Will Robots Become The First Line Of Awareness For Police?

in #writing6 years ago

Police departments would still be on foot patrol today if they hadn't embraced new technology over the years. Today though, we see that many departments around the U.S. and elsewhere, have increasingly welcomed a move toward adding an arsenal of military equipment to their departments which has prompted a concern that police around the country have been increasingly militarized as a result of the war on terror.

As the military has grown to further incorporate drone technology into their everyday activities, we've seen that there has been a lack of concern surrounding responsibility as a result over the years. Former drone operators have voiced concern too, passionately criticizing the program, suggesting that it's likely fueling more problems than it is helping anything. The increased dependence on drone use in war today has resulted in countless lost lives of innocent men, women, and children. This innocent death only fuels further conflict and it's why some former drone operators have argued that the drone program is likely one of the most devastating driving forces for terrorism and destabilization worldwide.

But the reasoning for their implementation sounded good, we were told it would keep more military men and women out of danger, and that's always a good thing. But what if the further incorporation of certain technology into policing and warfare, means a degradation of morality, during times of conflict? Not that collective violence is moral to begin with, but there are concerns that robots and drones might have an easier time inflicting some violence upon the public, more so than an individual of that group might have to contend with.

What if in the future they were given an order that was outrageously unjust, but after all the law is the law and they were programmed to enforce it without any discretion? That might establish an environment that would pave the way for countless violations to liberty. However, we've seen agents of the state carry out such injustices in the past, acts that you would think they wouldn't be able to justify obeying, and they didn't need any robots or drones in order to do it.

Robot technology could drastically transform the policing landscape as we know it today. In Dubai, Japan, India, South Korea, Israel, the U.S., and elsewhere, various police departments have already started using robots to carry out different duties.

Whether it's scouring places that police officers can't fit, such as behind dumpsters or under cars, conducting prison surveillance, or showering crowds with pepper spray, there are many ways that robot technology is already being put to use and helping the police perform their daily responsibilities.

These machines which have been endowed with independent action and artificial intelligence, are going to greatly change the way that we experience policing and it's been suggested that they could soon become the first line of awareness for the police in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Police in the U.S. have already used robots to disarm suspects, and in one circumstance in Dallas they used a robot to kill a suspect who had been on a rampage that left several officers dead. That event fueled a discussion surrounding how the police are going to go about using this technology and whether robots should be endowed with the right to use such force. What if police robots end up making things worse than current standards already are? Further pushing us in the direction of no accountability. Police professionals have maintained that they are still required to justify their use of force at any level, regardless of what mechanism (robots or other) has been used.

We know however, that most often whenever violence by the state is inflicted, they're most likely going to attempt to offer some sort of justification. We are hardly ever told that they used violence when they didn't think it was necessary. Even in circumstances where their actions seem wildly unreasonable, we're frequently told it was justified. However, with the frequency with which they do initiate such deadly violence, I have a hard time believing that every justification is sufficient or legitimate in each circumstance. In other words, having to defend their use of violence hasn't permitted officers in the past from acting illegally.

The robotic officers that are being used in Dubai right now are reportedly able to speak 6 different languages and they're able to read facial expressions as well. They've reportedly been sending it to tourist spots for the most part and it's able to conduct surveillance and identify wanted suspects and send images back to the police.

Law enforcement agencies worldwide will need to continue to struggle to find a balance with further introducing this sort of technology into their line of work. Who knows whether they are ever going to pause and ask the public they supposedly serve if they accept and want these agencies to aggressively pursue this new era of policing. Perhaps they might not be interested in seeing their local police department rushing to get drones and robots onto the roads and into the skies overhead.


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The war on weed is coming to an end but police drones would suck for people outdoor growing covertly. A helicopter costs hundreds or thousands of dollars an hour in fuel, drones do the same thing for peanuts. I don't like the eye in the sky, too big brother, and I sure as hell don't want to see

I think it's not just the police. It's any regulatory kind of work will probably go that way.

but not all will have the power to kill✌

None should have the power to kill.

What if police robots end up making things worse than current standards already are? Further pushing us in the direction of no accountability.

You can count on it happening. The excuse will be "We have no idea what happened to that robot, maybe it got infected with a virus... Oops, I didn't mean to push that button, I miss-clicked."

it malfunctioned 😂

I was cleaning my keyboard and it went off.

Police are ineffective at what most people ASSUME is their primary purpose.

If the police where there to protect and serve the common person, than cameras everywhere and a rapid response system to handle any level of hostility would be desirable.

However, police officers are there to protect and serve the govern-cement. They are used as the pointy end of politics. They are mostly used today to collect taxes randomly from mostly innocent people.

It isn't about the drones or not drones, it is about the basis of policing.
The policy.

The whole of the law should be no bigger than the bible.
If you want people to know it and follow it, then that is the largest a normal person could study.
And, study of this book should be a large portion of schooling.

But, the law is specifically obfuscated. It is so large that no one could read it. It is so weasel worded that no one can comprehend it if they did. And any lawyer that told you that they could comprehend it is lying.

Since our police system is based on laws that are only used to intimidate and control the population, than any tool given to the police will be used in that vein. So, police should be given nothing. Every new item should be fought against.

@doitvoluntarily the vast majority of public agencies have this deficiency level, replace in all cases the robost. or will they try to make a drastic change in the medium term?
Many funny squerido friend to share this news
I wish you a great day

that does seem to be the case 😂 they can't help themselves...

A pleasure to say hello, if technology together with humans is helping to solve problems such as crime in the world I would bet for that, I live in Venezuela one of the countries with more crime in the world, I would like a solution and if the help are robots would take it.

I doubt the lack of robotic enforcers is the cause of crime. I suspect an overly intrusive state with myriad bad laws is more at fault.

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