"Withdrawing Troops From Syria"

in #blog6 years ago

Back in 2011, it was announced that all US troops would be pulled out of Iraq by the end of the year. However, several years later there are thousands who still remain in the region.

As well, a few years after that announcement had been made more troops were sent right back to fight.

There are still thousands of troops overseas that they say will be withdrawn soon and sent back home. Will it be right before they're turned around and sent somewhere else?

Political figures might say they are pulling out the troops, but what about those drone strikes? Will those be coming to an end as well?

All of the troops who are presently stationed around the world need to be brought home, not just those in Syria. And it shouldn't be a lengthy process that takes many years to accomplish. Pack up and ship out, let's put a stop to wasting trillions of dollars on doing otherwise.

If they aren't going to come back home and the multitude of ongoing conflicts are not going to be put to an end, we can safely assume then that the US is determined to march on and grow its war machine indefinitely. This comes as a detriment to the people, they will continue to see their liberty here at home dissolve.

We've heard a variety of announcements over the years regarding different troops coming home, declarations that "we're out" and yet we still don't see very much in the way of substantial change. Still, today the US presses forward with its incessant foreign policy.

The interventionism isn't worth it and the perpetual warfare only feeds into the growth of unchecked government, among contributing to a myriad of other problems.

After invading foreign countries and bombing them for years, pulling troops out shouldn't be applauded because you'd think that it would be the very least you could do at this point; stop initiating the violence. On top of saying we'll bring a few troops home from one area, among many, what's needed even more is an honest discussion about self-destructive foreign policy and a consideration for peaceful alternatives.



I can’t see them bringing home the troops, having them stagnate in domestic drills, and taking their hands of the wheel of the international interest.

More importantly, the unchecked spending on contracts controlled by cronies as the rich line each others pockets must continue. Maybe if we can convince the military support corporation owners to invest in domestic contractors?

I doubt it.

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I truely hope they do pull all the troops out and the drone strikes also come to an end, This has gone on long enough, what we all need is peace! Let them fight their own fight, and bring all troops home!! Awesome post @doitvoluntarily ! upped earlier now resteemed💁💕👌✌

Sending troops around the world to intervene in foreign affairs with no declaration of war? There's an overwhelming bipartisan "meh" in media and politics.


makes for a good clown show because the same puppet supposedly wanting to withdraw has and will just send them somewhere else, grab some popcorn

Trump is just going to push for more private missionary army types, his pentagon budget will extend further and he will get more bang for his war bucks using blackwater mercenaries for specific corporate/financial/political motivated missions. And of course he will gain political points with his base as well as any other American sick of the endless wars who think this is actually Trump ending these occupations, lol!

PS - Remember, Trump is on record that he loves torture. And he watched an Army/Navy football game from Oliver North’s private box in Baltimore after he was elected. Trump is no peacenik.

Would be great if USA pulls out its troops from different places. Lesser troops means lesser conflict and peace would prevails. Hope, people world over can live their life in peace.

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