Most Airbnb Guests Are Concerned About Hidden Cameras In Their Room

Hidden cameras have been found before in dozens of hotel rooms and Airbnb stays, with a variety of stories circulating in the media telling tales of people finding cameras while they were on vacation.

Just recently, it's reported that a Chinese woman had helped uncover a hidden camera at a stay beloning to an Airbnb Superhost, which might come as a surprise to some who use the site.

Though you'll find that both hotels and Airbnb list a no tolerance policy on this sort of behavior, it still happens and many cameras have been found.

As well, Airbnb does make exceptions for cameras to be installed in common areas, they shouldn't be found in any bathrooms or bedrooms however. And the hosts are required to divulge information about any surveillance devices that they have installed on the property.

To try and help the situation, a variety of apps and tools have been developed that can enable you to discover a hidden camera in the room.

You can use those apps to scan the room for devices or you can go looking around yourself, to try and spot anything that might look unusual etc. Quite often, the cameras are hid in usual spaces such as in smoke detectors, vents, coffee makers, or picture frames.

There is a great demand for this undercover footage online today unfortunately, with many people willing to sit and consume footage of an unwilling paricipant that has been captured without their consent in what should've been a moment of privacy.

A majority of Airbnb guests are worried about cameras.

A recent survey found that more than 58 percent of respondents admitted that they worried about hidden cameras in their Airbnb stay location.

At least 10 percent reported that they have even found cameras themselves while staying at an Airbnb location.

It isn't only Airbnb locations that you should scan if you're worried about possible cameras, because these days you can find cameras hidden in a number of places, including hotels, public bathrooms, and other public venues.

Thankfully, there are a variety of tools and resources that can help you to be better equipped at knowing what to look for, and being able to locate any surveillance device that you might not want spying on you.


Related Posts:

Finding A Hidden Camera In Your Hotel Room


That’s why I give them a show. They always say “Sick Bastard” after my stay

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Do the offenders actually get charged and prosecuted? They need to be!

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