu will appear containing names of different communities. At the bottom, we got to see "Explore communities". Click on it.


  • On next page, at top right just below profile photo, you will see option " Create community". Click on it.

  • Next entre "Title and
    About ( description) " of community and click "Next".

  • Enter community password. Mark tick at the bottom showing " I have securely saved my owner name and password ". Click on "create community".


  • Next confirm " Account creation".By clicking "OK". Pay attention that 3 steem has to be paid for community creation.


  • Next enter your user name and active key or owner key or Master key amd click log in. That's it.


Social media platforms serve as means of interaction among people through sharing of information via blog posts, photography, vedios etc . These platforms may be centralised or decentralised. Centralized platforms laid foundation of social media but are likely to be taken over by decentralized platforms in near future for its outstanding performance in terms of security, transparency, reliability and reward system etc.



Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • you explained well every questions
  • last step community creation is not final
  • look homework fine

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade : 7.7

 3 years ago 

last step community creation is not final

Sir why should i be unnecessarily creating a community. I was just left with entering password.

Anyways thanks.


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