Over 180 Officers Charged With Crimes Ranging From Murder To Child Pornography

in #corruption6 years ago (edited)

In just 6 years there have been more than 100 officers who have been arrested on a myriad of charges ranging from murder to drug dealing, child pornography, sexual assault, and more.

According to data that was obtained under a Freedom of Information request, at least 189 convictions have taken place across 12 police forces.

That is roughly 30 officers every year that are being charged and convicted of wrongdoing.

The police department that had been found to have the worst record of them all was the Police Service Northern Ireland. This department has had their officers convicted dozens of times on crimes ranging from drug dealing to possession of a loaded firearm while drunk, and more.

After the Police Service Northern Ireland, the Greater Manchester Police are regarded as the 2nd most corrupt force.

Departments worldwide have faced accusations of corruption and various strategies have been implemented to try and change the controversial policing culture that seems to protect wrongdoing at times, rather than seek responsibility and justice for crimes committed.

There have been many officers over the years who've been fired and jailed for the crimes that they had committed against others.

Still, there are tens of thousands of cases involving allegations of suspected corruption and many guilty parties might never see any consequence for their actions.

Previous reports have suggested that possibly Kenya, Nigeria, and DR Congo, have the world's most corrupt police forces, according to a 2016 World Internal Security and Police Index that looked at more than 120 countries.

In these regions it's allegedly been found that officers and other public officials will more frequently try to utilize their public position for private gain by accepting bribes from the public. This includes police, lawyers, judges, customs officers, public utilities officers, and tax officers.

You'd probably have a difficult time finding a police department anywhere that hadn't at one point had one of their officers be charged and convicted of wrongdoing. And critics have questioned whether or not the state has a genuine interest in truly flushing out those undesirable members from the group. The wildly inadequate oversight only establishes the opportunity for the public to suffer greatly.

In the past, for some officers who have been the target of multiple internal affairs investigations and complaints, at least one of them had their case allegedly handled by a family member who was employed in the internal affairs unit.

There are hundreds of thousands of complaints that get launched against officers just in the United States alone and the public doesn't know what takes place involving those complaints. The internal affairs system is said to be so utterly inefficient and broken, according to one attorney, that he admits to previously encouraging individuals not to even bother filing a complaint to begin with against alleged wrongdoing.

Hiring Standards...

Right now, many police departments are having a difficult time finding suitable candidates to hire and for that reason some of them have loosened their hiring standards to try and recruit more willing parties to join the department. But this might backfire in bringing even more unsuitable candidates into the fold.

Suggestions have been made that perhaps departments should be prioritizing the mental health of their officers further, by putting more effort into pursuing psychological testing.

Aside from psychological issues, how the superiors handle those allegations of wrongdoing is also seen as a major influence for the other officers in potentially persuading them from misbehaving. If they aren't going to enforce the rules and hold their officers to the highest standard of conduct then this is going to quickly influence the culture of that department, and this experts say is what greatly contributes to building bad cops and fostering corruption. It will spread like a disease from one officer to the next.

pic 3 - clark countyinfo

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@doitvoluntarily this news really is incredible and scandalous. cause panic when reading that those who have to defend and make people feel safe are the ones that torment them
Thank you very much dear friend for letting us know this news
I wish you a prosperous week

I'm in the process of suing the DHS for what boils down to a police brutality case under the color of law- when I'm done with them in civil court I'll hand all my hard work to the criminal prosecuting US Attorney- all the info I used to defeat his colleague on the civil side of DOJ- looking good!

When you consider that only a very tiny fraction of dirty cops are brought to justice it really puts the whole system into perspective.

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