Parents And Child Care Providers Fight For Their Freedom

in #childcare6 years ago

More than a year ago, legislative changes were passed in Washington, D.C., which newly required day care providers in the region to obtain a college degree before they can provide any services in the community.

At the end of last year, the timeline to reach their goal got extended to 2024, which would require any and all directors of child care venues will have a BA degree and their staff will be required to have an associate's degree. This means that for any day care center or home day care that look after more than 6 children, that they would need to now go out and now get a degree.

Many of the courses that are involved with that degree, that they would be required to complete, don't have anything to do with child care. And with many parents already struggling to afford the average day care fees, what might this do to the cost? If those care providers need to go out and obtain new degrees, it will only add to the problem and drive up the costs. Some of those child care providers have also insisted that they don't have the time or money to accomplish such a feat, among other worries, and they're now concerned about the risk of losing their livelihood if they don't.

A bachelors degree in early-childhood education is also one education that reportedly yields the lowest lifetime earnings compared to other majors.

In April of 2018, a group comprised of parents and day care providers decided to launch a lawsuit against the city, working with the Institute for Justice, and they're arguing that they don't need a license to let children play together.

Some of those being targeted have been voluntary playgroups that you could take your child out of any time, say if you weren't pleased with the results that you were receiving and you thought that those care providers didn't have enough education or skill to be looking after your loved ones. For those who are happy with the services, they should be allowed to make such an exchange with care providers without the government looking to get involved.

This takes freedom away from parents, children, and care providers, by preventing all of them from making certain exchanges; mandating that the state become involved if certain requirements aren't met before the exchange can take place, such as having a degree. But what if those care providers already have parents who are willing to send their children to them to be looked after? Do those parents or the children not have any authority and say in their own education or play group choice? They should be allowed to make this sort of arrangement without the government deciding that such a child care provider is unfit. Because that decision should be left to the customer of the service being provided to ultimately determine, shouldn't it?

If they do obtain their higher education, what's to stop those child-care providers from leaving childcare work and going into something more lucrative? There is a good chance that these new rules will likely only make things worse than current standards.

Workers groups, care providers, parents, and others, have organized protests and signed petitions, urging D.C. authorities to reconsider. For now, their legal battle is still ongoing and if you'd like to donate to that cause you can do so here.


We are supposed to be the land of the free. And yet ll these stipulations handcuff parents, families and freedom. Preach not me your musty rules. They are only there to suppress and manipulate an agenda.

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