Voting Our Way To Freedom

in #voting5 years ago

A free society would be one that is arguably wealthier, happier, and healthier, than an unfree society, and government interference against peaceful people is not only immoral but it's proven to repeatedly fuel bad results.

We have perpetually seen what shortcomings a centrally planned economy can foster.

If you don't hear someone advocating for voting for this piece of legislation or that, don't assume that they've never taken part in the voting circus. You sometimes hear people saying "I don't like complainers, people who just talk about what's wrong or bad, instead of getting out there and doing something about it... vote! or shut up" they argue. But some of those who've been passionately involved with the political system know firsthand how fruitless the endeavor can be. Maybe their life isn't enjoyed as much when they're scrambling for scraps in the political arena.

In order to solve a problem you need to identify the problem.

And there are still many who don't agree or don't recognize how the state contributes to a incomparable amount of violence and destruction against peaceful people. There are still many who believe the state is there to protect them and uphold their rights, and when individuals take the time to remind us and share information to demonstrate how that isn't the case, they are helping us to recognize the problems that we face.

It isn't about "just complaining" and a vote not cast is still a vote; it's an expression of zero confidence in the system. I'd say that's the wisest vote of all.



I still vote but get what you are saying. I feel we have more influence locally. I am a libertarian leaning voluntarist.
I can see the old divide and conquer working like never before. It is starting to look to me like we are currently the victims of an operation to disassemble the US.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think the majority of people think and believe that the state is really there to protect them and do what is best for them which is really sad.

That is why I don't vote.

A free society would be one that is arguably wealthier, happier, and healthier, than an unfree society, and government interference against peaceful people is not only immoral but it's proven to repeatedly fuel bad results.

I couldn't say it better myself.
Glad I'm not the only one thinking like that.

Truer words couldn't have been said. I cast my no confidence vote all the time and I think I have plenty to complain about.

Posted using Partiko Android

It isn't about "just complaining" and a vote not cast is still a vote; it's an expression of zero confidence in the system. I'd say that's the wisest vote of all.

Perfect conclusion, @doitvoluntarily. Voting in the current system is far from free. First, the system offers only the candidates favorable to the financial plutocracy. And then you have “tweaking” of the opinion before the elections… “The Creepy Line” … and “tweaking” the election results by Microsoft, Pentagon & DARPA.

the corporate oligarchy is alive and well😂✌

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